Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Social Engineering

Mein kampf rewritten as feminist journal and accepted. Feminazi now a legitimate label.
More 'Left Wing' bullying, they said all they wanted was to have marriage rights for gay people, the same as hetrosexual couples.
Now the front moves on. :roflmao:

What about those in the community, that don't want their children exposed to homosexuality, obviously the left don't want that as an option even if they are prepare to pay for it.

We really do appear to be losing the plot. IMO

From a personal perspective, I just wish silly Billy cared as much about blue collar workers who have become self funded retirees, as he doe's about gay's and lesbians.
Obviously they are more important, and I'm past my use by date, so I'm not a vote catcher unless I'm being demonised.
This has to end badly IMO.
But I guess the SMH, has to find something for silly Billy to hang his hat on, jeez lowering the debate down to this, really takes the piss. IMO
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More 'Left Wing' bullying, they said all they wanted was to have marriage rights for gay people, the same as hetrosexual couples.
Now the front moves on. :roflmao:

Won't comment on this.

Too contraversial for such an august forum as this.
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I see silly Billy is taking it on board, more votes, from the loony left. Let's get it happening.

From the article:
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten called on Mr Morrison to make the report public before the Wentworth byelection on October 20 so voters could consider the findings, while he also added that he would not support any new laws to discriminate against children in education.

IMO Silly Billy would say anything, as long as he gets the big chair, and the trappings, it is just so ffing sad.
I'm just pleased I'm not 20 year old voter, it isn't about who will do the best for Australia, it is about who hasn't got their nose in the trough IMO.
Australia, has become a side show, for Canberra.
Why does a school need to know if a child is gay in the first place?
Because sexuallity awareness is an issue, too many children aren't aware which sex they are. Just google when should children be aware of their sexuality, or when should children be aware of their gender.
It has become a whole new field and they are just scratching the surface, in a few years kids will have gender and bias name tags, they will have to wear them going to pre primary. IMO
The World has gone mad.
Just find another cause or idea, that can generate an income, then get those who work to pay for it. Then they pay taxes and the money keeps going in a circle, what a ffking mess.
It sounds like a conflicting narrative to me. For decades it's been illegal to discriminate against an employee for being gay but it's OK for religious schools to do it to students... social engineering at its very best IMO. Can't see how that's going to work.
If some schools want a private club they should finance it from their own membership not put their hands out for public funds.

On the other hand if some staff are gay they shouldn't be flaunting or preaching that either in public or private schools, sexuality should not come into their job.

If some kids are gay, well that's just the way it is, they need an education too.
More 'Left Wing' bullying, they said all they wanted was to have marriage rights for gay people, the same as hetrosexual couples.
Now the front moves on. :roflmao:

What about those in the community, that don't want their children exposed to homosexuality, obviously the left don't want that as an option even if they are prepare to pay for it.

We really do appear to be losing the plot. IMO

From a personal perspective, I just wish silly Billy cared as much about blue collar workers who have become self funded retirees, as he doe's about gay's and lesbians.
Obviously they are more important, and I'm past my use by date, so I'm not a vote catcher unless I'm being demonised.
This has to end badly IMO.
But I guess the SMH, has to find something for silly Billy to hang his hat on, jeez lowering the debate down to this, really takes the piss. IMO

Pre election stunts are starting up with this kind of nonsense, tax cuts for small business, etc.

It would be worthwhile these proponents for non discrimination of gays in schools to actually talk to their school children and realise that there is next to none. The generation of teachers, Principals and the children now attending generally DGAF if you are the dog with two heads, they are generally numb to any kind of surprises = early Ipad games and social media groomed already.
So how does this work? Are the kids vetted when they enter a school at 5 years old to determine the likelihood of them being homosexual? Or do you wait for evidence when they hit puberty and then expel them?
So how does this work? Are the kids vetted when they enter a school at 5 years old to determine the likelihood of them being homosexual? Or do you wait for evidence when they hit puberty and then expel them?

My guess it would be weeding out the ones who parade their homosexual badges as protest which would cause distraction to the purpose of schooling; similar to weeding out the phobes who cause chaos.

2018 Essay Contest – Compelled Speech and Gender-Neutral Pronouns

Bill C-16, An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code, was passed into law by the Parliament of Canada in June 2017. This law amends the Criminal Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act to add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination. The Ontario Human Rights Commission has stated that refusing to refer to a trans person by their chosen name and a personal pronoun that matches their gender identity, or purposely misgendering, will likely be discrimination when it takes place in a social area covered by the Code, including employment, housing and services like education. As gender identity legislation and policies are being instituted across Canada, there are concerns that freedom of expression rights could be impeded by Bill C-16 and similar provincial statutes across Canada.

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms asks students at Canadian colleges universities to answer (in 2500 words or less) the following question:

Should Canadians be required by law to use gender-neutral pronouns? Why or why not?
1st – $1,500 2nd – $1,000 3rd – $500

This contest is open to students currently enrolled at Canadian colleges and universities, and to those who will be entering post-secondary studies in September 2018.

The deadline to submit essays is October 31, 2018. Submit your essay using the form below, or email it to

Judging Panel
Essays will be reviewed and marked by an esteemed panel of judges, including Andrew Lawton (Waterloo), Danny Hozack (Calgary), Barbara Kay (Montreal), Nigel Hannaford (Calgary), John Robson (Toronto), Norm Machida (Calgary), Sam Goldstein (Toronto), Robert Donick (Kelowna) and Jared Brown (Toronto).
Nanna's pilfered tax refund and strip mined retirement assets are going to have to stretch a long way in Chairman Shorten's Australia
All you need to know about MAFS. (Married at.............)

"At least half the ‘contestants’ appear to be already deranged when they start the process and by the end of it are completely bonkers and everyone gets on Twitter to kick them on their way to the psych ward. The experts who match them should be charged with endangering life.” David Hughes Twitter
All you need to know about MAFS. (Married at.............)

"At least half the ‘contestants’ appear to be already deranged when they start the process and by the end of it are completely bonkers and everyone gets on Twitter to kick them on their way to the psych ward. The experts who match them should be charged with endeangering life.” David Hughes Twitter
Life in the postmodern world you helped create bas ;)