Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Social Engineering

We don't hate you Tis, well at least I don't. I actually find "the Tis" quite entertaining, although I doubt poor Bas would feel the same :p

Apart from the abusive vulgar language, the offer to sort me out face to face and complaining to the mods, I'm sure she doesn't hold any malice .... :D

I can't think what I might have posted that would have caused any anxiety:angelic:
Apart from the abusive vulgar language, the offer to sort me out face to face and complaining to the mods, I'm sure she doesn't hold any malice .... :D

I can't think what I might have posted that would have caused any anxiety:angelic:

Face to face?!?!

Jeez, I haven't even had the honour of that offer. Wouldn't miss that for the world :laugh:
Apart from the abusive vulgar language, the offer to sort me out face to face and complaining to the mods, I'm sure she doesn't hold any malice .... :D

I can't think what I might have posted that would have caused any anxiety:angelic:

This is the funniest post I have read in my time on this forum.

Who would have thought Tisme, that you might piss people off, not anxiety, just down right anger.

Not doubt you will have your normal retort, but as I say to my son, some times it is easy to just suck it up.
This is the funniest post I have read in my time on this forum.

Who would have thought Tisme, that you might piss people off, not anxiety, just down right anger.

Not doubt you will have your normal retort, but as I say to my son, some times it is easy to just suck it up.

I'm sure your son hangs off your every word. :D
I'm sure your son hangs off your every word. :D
You will have to ask him, he is his own person.
Be interesting to see a debate between the intellectual Tisme and a 12 year old, but then again he does have a good bull**** detector, so it might not be much of a debate.
You will have to ask him, he is his own person.
Be interesting to see a debate between the intellectual Tisme and a 12 year old, but then again he does have a good bull**** detector, so it might not be much of a debate.

I take it you have come for a tanty fix?

If your son is his own person, why are you boasting about coaching him in the ways to suck up inferiority?
So now music festivals are evil and need shutting down, because people are taking drugs? How does that correlate.

So I take it, they must have been shoving the drugs down the concert goers throats, we really have a skewed take on responsibility. IMO
What about the 90% of people that probably enjoyed the concert, and didn't take drugs, they have to be punished?
We really are becoming a weird society.IMO
Is it lack of parental stoicism?

The question answered itself after reading Laurie Frankel’s September essay in the New York Times, “From He to She in First Grade,” followed by her ardent reviews of transgender promotional material in January’s Publisher’s Weekly. Not for nothing did her initial unbosoming appear in the Fashion and Style section of the Times.Transgender is in vogue. It has become the next new thing, an accessory to the prevailing ideology of self-fulfillment.

Transgender is a route to celebrity, a cause for special attention and concern. It carries the privileges due a living symbol of all things beyond the bounds of ordinary life and its drab conventions. It is a mission. In the words of the authors of “The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals”: “It is a very exciting time to be raising gender-variant and transgender children. . . . Congratulations. You are helping to change the world.”........
Is it lack of parental stoicism?

The question answered itself after reading Laurie Frankel’s September essay in the New York Times, “From He to She in First Grade,” followed by her ardent reviews of transgender promotional material in January’s Publisher’s Weekly. Not for nothing did her initial unbosoming appear in the Fashion and Style section of the Times.Transgender is in vogue. It has become the next new thing, an accessory to the prevailing ideology of self-fulfillment.

Transgender is a route to celebrity, a cause for special attention and concern. It carries the privileges due a living symbol of all things beyond the bounds of ordinary life and its drab conventions. It is a mission. In the words of the authors of “The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals”: “It is a very exciting time to be raising gender-variant and transgender children. . . . Congratulations. You are helping to change the world.”........

I reckon it's the fault of that Roz Ward woman going around schools teaching kids to be gay.
Research agreeing with Jordan Peterson's observation of Scandinavian countries = gender is innate not learned or chosen:

In my opinion, this is how screwed up our social systems are getting.
A few years ago they stopped announcing the number of suicides, because they felt it encouraged more suicides, obviously that concept is out the window.

I guess it now depends on the message, rather than the outcome. Where is this all leading, FFS
What do they want, no stress forever, well who the fluck is going to fund that?
What outcome do the left wing want, everyone on a meth pipe, just knowing how it should be?
My rant for the day, they are getting shorter, like my patience.