Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Social Engineering

That is SO so sweet Tizzie.. Really is. Will you be going in your own personal Lear jet or can you borrow Don's plane ? Are you sure you can get a leave pass for such a trip ? The basement oops office must be very cozy. Just can't see you leaving it for such wild adventures...

Not wild for me, perhaps yourself? I take it you are declining the invitation so we'll leave that at that shall we.
Jobs quota Essential Energy qualifications and statistical fit for job:

Jesus help us.
If everyone is meant to be treated the same, you have to wonder why you need to tick boxes

Difficult time for employers. They have effectively had their competitive differentiation eliminated in favour of becoming a surrogate public service, for fear of govt backed litigants.

We have tertiary institutions giving out Kelloggs Degrees, vocational trainers signing off on 16 week apprenticeships, etc and employers are making job decisions based on skin colour, ethnicity and genital obsession.
And this is why Asia is going to kick our ass.

Unless we collectively wake up it is the end of days for our culture.

Yes I do think it is that serious and yes the asians are laughing their backsides off at us.

It is utterly embarrassing
These sjw pissants are worried that someone might have microaggressed them, meanwhile, China is plotting total hegemony.
Difficult time for employers. They have effectively had their competitive differentiation eliminated in favour of becoming a surrogate public service, for fear of govt backed litigants.

We have tertiary institutions giving out Kelloggs Degrees, vocational trainers signing off on 16 week apprenticeships, etc and employers are making job decisions based on skin colour, ethnicity and genital obsession.

The TAFE sector has been ruined by neglect for decades and Christopher Pyne and Co have tried to do the same to the Uni's.

Time to go back to the old days. Up the standards, make sure only the best (not the richest) go to Uni and do courses that are in demand, and strengthen the TAFE sector so we can once again train electricians, diesel mechanics and other skills that we need.
Difficult time for employers. They have effectively had their competitive differentiation eliminated in favour of becoming a surrogate public service, for fear of govt backed litigants.

We have tertiary institutions giving out Kelloggs Degrees, vocational trainers signing off on 16 week apprenticeships, etc and employers are making job decisions based on skin colour, ethnicity and genital obsession.
The TAFE sector has been ruined by neglect for decades and Christopher Pyne and Co have tried to do the same to the Uni's.

Time to go back to the old days. Up the standards, make sure only the best (not the richest) go to Uni and do courses that are in demand, and strengthen the TAFE sector so we can once again train electricians, diesel mechanics and other skills that we need.
Dedicated apprentice training was phased out when businesses started downsizing and becoming more efficent in the 90's. The apprentices that were given a lower standard of training are now the tradespeople of today. Obviously their lower standard skills and work ethics are passed on to present apprentices. Also as Tisme pointed out the employers choice of apprentice doesn't address suitability and commitment nowadays, rather a percentage of the workforce has to be x, y or z.
It is disappointing to see so many apathetic Aussie workers being given jobs. This could also be a byproduct of employer retention policies where longevity and reward for commited employees is becoming less so.
And this is why Asia is going to kick our ass.

Unless we collectively wake up it is the end of days for our culture.

Yes I do think it is that serious and yes the asians are laughing their backsides off at us.

It is utterly embarrassing
I strongly agree with this.
Its not going to end well for us.
And this is why Asia is going to kick our ass.

Unless we collectively wake up it is the end of days for our culture.

Yes I do think it is that serious and yes the asians are laughing their backsides off at us.

It is utterly embarrassing

Asia is a long way from kicking our ass. When they do, it's because they changed the way they treat their exploited workers and clean up their environment... and maybe pay some respect for the minorities and doing things like providing access ramps for the disabled.

The problem with Western economies lately is that we're one foot into the future and a thousand feet still left back in the 20th century.

The futurists are dreaming some stupid crap like going to space for a holiday and heading to Mars for some reason. Next level down are simple middle-man kind of business like most retailers and time-wasting crap call social-networks that sells people's privacy then apologise for it like they didn't know how their business model operate.

Then there's your consultants and financial wizards on the stock, the commodity, the futures, the real estate the you name it market.

The stuff they trade, sell, move between... most of them are manufactured overseas, by exploited workers working for companies who pays them diddly and screw their living environment in one go.

But we're told that we should compete against that. Do we really want to?

I know, we have no choice it seem.

Maybe educate the kids, retrain the old, make investment to entice that capitalism nonsense to make use of them. Compete on a different ground.

But yea, we're screwed the way we're going.
The TAFE sector has been ruined by neglect for decades and Christopher Pyne and Co have tried to do the same to the Uni's.

Time to go back to the old days. Up the standards, make sure only the best (not the richest) go to Uni and do courses that are in demand, and strengthen the TAFE sector so we can once again train electricians, diesel mechanics and other skills that we need.

Our education system, at both the "higher" and the technical/trade level, seem to me to be training specialists only.

I mean it's good to specialise as it mean more pay, higher quality and all that. But we need to widen up that definition a bit.

You have highly paid, and presumably very smart, people who know very little outside of their field. Maybe they don't need to, but a bit of knowledge around your specialty would be helpful.

Then there are trades who are very good at one thing but doesn't know anything related to it. For example, a concretor know how to pour and level concrete but not trained on how to set out the building, or read a freaking construction/engineering plan. There are brickies who can lay bricks well but don't know how to set out or level... and with time and budget being tight, they actually learn, by themselves, on the job as they do it.

We're told we're in a fast changing economy... yet we're teaching people one skill set. Yea, that's not going to help them when their job redundant.
Jobs quota Essential Energy qualifications and statistical fit for job:

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You sure you answered that correctly? No disability?

Maybe the data collected can be use against equal opportunity. Who knows. Maybe it showed too many colored folks here so better add a few Whities to the mix.
Asia is a long way from kicking our ass. When they do, it's because they changed the way they treat their exploited workers and clean up their environment... and maybe pay some respect for the minorities and doing things like providing access ramps for the disabled.

The problem with Western economies lately is that we're one foot into the future and a thousand feet still left back in the 20th century.

The futurists are dreaming some stupid crap like going to space for a holiday and heading to Mars for some reason. Next level down are simple middle-man kind of business like most retailers and time-wasting crap call social-networks that sells people's privacy then apologise for it like they didn't know how their business model operate.

Then there's your consultants and financial wizards on the stock, the commodity, the futures, the real estate the you name it market.

The stuff they trade, sell, move between... most of them are manufactured overseas, by exploited workers working for companies who pays them diddly and screw their living environment in one go.

But we're told that we should compete against that. Do we really want to?

I know, we have no choice it seem.

Maybe educate the kids, retrain the old, make investment to entice that capitalism nonsense to make use of them. Compete on a different ground.

But yea, we're screwed the way we're going.
It's not economic, Grasshopper, as dire a that situation is.

It's cultural, aided and abetted by... Ourselves
It's not economic, Grasshopper, as dire a that situation is.

It's cultural, aided and abetted by... Ourselves

Seeing how we're multi-cultural... aren't we already winning?

I mean, the Chinese and Japanese all think that because their "countrymen" are the one and the same, are brothers... they become too trusting and complacent.

We in the West, we know who's who and who's from where (most of the time). It keeps us sharp, doesn't it? :D

Seriously though, I find Western cultures a lot better than Asians. Not because Western culture are superior or such, but it's more tolerant.

There are good and bad in every culture... just that in a multi-cultural society, you get to see it better and can choose to ignore the crappy stuff and adopt the better, more progressive part.

btw, it's no longer "multi-cultural". It's "Harmony". Sing as one... be as one... back to White now I guess. None of that diversity nonsense I guess.