Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Social Engineering


The expected attack on white fellas, but also Trekians.

I'm starting to understand why gullible and impressionable minds promote this kind of hysteria ... they are empty vessels with no purpose and no industry in life, preferring to take out that frustration by making life miserable for everyone, especially whitey.
Bourg, a self-described “butch and queer” cis woman and “feral librarian” who’s been “misidentified too many times to ignore,” noted she wants to bring to librarianship “a sociological lens and a feminist perspective.”
Enough said.
For the young'ns

How the baby boomers were socially engineered:

Actually I meant this one ... check out PTA women's responses ...early Greens!!

Another triumph for all the advocates of children being frogmarched into a narcissist brave new world of individual gratification and self importance:

"New Another triumph for all the advocates of children being frogmarched into a narcissist brave new world of individual gratification and self importance:" Tisme the Glorious

You really are a nasty, unrelentless prat. Does it come naturally Tizzie or do you have spend loong hours practising your particular brand of sophisticated abuse on anything else with a pulse that can't escape your attentions ? Your truly pathetic. In my view these posts degrade ASF and would certainly kick away many potential participants.

Cyber Bullying is the common bullying with wings and turbocharged. Why would any reasonable person be so contemptuous of efforts to knock it on the head ?

(And this is not asking Tisme for a response. You have made your nasty, poisonous points. Keep em)
How do you know that was his intention ?

"Another triumph for all the advocates of children being frogmarched into a narcissist brave new world of individual gratification and self importance:" Tisme

That was the introduction to the video. I suggest such a contemptuous comment is the normal Tisme way to trash something he thoroughly despises.
Tisme said:

I read the article in full. Thought the classtoom practices used in her teaching were excellent. Certainly going to make the students think more deeply and understand the topics in greater detail.

Interestingly enough a number of other responses to the article from engineers echoed that point.

Beaker Ben says:
April 1, 2017 at 1:00 pm

I was ready to lampoon some goofy liberal college professor but I’m really underwhelmed by this. These teaching methods are unusual for a STEM college course, not because they aren’t beneficial to students but because they take so much extra work for the teacher. For example, it’s far easier for me to teach a subject than help prepare a group of students to teach it. Some of it is dressed up in wording that drives normal people crazy – “Breaking the Western hegemony” – but the example given is just to show students that other cultures made contributions to science and engineering also. It’s still thermodynamics.

Nick says:
April 2, 2017 at 6:20 pm

From my own experience as an aerospace engineer (gas turbines engine actually), I do Agree fully with beaker Ben below. The names used (feminist theory?) sounds strange or cringe-worthy depending on your beliefs, but the actual teaching methods described are very useful and can work very well in STEM. But it does require a lot more work from the instructor/teacher and also from the students. Normalizing mistakes, especially, lead to group think when it is not done enough (intersestingly, it seems to be a very western thing (dare I say North American?). Anyways – terminology does sounds … extreme? But the practices described are good news and definitely not a concern.

Eric says:
April 15, 2017 at 8:20 am

I wonder why a “conservative” publication feels compelled to go after fan favorite Mitch Daniel’s school? And one of the top engineering schools in the nation at that. Is it simply that she uses words too long for you to understand? There’s nothing in the articles you’ve cherry picked that indicates she’s not a top flight engineering professor – in fact, that she got hired at far-right Mitch Daniels own personal fiefdom, and a top engineering school that is very jealous of its reputation, indicates that she must be beyond good at teaching. Anyone but a conservative could figure that out.
"New Another triumph for all the advocates of children being frogmarched into a narcissist brave new world of individual gratification and self importance:" Tisme the Glorious

You really are a nasty, unrelentless prat. Does it come naturally Tizzie or do you have spend loong hours practising your particular brand of sophisticated abuse on anything else with a pulse that can't escape your attentions ? Your truly pathetic. In my view these posts degrade ASF and would certainly kick away many potential participants.

Cyber Bullying is the common bullying with wings and turbocharged. Why would any reasonable person be so contemptuous of efforts to knock it on the head ?

(And this is not asking Tisme for a response. You have made your nasty, poisonous points. Keep em)

So it's OK for you to bully and spit vitriol like those kid's posts too? Early adopter no doubt?
He doesn't, he just arcs up when he sees my posts,:D

Comprehension is not everyone's cuppa tea.:troll:

Nah Tisme I totally get you - you poisonous little toad. (Now that's proper vitriol isn't it ? The sort of stuff you think kids and everyone else should harden up to? As you note so clearly in your post. )

It isn't hard to comprehend you. It's writ large.
Nah Tisme I totally get you - you poisonous little toad. (Now that's proper vitriol isn't it ? The sort of stuff you think kids and everyone else should harden up to? As you note so clearly in your post. )

It isn't hard to comprehend you. It's writ large.
Was that a microaggression?
Nah Tisme I totally get you - you poisonous little toad. (Now that's proper vitriol isn't it ? The sort of stuff you think kids and everyone else should harden up to? As you note so clearly in your post. )

It isn't hard to comprehend you. It's writ large.

:D Still no comprende to Banbury Cross

Droll Tizze my old xart. Very droll.
But frankly I prefer this Banbury Cross.

Next time I visit Scores in Manhattan, I'll let them know what a wild boy you are and ask for a visitor pass.

If you graduate that I'll get you into Treasures in Las Vegas..... see how caring and sharing I am.
Next time I visit Scores in Manhattan, I'll let them know what a wild boy you are and ask for a visitor pass.

If you graduate that I'll get you into Treasures in Las Vegas..... see how caring and sharing I am.

That is SO so sweet Tizzie.. Really is. Will you be going in your own personal Lear jet or can you borrow Don's plane ? Are you sure you can get a leave pass for such a trip ? The basement oops office must be very cozy. Just can't see you leaving it for such wild adventures...