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Social Engineering

Well, when people start calling you a homophobe for being such an unashamedly open heterophile, don't come crying to me!

I want no part in any drama triangle of your, or anyone else's creation!

It a burden that would kill a normal man, but I'm prepared to shoulder it merely on stubborn principle.
Another display of just how rooted the the Labor Party has become in the mire of nanny state, conflict evasion and capitulation of its original intent and dogma.... Greens lite, which is not much to be proud of when the nation is being reshaped as an apologist AustralDenmark.

GOLDOC issues invites to Comm Games staff to celebrate Invasion Day as critics call it PC gone mad
January 21, 2018 12:00am

GOLD Coast Commonwealth Games staff have been invited to an “Invasion Day” barbecue and pub quiz in the Games village this week in the latest political correctness scandal to hit Queensland’s showpiece event.

The Sunday Mail has obtained an invitation issued by a GOLDOC (Gold Coast Commonwealth Games Corporation) official to the “Australia Day/Invasion Day” event this Thursday in what critics slammed as another case of “un-Australian PC madness”.

It comes as Games chairman Peter Beattie said he would ignore GOLDOC guidelines to not call people “ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls” for fear of causing offence.

The invitation to the Australia Day/Invasion Day event was sent out last week by a Games human resources boss to GOLDOC colleagues.

“It’s almost a long weekend and, in true ’Strayan fashion, we want to kick it off with a snag on the barbie,” she wrote in the invitation to the lunchtime barbecue in the $550 million Games athletes’ village at Parklands.

Progress: 0%


Qld LNP slams Commonwealth Games volunteers' guide
GOLDOC staff were also invited to an Australia Day/Invasion Day “pub quiz” in the village on Thursday afternoon before knocking off for the long weekend.

It is the second PC controversy in as many weeks to embroil the Games, after GOLDOC told the 15,000 Games volunteers to use gender-neutral language when addressing spectators.

Opposition leader Deb Frecklington slammed GOLDOC’s use of the term Invasion Day as “PC garbage”.

“For those wondering what Annastacia Palaszczuk’s agenda was for this term, we now have an answer: it is for Queensland to go full politically correct,” she said.

“Annastacia Palaszczuk needs to come clean and let Queenslanders know of her political correct agenda or pull Commonwealth Games organisers into line and rule out this PC rubbish.”


Commonwealth Games staff have been invited to an “Invasion Day” barbecue and pub quiz in the Games village.
Ms Frecklington said she did not support moving Australia Day to appease indigenous Australians who regard the date as “Invasion Day”.

“I believe Australia Day should stay where it is,” she said.

“Moving Australia Day will do nothing about the life expectancy or job prospects or incarceration rates or fix issues of overcrowded housing for indigenous Australians. That’s what should be debated in this country, not changing a date.”

A GOLDOC spokeswoman said the Invasion Day barbecue and trivia afternoon was “not a GOLDOC-sanctioned event and does not represent a GOLDOC policy or position”.

“The informal and internal invitation was a well-intentioned attempt by a staff member to acknowledge the differing sentiment surrounding Australia Day,” she said.

‘GOLDOC prides itself on its commitment to acknowledging the First Nation People and, in particular, the local Yugambeh Language Group who we have worked very closely with in planning and delivering the first-ever major event Reconciliation Action Plan.”

Mr Beattie acknowledged that the Games had been hit by “some criticism” about political correctness.

“But we’re trying to be inclusive,” he said.

“This is a global event and we have to make sure everyone feels welcome.”

However, Mr Beattie said he would still call Games spectators “ladies and gentlemen” because that was how “my generation” referred to people.

Progress: 0%


Get Set for the Games TV Commercial
It comes as Games chairman Peter Beattie said he would ignore GOLDOC guidelines to not call people “ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls” for fear of causing offence.

This would cause offense to whom I may ask ?
We all need to engage a Think Stopper (with cleanable strainer) to get back in balance.
Intersectional Feminism

Here you go, another you need to learn to keep ahead of the pack. Even the bleeding obvious needs a good name to define it, regardless a child could figure out that any human social condition is multivariate.

Intersectionality is a term that was coined by American professor Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1989. The concept already existed but she put a name to it. The textbook definition states:

The view that women experience oppression in varying configurations and in varying degrees of intensity. Cultural patterns of oppression are not only interrelated, but are bound together and influenced by the intersectional systems of society. Examples of this include race, gender, class, ability, and ethnicity.”

In other words, certain groups of women have multi-layered facets in life that they have to deal with. There is no one-size-fits-all type of feminism. For example, I am a black woman and as a result I face both racism and sexism as I navigate around everyday life.

Even though the concept of intersectionality in feminism has been around for decades, it only seems to have made it into mainstream debate in the past year or so. And yet still so many people are confused by what it means, or what it stands for.

It doesn't help that the message surrounding intersectional feminism has been somewhat confused in recent months. On the last BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour of 2013 black feminist Reni Eddo-Lodge was invited on to discuss the year in feminism. She began speaking about intersectionality and structural racism but was followed by Caroline Criado Perez who chose that moment to speak about abuse that she had received online by people attacking her under the guise, she claimed, of intersectionality.

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I need to make it clear that Eddo-Lodge was not responsible for any of the abuse that she received, but the conversation was derailed nonetheless and the opportunity for her to address a large audience on a popular radio show was lost.

Caroline Criado Perez has since apologised.

Regardless, what really matters here is, are people any the wiser as to what intersectionality is and how it affects them? I'm keen to steer the conversation back to the subject of intersectionality in feminism and what it really means.

To me the concept is very simple. As a black feminist, I do not condone Chris Brown physically assaulting his (then) girlfriend Rhianna, but I will object if someone describes him as a ‘black b*****d’, as one white woman did to me. It does not mean that I support domestic violence as she then accused me of doing. It means that I, like the majority of black women, don’t support racism.

The main thing 'intersectionality' is trying to do, I would say, is to point out that feminism which is overly white, middle class, cis-gendered and able-bodied represents just one type of view - and doesn't reflect on the experiences of all the multi-layered facets in life that women of all backgrounds face.

Roqayah Chamseddine is a feminist and writer that explains this further saying: “White feminism is extremely introverted refusing to acknowledge systematic hurdles facing women of colour (WOC) who are not visible. Our voices need amplifying because white feminism tokenise us and usurps our voices.”

Until the mainstream feminist movement starts listening to the various groups of women within it, then it will continue to stagnate and not be able to move forward. The only result of this is that the movement will become fragmented and will continue to be less effective.

Racism in feminism

Whenever the subject of racism is brought up in feminism, it is no different to when it is brought up in any other forum. The usual platitudes are used and the accusation of ‘being divisive’ is often bandied around.

The phrase ‘check your privilege’ that accompanies many discussions about intersectionality is one example. On Twitter in early January, there was a hashtag started by a white feminist #reclaimingintersectionalityin2014 that caused many black feminists to question how she intended to reclaim something that had never been hers in the first place.

But it does prove that the concept truly has become mainstream if it is now at risk of being appropriated.

There is the mistaken belief that the only 'privilege' that you can have relates to skin colour. This is not the case. You can be privileged because of your class, educational background, religious background, the fact that you’re able bodied or cis-gendered. A lot of black women can and do have privileges too.

One Twitter user said: "The fact that a major feminist concept has been ... pushed into the mainstream angers white feminists who refuse to acknowledge that they benefit from a white supremacist hetero-normative patriarchal system."

See this quote from famous black feminist and womanist Alice Walker, who said: “Part of the problem with Western feminists, I find, is that they take after their brothers and their fathers. And that’s a real problem.”

I remember having a discussion with a Muslim lady who said to me: “I hate feminism. There is no need for it and I don’t want to have to carry heavy boxes just because you women want to fight to be equal to men.”

What?! I had to point out a few things to her. First of all, feminism is not about having the right to carry heavy boxes. And as a 5 ft 11 black woman I can assure you that being seen as physically weak was not a problem that I have had to contend with in my adult life. In fact, on the few occasions that I have asked a man for help with a heavy object they have laughed at me and said things like “Come on love! Don’t pretend that you can’t manage that. A big strapping lass like you!”

As we spoke further it transpired that it was mainstream feminism that she had a problem with. That is, feminism that is overwhelmingly white, middle class, cis-gendered and able bodied. When voices within a movement are marginalised to the point where they don’t even think that it is for them, the only result of this is that the movement is weakened becoming less effective. For example, I have heard mainstream feminists that are trying to ban the veil despite resistance from Muslim women say that they don’t know their own minds, and wanting to wear the veil is just the result of indoctrination.

So what can we learn from all this? As we saw in heated radio discussions at the end of last year, it's easy to get bogged down in words, and he-said-she-said style conversations about what this means and what that means.

Intersectionality is still a relatively new term for the masses - and yet its message is one that surely any feminist can relate to: start listening to and including various groups of women, and their multi-layered facets and experiences of life, and respect them, in the overall debate.
I have a feeling the cashless society, will arrive faster than I first thought.

I have noticed Woolies and Coles have installed more card only self checkouts, than cash or card checkouts.

My SMSF accountant, has informed me there will no longer a requirement to forward bank statements, when new software is up and running.

Amazon has opened a store with no checkouts.

It will be interesting to see, when the discontinuation of the $100 note, is announced.
I have a feeling the cashless society, will arrive faster than I first thought.

I have noticed Woolies and Coles have installed more card only self checkouts, than cash or card checkouts.

My SMSF accountant, has informed me there will no longer a requirement to forward bank statements, when new software is up and running.

Amazon has opened a store with no checkouts.

It will be interesting to see, when the discontinuation of the $100 note, is announced.
I don't think they would get rid of cash altogether. Cyber attacks could bring a country to its knees.
I don't think they would get rid of cash altogether.

I don't think they will get rid of it altogether either, just the large denomination notes.
They will have to keep cash circulating for tourists, small transactions etc.
Mental illness is often a hidden malady as we ourselves witness here time and time again:rolleyes:

So for those nutters I give you a score card to date:

"Feminist calls her own sons potential rapists"

Is that the way she raised them to be ?

Fruit rarely falls far from the tree.

I like this one, reminds of the infantile rants you see on twatter and some discussion boards :

Mental illness is often a hidden malady as we ourselves witness here time and time again:rolleyes:

So for those nutters I give you a score card to date:


It's happening: the 19-year-old Jared Allard, son of insane feminist writer Jody Allard, has submitted his resume to Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro after being offered a possible internship during a segment on Friday's Ben Shapiro Show podcast.
Is there any chance of the Qantas CEO clearing off back to Ireland, and desist from socially engineering Australian society.

We'll try to manage Australian social mores without you mate. Don't let the gate hit you on the way out.
Is there any chance of the Qantas CEO clearing off back to Ireland, and desist from socially engineering Australian society.

We'll try to manage Australian social mores without you mate. Don't let the gate hit you on the way out.

Won't happen. The well executed infiltration of these types into corporations and govt has reached a tipping point where they now manage the social agenda vacuum created by weakened governments.

They even use their own flawed propaganda as basis for truth that they can then laminate with more propaganda's a marketer's dream.

Twatter is now being flooded by Tim Cook's grooming, using his corporation as the machinery to achieve that.

It's literally the fabled boys club coming to life.
Won't happen. The well executed infiltration of these types into corporations and govt has reached a tipping point where they now manage the social agenda vacuum created by weakened governments.
Oh come on. These men are leaders and Australia needs more leaders. :finger: