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Social Engineering

The shift in public understanding of many issues, particularly around women and gay people, is clearly obvious. But it hasn't just happened overnight.

It just makes it so much harder to ridicule women. To disbelieve scores of shared experiences of abuse and harrassment "because women can't be trusted" . To treat gay people as at best deviants or worse a danger to the whole moral fabric of our society.

Excellent article in The Guardian explores this in detail.

Big point.
It was a conservative judge in California who pushed though the test case for gay marriage.

Feminists have slowly shifted power. There’s no going back
Rebecca Solnit
The #TimesUp and #MeToo movements are a revolution that could not have taken place without decades of quiet, painstaking groundwork

Thu 8 Mar 2018 17.00 AEDT Last modified on Fri 9 Mar 2018 02.48 AEDT


A young protester at a Time’s Up rally in London in January 2018. Photograph: Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images
This International Women’s Day comes five months after the revelations about Harvey Weinstein’s long campaign of misogynist punishments of women first broke, and with them more things broke. Excuses broke. Silence was broken. The respectable appearance of a lot of institutions broke. You could say a dam broke, and a wall of women’s stories came spilling forth – which has happened before, but never the way that this round has. This time around, women didn’t just tell the stories of being attacked and abused; they named names, and abusers and attackers lost jobs and reputations and businesses and careers. They named names, and it mattered; people listened; their testimony had consequences. Because there’s a big difference between being able to say something and having it heard and respected. Consequences are often the difference.

Something had shifted. What’s often overlooked is that it had shifted beforehand so that this could happen. Something invisible had made it possible for these highly visible upheavals and transformations. People often position revolution and incrementalism as opposites, but if a revolution is something that changes things suddenly, incrementalism often lays the groundwork that makes it possible. Something happens suddenly, and that’s mistaken for something happening out of the blue. But out of the blue usually means out of the things that most people were not paying attention to, out of the slow work done by somebody or many somebodies out of the limelight for months or years or decades.

Shouldn't that be in the fake news thread?

Feminists have slowly shifted power. There’s no going back
Of course there is going back.
War or poverty will explode any gains. Anything that brings back humans base needs of survival will destroy the illusion.
Go to any poor community and drug affected area for a preview. Try any war zone of a previous prosperous nation.

It's the new reality for now. Nothing is constant.
Good observation but that denigration and sexual control shite must never happen. It's all back slapping, smart ass and holier-than-thou on both sides until people need (or don't need in some cases) to band together when times are tough.
So where do we stand with Barnaby Joyce's continual pillorying in the media with "rumours" of at least 10 allegations of sexual assault against him ?

He's either a dead set dirty old man or maybe a few trivial things are being blown out of proportion, or maybe it's all just innuendo ?

I don't like the man, but I'm a bit uncomfortable with media beat ups like this with un-named accusers hiding behind "protection of sources".
Good observation but that denigration and sexual control shite must never happen. It's all back slapping, smart ass and holier than thou on both sides until people need (or don't need as the case may be) to band together when times are tough.
People shouldn't be racist, bigoted, sexist, etc. But in reality all this acceptance is a thin veneer over human nature. People stick with their own.

When shtf, its usually religion that fills the gap. But violence is the first go to stick.
The places or people that I have been/ talked to, generally tell the same story. The things you think that are important aren't.

Even a quick trip to Asia will teach you what your life is really worth and how far 'rights' are respected.

And currently Australia is right in the firing zone of some major regional changes.

I think for a lot of minorities the #metoo is a white focused thing and ignorant in its own right. "White feminazis" should be the catchphrase.
Court of law or he is "innocent till proven guilty" I guess.
I'm sure Barnaby went to the police himself to make the accusers come forward.
The flip side is that wouldn't you sue for slander if you were innocent? Not sure how that works though.
People shouldn't be racist, bigoted, sexist, etc. But in reality all this acceptance is a thin veneer over human nature. People stick with their own.
I don't think so. All those things are beliefs as opposed to unintelligent human reactions. Aside from that, 'because they do it' should not be the go to excuse. The excuse most people use to explain their unintelligent human reactions. We can accept or reject individuals and groups on their behaviour and if that behaviour aligns with one's own, not on their skin colour, religion or sex. We are programmed by parents and society to a large degree so it does take some self reflection and unlearning. Some of those programmed beliefs aren't easy to overwrite but can be done.
Demise of the Slutwalk:


Check out what happened in Rhodeasia, when the black indigenous population, took over.
Then check out what is currently happening in South Africa, with regard farmers.
It is interesting reading, and really does show, it doesn't matter who is in control, racism happens.

No doubt when people of Asian heritage, far outnumber those of European heritage, in Australia.
The Europeans will feel disenfranchised, as the Aboriginals do, it is just a fact of a growing population in a constant sized World.

From my observation, the white guilt complex is usually megaphoned by people with non anglo surnames.... you know ... those people!
From my observation, the white guilt complex is usually megaphoned by people with non anglo surnames.... you know ... those people!
Actually its sprouted by whites. Check out any sjw page. Its the same whites that adopt other cultures (eg: Aboriginal) and try and fight the fight for them. Guess what they don't want you too. Guilt then infects their minds into "I'm a victim" mode.
Enough of the "poor me" syndrome. We basically won the "born lucky lotto".

Being picky I know, but are white anglo (british) or european white ... like e.g. the leader of the Greens?
Being picky I know, but are white anglo (british) or european white ... like e.g. the leader of the Greens?

Indoctrinate don't discriminate.

I wonder if the Chinese destroy themselves as much as the whites do?

There does seem to be an agenda to push hate for white males. Or apologizing a damn lot.

The expected attack on white fellas, but also Trekians.

I'm starting to understand why gullible and impressionable minds promote this kind of hysteria ... they are empty vessels with no purpose and no industry in life, preferring to take out that frustration by making life miserable for everyone, especially whitey.

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