Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Ah see what you're saying, however I don't thing that was the overarching point.
Yes I agree their stance should have been taken by all business leaders and politicians. It isn't common to see business leaders and community groups announce preference for general election voting. Business leaders are openly supportive because they have introduced policy regarding LGBTQI inclusiveness in the workplace. I know when you enter the unique world of business rules and regulations that employee preferences (i.e. not a poofter so rather not work with one) have no support and the door is where you will be pointed.
State marriage isn't predicated on love for love's sake and facebook memes. It's a serious contract

A contract taken so seriously that there's an entire industry based around the 40% (roughly) of such contracts which aren't fulfilled.

There might be something but I can't think of anything else where 40% of formal contracts result in one or both parties actually walking away from the deal.
So, that's good, treatment improved over the years, but in the early days a lot of people died.
You are totally missing my point, your claim was that it affected a "large section of the gay population" when in fact the numbers are small.

As I said, even if 100% of the people diagnosed with HIV were LGBT, (which they weren't) and 100% of the people died from it (which they haven't) then it still wouldn't come close to 1% of the LGBT community.

That was my point, i was pointing out you were overstating the numbers.

Only 36,171 people have been diagnosed in Australia ever, and over 2 thirds of them are still alive, and some of those that did die didn't die of aids
Only 36,171 people

36,000 people living (or dying) with a deadly disease is not a problem to you ?

It's a problem for the whole community who have to pay for the drugs used to treat this thing that was spread basically by wanton lust and an unhygenic lifestyle, and your Penn and Teller "look over there" techniques can't distract from the seriousness of the problem or its root causes.
36,000 people living (or dying) with a deadly disease is not a problem to you ?

It's a problem for the whole community who have to pay for the drugs used to treat this thing that was spread basically by wanton lust and an unhygenic lifestyle, and your Penn and Teller "look over there" techniques can't distract from the seriousness of the problem or its root causes.

I thought people caught AIDS by sleeping with those who has AIDS, not by sleeping with gay people.
36,000 people living (or dying) with a deadly disease is not a problem to you ?

It's a problem for the whole community who have to pay for the drugs used to treat this thing that was spread basically by wanton lust and an unhygenic lifestyle, and your Penn and Teller "look over there" techniques can't distract from the seriousness of the problem or its root causes.

I think it's you misdirecting here.

36,000 people over 35 years is small, not the large amount you claimed.

And it's especially small compared to something like heart disease.

1 person dies from heart disease every 12 mins in Australia, thats ship loads, aids doesn't come close.

Sex is a relatively healthy part of life, it is actually good for your heart, if we had more sex and are less crap we would be healthy as a nation.
Most of the people who had AIDS in the days before they starting spreading it by blood donations were gay people.

Why do you think that was?

Could it be that because society didn't accept gays, and it was hard for them to maintain relationships, their sexual activity tended to involve more short term commitments such as one night stands, so they tended to have more partners hence spreading the disease.

Being accepted by society and being able to establish long term relationships would have helped slow the spread.

Also by luck, a lot of straight one night stands dodged a bullet by using condoms for birth control, where as prior to aids the use of condoms in gay interactions wasn't really needed.
their sexual activity tended to involve more short term commitments such as one night stands, so they tended to have more partners hence spreading the disease.

Good to see that you have admitted the truth at last.

As for "acceptance", the fact is that most groups hang out with others of their own group, e.g. older people hang out with other older people, younger people hang out with other younger people etc, gays hang out with other gays, so maybe it was the gays who voluntarily distanced themselves from the mainstream.

And anyway, what other people thought of gays shouldn't have affected their own relationships, if they "loved" someone else they would have stayed with them and not spread themselves around, so again you are misdirecting and blaming the wrong people for the lustful lifestyles of the few.
Sex is a relatively healthy part of life, it is actually good for your heart, if we had more sex and are less crap we would be healthy as a nation.
I finally found something I agree with you on. :D Only problem is getting the women to come to the party.
Good to see that you have admitted the truth at last.

As for "acceptance", the fact is that most groups hang out with others of their own group, e.g. older people hang out with other older people, younger people hang out with other younger people etc, gays hang out with other gays, so maybe it was the gays who voluntarily distanced themselves from the mainstream.

You know it was an offense to be gay right? Not to mention gay bashing was a thing, and you could lose your family and career if you were "out of the closet" that's why they hid their activity and couldn't really have settled relationships.

But none of that is their fault, that's society that caused that.
You know it was an offense to be gay right? Not to mention gay bashing was a thing, and you could lose your family and career if you were "out of the closet" that's why they hid their activity and couldn't really have settled relationships.

It's harder to hide activities with a lot of people than with one other.

Value Collector said:
But none of that is their fault, that's society that caused that.

NONE of it [AIDS] is the gay's fault ? That's the most biased statement I've heard on this issue and it's total rubbish.
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NONE of it [AIDS] is the gay's fault ? That's the most biased statement I've heard on this issue and it's total rubbish.

How is a virus that mutated to take advantage of humans gays fault?

It's just random luck that straight women had already been demanding men wear condoms as part of birth control and that just happened to also slow the progression of aids.

Think about it,

If aids didn't exist and pregnancy wasn't a thing, would you have worried about condoms? I can tell you I wouldn't have as a young man.

So straight one night stands and prostitution would have spread aids much quicker if it weren't for condoms already being popular prior to aids showing up.
It's harder to hide activities with a lot of people than with one other.

Really, you think it's easier to hide a marriage than it is to duck of and have a series of one night stands every now and then in the city or a truck stop out of town.

I mean I know which of my neighbors are married, but I wouldn't have a clue which ones have one night stands or visit prostitutes regularly.
I finally found something I agree with you on. :D Only problem is getting the women to come to the party.
Exactly, and if

1, aids didn't exist, (yet)

2, and there was no way you could get them pregnant,

3, and the girls had a similar sex drive to you,

You can't tell me you wouldn't be having a lot of sex, Lol.
Really, you think it's easier to hide a marriage than it is to duck of and have a series of one night stands every now and then in the city or a truck stop out of town.

We aren't talking marriages, we are talking one night stands, and the more one has of theses the less it means to the participants and the more likely they are to brag about it to their mates, because they don't care about the other party they just want to big note themselves.
We aren't talking marriages, we are talking one night stands, and the more one has of theses the less it means to the participants and the more likely they are to brag about it to their mates, because they don't care about the other party they just want to big note themselves.
Some one who is hiding the fact they are gay, isn't going to brag about the fact met a dude at a truck stop or a bath house for a quick blow job.

Just like a guy who seems happily married but ducks off to a prostitute every few weeks is not going to tell anyone.
Most of the people who had AIDS in the days before they starting spreading it by blood donations were gay people.

Need proper facts and figures to back that one up.

'cause I heard from Wil Smith that AIDS was developed by the CIA and spread out in Africa to control its population. Even I wouldn't go that far, I mean, that's what funding warlords and dictators are for.