Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
How the Marriage Act has changed
How traditional should we make out Marriage Act ? For instance should we :

1) Allow children of primary school age to be maried ? (12 years of age)
2) Forbid marriage between aborigines and white people ?
3) Proclaim that since husbands and wives are married it is legally impossible for a husband to rape his wife?

Can you remember when these regulations were part of the Australian Marriage Act ?

1) In 1955 the Marriage Act allowed 12 year old girls to be wed.
2) In the late 50's it was illegal in the Northern Territory for Aboriginal men to marrry white women.
3) Up until the 90's men could rape their wives with no legal consequences. In fact the Church Marriage ceremony embodied this principle in it's main statements.

“I, (Bride), take thee, (Groom), to be my wedded Husband; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health; to love, cherish, and to OBEY, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.”

The Church spoke of Maritial Rights and Marital Duties. The State did not want to interfere with the Maritial Rights of men. The argument that the institution of marriage was the overriding consideration was strongly put. Then, as now, conservative religious organisations did not want to see men being charged with raping their wives.

Rape in marriage: Why was it so hard to criminalise sexual violence?
by Managing Editor Posted on December 7, 2016

Lisa Featherstone reveals the controversies that dogged the campaign to criminalise marital rape in Australia in the 1970s and 1980s in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence.

From 1976 to 1994, Australian jurisdictions introduced a raft of reforms to sexual assault laws. The new legislations expanded the definitions of rape and other forms of sexual assault, and reconsidered the treatment of victims on the stand. The legislative changes were driven by broader social and sexual shifts of feminism and the sexual revolution, including changing ideas about women’s roles and expanding ideas about sexuality and sexual practice. Most of the reforms were broadly welcomed, and were seen to reflect women’s shifting status within a modern society.

Yet there was one reform that caused substantial controversy: rape in marriage law reform. Though rape in marriage was ultimately criminalised in Australian states and territories, there was significant opposition to the idea that it should be a criminal offence for a husband to sexually assault his wife. Why was this, of all the reforms, so controversial?
Well it's just strange that the AFL chose him to sing what they must have known would be a contentious song in the circumstances.

The AFL and NRL are both private organisations, they can do what they like.

What is strange is you want a business to be able to deny service to gays if they want, yet you complain about an organisation choosing a certain singer or song.

people also complain about the yes campaign sending 1 single text message, yet the no campaign flooded my TV with at least 15 30 seconds ads last night, sky writting above my house also, pamphlets in my letter box, door knocker from a local christian group conducting their own survey/ preach on the topic.
"kids learn from other kids" thats the silliest thing I've heard, should we not talk about drugs either, because "kids learn from other kids"???

You live under a rock.
Your little world doesn't include reality.

My world is full of Teenage kids who aren't eligible to vote.
Most struggling to keep on the right side of the Line.

They take a great deal of notice of those in their inner circle.
If they are lucky enough to have an above average leader in their group
they have half a chance.

So when w as adults show them what can happen with drugs (Your "Silly" example)
They are at a party and SOME will listen to others who say Look 100s take drugs and
nothing happens what's the harm try it EVERYONE ELSE is. So they will take it---Kids learn form kids.

So then one day a kid in their group DIES from drugs.
OOPS ,SOME of the kids learn from the other kids and realize that drugs aren't lots of fun
they can and do kill just as the adults taught them.

YEH KIDS learn from kids.

OPEN your eyes Your BLIND
Open your ears your DEAF.

and if your around Kids recognise the REALITY of THEIR world!

Your Silliest comment is the DUMBEST comment I've seen on this thread.
You live under a rock.
Your little world doesn't include reality.

My world is full of Teenage kids who aren't eligible to vote.
Most struggling to keep on the right side of the Line.

They take a great deal of notice of those in their inner circle.
If they are lucky enough to have an above average leader in their group
they have half a chance.

So when w as adults show them what can happen with drugs (Your "Silly" example)
They are at a party and SOME will listen to others who say Look 100s take drugs and
nothing happens what's the harm try it EVERYONE ELSE is. So they will take it---Kids learn form kids.

So then one day a kid in their group DIES from drugs.
OOPS ,SOME of the kids learn from the other kids and realize that drugs aren't lots of fun
they can and do kill just as the adults taught them.

YEH KIDS learn from kids.

OPEN your eyes Your BLIND
Open your ears your DEAF.

and if your around Kids recognise the REALITY of THEIR world!

Your Silliest comment is the DUMBEST comment I've seen on this thread.

So you think allowing kids to just go at it with trial and error is the best method to prevent teenage pregnacy and std's, rather than have sex ed in schools???

Yeah, and you say I live under a rock.

Kids learn from each other, from a very early age, both visually and verbally, on many subjects that their parents (and other adults) never touch on (including sex education)

Its hardly the best method to teach kids about the pros and cons of birth control, or STD's is it.

I mean as a kid I certainly watched pr0n passing old VHS video around, had some hustler Mags, talked about all the "crazy" things like golden showers etc, prank called escorts.

But I can't say any of my friends taught me how exactly to put a condom on to be sure it won't break, or how important it was for a girl to not miss a day when on the pill or how antibiotics effect the pill, the details of Aids or genital warts etc, or the best method for examining ones testicles for cancer, signs my girlfriend might have breast cancer, the list is endless.

These sort of things I heard for the first time in my high school sex ed, and I still remember them, not only did it probably help me, but it made me a better boyfriend and probably a more informed father when I eventually have children.
Not saying its the best
Not saying Schools or parents shouldn't play a part.
You have selective editing for use in argument.

I am saying a great deal is learnt from kids interaction
right and wrong.
I'm sure a lot of things will be talked about and very
differently to now by kids living in SSM situations.
A lot which will seem "Normal" to them WONT be normal to
the heterosexual kids.

Unisex showers would be interesting.
ABC 7:30 report given over to pro SSM agenda on right now. Let's hope they give nine point five times opportunity to heterosexual couples experiencing anxiety at "unfair" treatment on the hands of the law ... proportionate response based on demographic weight
All will succumb and accept the new normal. On the job company policies, business leaders support, media saturation, television programming, public events featuring and school teaching.
Not saying its the best
Not saying Schools or parents shouldn't play a part.

Since my point was that schools should play a part in sex education, and that parents probably can't / won't be able to provide children with up to date information across the broad range of sexual and mental health topics (which like it or not will have to include LGBT issues), it makes sense to teach these at school.
You have selective editing for use in argument.

I think you have selective reading, TISME said that schools should stick to the traditional subjects, and leave sex ed etc to parents, I pointed out that parents can't be expected to provide all that information, to which you said something like "Kids learn from each other", so I pointed out that it was also silly for kids to be expected to learn everything they need to know from other kids, you then agreed with my original point that schools needed to be involved.
I'm sure you were my first wife. More twists than a spaghetti on a fork.

Never remotely wrong always able to explain even the obvious into oblivion.
What a confected storm in a tea cup. I saw the picture of the "horrified" family. (I suspect they must have seen one of your hot links Tisme..) And they were horrified because of this song ?
Are we in a situation now that entertainers are not allowed to sing at public events ? Do we have the thought police needing to check the songs and lyrics because ???

Wait.... The thought police are accusing the anti thought police of thought policing.

What Orwellian Newspeak is this?
Since my point was that schools should play a part in sex education, and that parents probably can't / won't be able to provide children with up to date information across the broad range of sexual and mental health topics (which like it or not will have to include LGBT issues), it makes sense to teach these at school.


Teaching kids gay sex moves encourages promiscuity which isn't something many parents want for their children. They would rather that happen on its own.

U seem to think that all religious people are dummies. That shows you don't understand their views too well. I'm sure there would be many out there that once had views like yourself. As well as scientific legends like michael faraday...

“dumbed down” u said... These very terms are used in the Bible itself, which is somewhat contrarian to your viewpoint. The ancients were dumb enough to believe that golden statues were gods. And this brainlessness was supposedly linked with their abominable practices – bestiality, homosexuality,incest , trans flirting, child sacrifice etc. The biblical view is that our ancient ancestors were rescued from their miserable existence and given proper values (e.g. standard marriage) and taught how to live proper/normal lives in accordance with the dignity and nobility of the human race. It's a bit like finding a homeless child in a gutter, with cuts everywhere , in ripped up clothing. You bandage it, supply it with proper clothing and feed it. Basically you get it out of the mess it's in. Imagine now reversing the process on humanity... probably not a good thing.
Teaching kids gay sex moves encourages promiscuity which isn't something many parents want for their children.

Really, I am all for my children growing up and having lots of sex, straight, gay or bi.

Sex makes you happy, sex is free, sex is great, sex makes the world go round.

Sounds like you just don't get enough.
Really, I am all for my children growing up and having lots of sex, straight, gay or bi.

Sex makes you happy, sex is free, sex is great, sex makes the world go round.

Sounds like you just don't get enough.

Yes , I believe so. Parents would much prefer any promiscuity to come from the child of its own accord, rather than its development being encouraged within a school.

Something to think about...Regarding the future sex education, there will be parents out there telling their kids secretly at home that it's all rubbish, that there is also such a thing as 'perversion'... That one can develop resultant sexual problems, such as addictions and a lack of satisfaction.
Teaching kids gay sex moves encourages promiscuity which isn't something many parents want for their children. They would rather that happen on its own.

Yes it will happen on its own, hence the need for sex education so that we don't end up with unwanted teen pregnancy, diseases or mental health issues.

“dumbed down” u said... These very terms are used in the Bible itself, which is somewhat contrarian to your viewpoint. The ancients were dumb enough to believe that golden statues were gods.

Yes, and some are still dumb enough to believe Jesus was.

It's a bit like finding a homeless child in a gutter, with cuts everywhere , in ripped up clothing. You bandage it, supply it with proper clothing and feed it.

that takes empathy not religion

Basically you get it out of the mess it's in. Imagine now reversing the process on humanity... probably not a good thing.

no one is reversing anything, accepting gays and gay marriage is the next step forward in our moral journey, we are more moral now than we were in biblical times.
Really, I am all for my children growing up and having lots of sex, straight, gay or bi.

Sex makes you happy, sex is free, sex is great, sex makes the world go round.

And it killed a lot of people. Have you ever heard of AIDS ?

You even had gays with AIDS having sex with heterosexuals or giving blood donations to deliberately spread the filth around.

And it killed a lot of people. Have you ever heard of AIDS ?

You even had gays with AIDS having sex with heterosexuals or giving blood donations to deliberately spread the filth around.


Good sex education has been shown to reduce stds and unwanted pregnancy.

The "tell them nothing" or "abstinence only" approach fails on both fronts.
Good sex education has been shown to reduce stds and unwanted pregnancy.

The "tell them nothing" or "abstinence only" approach fails on both fronts.

I have no argument with "good" sex education. It depends on what the definition of that is.

Teaching sexual technique only encourages children to experiment, but a good strong warning of the dangers would encourage them to think before they act ( although that's not always going to happen).
"Two blokes and a cocker spaniel are not a family"; how far has the ALP moved away from its roots? .. too far

and increasingly irrelevant as the representative of the working class struggle and more the bin chickens of the popular vote, indiscriminate prostitution and prevarication of it's once core beliefs of social and family cohesion replaced by individual fancy free and encouragement of sexual narcissism IMO.

For a country that once proudly proclaimed we were free from the social diseases of the old world, particularly the European theatre, we have manged to become a dead ringer for of them.