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Resisting Climate Hysteria

More emotive, green hysteria !

This is why there are less people who believe in the CC BS now than before, please think for yourself about reality, it is not our fault that their reality is different from ours.
More emotive, green hysteria !

This is why there are less people who believe in the CC BS now than before, please think for yourself about reality, it is not our fault that their reality is different from ours.

Yea I know. If people are too poor and can't afford a insulated house; can't be "smart" enough to work in a nice cool offices; can't afford a seaside mansion or live outside of designated industrial and dead zones.. that's their problems, right?

That is until their problems are no longer just their problems, but ours.

If CC turn what is currently barely arable land into deserts; or if it flood entire cities... where do you think those that managed to survive move to? They'd just know their place and wait to die where God meant for them? Else if they dare enter our borders, we shoot them on sight?

Or those Australians who got serious illnesses from breathing in smog, skin cancer, lung diseases... how will that affect our healthcare system?

We'd just privatise it and it's everyman for himself?

When does "reality" and being mature and adult is just a code word for being a total selfish prick?
I'm not sure if we register as a blip on the pollution radar?

Perhaps our ppm/person is high when burning world rain forests isn't included, or the methyl halides from global rice paddies is also ignored, volcanoes are excluded, etc, ... how about the annual burn the aboriginals carried out over tens of thousands of years to drive animals into traps, in turn resulting in most of the continent denuded of forests and hot as bugghary?

How about the lies we were told as children about our superior farming practices, only to witness desolation, dieback and salination of prime realestate.. etc.

I blame everyone one past, present and future, except me and I'm going to use my aircond when must needs dictates and rely on "she'll be right".

To recognise CC is not to ask that we do not use any modern advances and technology. So we could switch on the A/C, drive our cars and most still have a job.

No greenies or hippies are asking that all the ways of the world must stop.

But there are alternatives.

Must A/Cs be powered by electricity from fossil fuel? There are clean and renewable alternatives that could be made very economical - how are free sources from the Sun not economical compare to the drilling/mining, transporting etc. etc.?

Or food production... must our meat and poultry be farmed the way they are? Getting the animal all sick and genetically modified and coked up in anti-biotics? Maybe promotion of a better mixed diet, ones that still provide the same nutrients without the environmental damage and clogged arteries.

We're still living like all the world's resources are infinite and we human have no impact whatsoever. When we parasitic apes have the power to blow up the world 30 or 60 times over, maybe we're that capable.

I have solar going back into the grid. Being on the waters edge with a relentless breeze, I also have a car alternator hooked up to aerofoil blade that charges batteries....... that's using the sun and it's derivatives.

Dreadful drought continues, particularly south west from Blackall. Shore sheep all around that country in the 60's and it used to be well grassed and productive. Though when the dry really began up there around 1969 remember seeing the huge road-trains loaded with sheep heading south. Its been building for awhile.

And we also have tremendous volatility now, recent frosts and snow in WA where its never been seen before and destroying crops. Across the world devastating floods, winds and droughts too. And it is increasing now at an alarming rate. It will be interesting to hear back from your Son's expedition. And that is why the weather is so bad. The slight increase in temperatures there is causing the atmosphere to have increased moisture to rise and head north to cause these new problems.

This is what we see ourselves and it is being reported daily in MSM, less in our local media in Australia of course and I have a fair idea why.
I looked it up on the BOM and its in an in between zone.
Definitely getting more heat, possibly getting less rain in winter. It is a semi arid area so it can't have ever been that good. more likely to get a flood. Are you near Blacknall?

NASA Finds Drought in Eastern Mediterranean Worst of Past 900 Years.

Mind you there doesn't appear to be any serious flow on ramifications from it.

If we scour the world looking of problems we will Always find some, simply because we pick the worst situation and hold that up as an example.

We could say that Zimbabwe is a basket case and needs help because they are starving, not that long ago Zimbabwe was a food bowl that exported food. At the time it was run by a white minority and the black races were employed as farm hands and labourers etc, doing menial jobs.

As we know there was a rebellion and the government changed, in the books that I have read it stated that the previous white farm owners were given the option of selling to the government or staying and sharing ownership with their staff.

Not long after that they were all ordered of their properties completely and their staff took ownership. Within 5 years all of the properties ceased to produce any goods for export and very quickly became overgrown waste lands with forests stripped for firewood.

Zimbabwe now has its hand out saying "poor bu**ar us , CC has stopped us growing crops", but they are in that situation because they created it themselves through lack of application.

In other countries in Africa the farmers claim that if they plant crops they become targets for food thieves, either the rebels stick a gun up their nose and take the food or the Govt forces say we haven't been paid can we have some food please, thank you !

Here in Australia we enjoy a very good life style, it was created by our forefathers (and Mums) for our benefit, we do not have to feel guilty about it as it is a gift from those who have gone before.

Throughout history people have fought endless wars over territory, they have to, otherwise they and their families will soon be overrun and suffer.

Take a look at Europe right now, the lefties have let the hordes in and we will see a bloodbath there before a decade is up. There are problems already with people being told that the "refugees" have the right to do anything they like and the citizens just have to accept it, what a joke! They are the new arrivals they should be learning to fit into the existing laws not make their own. How long before Nazism returns ?

The first problem is that there are too many of us, China tried to limit it and the human rights, bleeding hearts, condemned them yet how different would Africa be if they limited their breeding to one per family ?

Climates will always vary, always have, always will and when the land is overgrazed by animals or humans there is no buffer for the poor times and animals and people starve until the right number is left. In Africa the west has been feeding people for decades and the people that we fed as children now have their own children and now we are feeding them as well. While ever they fight and squabble over there ideology, religion, corruption and anything else they can think of instead of working the land properly with the right number of people it will always be a problem.

Macca, never a truer word spoken...You have outlined it so well.....Congratulations my friend.

In Australia, I fear the new era of Socialism (Communism...Marxist) creeping into to control out lives, the way we think, what we can say or can't say, how we are corrupting the juvenile mind with this "Safe Schools Program, how we run our businesses and whether or not a future Socialist Government ( a Green/Labor socialist left coalition) will move to central control of our banks, manufacturing, mining and agriculture....if this happens, Australia will finish up like Zimbabwe, North Korea, Cuba and other communist led countries.

I realize I am off topic but the failures around the world are too often blamed on Man Made Global Warming...oops Climate Change.

Explod often raves on about his shearing days in the 60's and I will continue to rave on about my plumbing days in the late 40's and early 50's where I experienced drought, heat, fires, rain and floods. Nothing new here folks.

The sheep cockies in those days were much smarter than they are now or even in the 60's.......It was nothing to be marooned on a sheep station for 2 weeks surrounded by water...No helicopters to drop food supplies.....The cockies in those days were smarter because they knew how to cater for variations in climate changes...We were never short of food.

They knew how to cover themselves in the event of drought by growing silage when they had good rain....They would harvest 500 to 600 acres and bury it in underground silos.......That fodder was good for 11 years and was there when needed in drought.....there was never a shortage of water with the bore drains......Today, the modern farmer finds it too much trouble and that came from an old bowling friend of mine who owned a sheep station near Richmond Queensland...He was some 10 years older than me....The modern farmer is too quick to put his hand out for Government assistance as soon as the ground driers up or he is inundated with too much rain.

Bring back the good old days.

I wouldn't congratulate macca too quickly noco.

Wait til I drive a few basic facts of history and general knowledge into all the falsehood he took as facts.

In terms of farmers not storing their grains etc. I'm not sure how it is in Australia but in the US, Big Ag like Monsanto do not permit farmers who buy crops from them to store and re-seed their grains. It is illegal under US patent laws or whatever.

So unless the farmer is completely organic and does not ever buy any grains from Big Ag., they cannot store any grains but must always buy new ones for each season.

And if their neighbours GM grains somehow get into their field and they unknowingly store it... better not go broke trying to see the trial out.

So you say it has never snowed in WA...NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE ??????

Perhaps a little research on your part may have enlightened you.

The old Chinese proverb states.......Get brain into gear before opening mouth.

I did not say that it never snowed there, I was referring to an area where it had not before particularly in this case, the frost. Cherry picking to put down is not constructive debate.
I did not say that it never snowed there, I was referring to an area where it had not before particularly in this case, the frost. Cherry picking to put down is not constructive debate.

Then perhaps you should have more explicit.

So where was that area?...I have given you past back up your statement please.
Then perhaps you should have more explicit.

So where was that area?...I have given you past back up your statement please.

it was on the news 3 or 4 weeks ago, south east of Perth, think the northern edge of Haytsbury.

Struth, you are not so explicit yourself. This is just a discussion thread and in my view the way we each see things for ourselves
it was on the news 3 or 4 weeks ago, south east of Perth, think the northern edge of Haytsbury.

Struth, you are not so explicit yourself. This is just a discussion thread and in my view the way we each see things for ourselves

So now you are only thinking it might be......Please make up your mind......There has been lots of places in WA where snow has fallen.

It is my belief you will say anything to substantiate your beloved Green bible about man made Global Warming..opps I mean Climate Change......To the Greens, if it snows, if it rains heavy, if it floods somewhere, if we have a drought,if we have a cyclone, if there is coral bleaching, if the ice melts down at Antarctica in summer or there is too much ice or the winds blow over defective power poles in SA, we must blame Man Made Global Warming.......Stop the coal mines.....blow up the the coal fired power stations.....FFS...enough is enough......Stop trying to ruin a good country so loved by the majority.

It is unbelievable how your organization tries to manipulate the minds of the naive.

Wouldn't farmers not farm their crop in frosty areas noco?

So for frost to damage a fairly substantial amount of crops, it's a bit unusual.

As to the term "Climate Change"... repeating here but you do know that it's a termed coined by consultants to the denier camp. They figured that calling it "Global Warming" sounds bad, hence change the conversation to Climate Change... that way, people who don't read into the science properly will just say, well it' the Climate, and Climate changes all of the time so what's the big deal?

Seems to be working too.

In some cases of farming a frost is needed in the case of growing apples......I have a friend who grew small crops in the Bairnsdale area of Victoria and he tells me they used get the occasional frost which would wipe out the whole crop of asparagus.....He took it in his stride and replanted.....$hit happens.

From what I have learned in the past it was the Alarmist, lefties and Greenies who change Global Warming to Climate Change when they found, in fact, there had been no global warming for 17 years.

Maybe we are both right one way or another.


So to sum up, although the terms are used interchangeably because they are causally related, 'global warming' and 'climate change' refer to different physical phenomena. The term 'climate change' has been used frequently in the scientific literature for many decades, and the usage of both terms has increased over the past 40 years. Moreover, since the planet continues to warm, there is no reason to change the terminology. Perhaps the only individual to advocate the change was Frank Luntz, a Republican political strategist and global warming skeptic, who used focus group results to determine that the term 'climate change' is less frightening to the general public than 'global warming'. There is simply no factual basis whatsoever to the myth "they changed the name from global warming to climate change".

Basic rebuttal written by GPWayne

I think some frost are also good for grapes and wineries, citrus etc. So OK, farmers could refer to a wide range of farming... but barley and grains can't stand frost though right? So those who farm those tend to not operate around region known to have frost too frequently.

Frank Luntz is a political consultant. I can't imagine Climate scientists would call him in to ask which works better at manipulating the public.

Well, there's those Solar and renewables corporations like GE I guess.

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