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Resisting Climate Hysteria

Confusing weather with climate ts?
Perth has been cold as it has been under the influence of dry continential air. This air is typically colder than the moist maritime air that Perth normally experiences at this time of year.

Well it's bleeding obvious isn't it ?? All those graphs showing temperatures at thousands of weather stations around the world for over a hundred years are just creatively constructed stories run by fear mongering warmists who are slurping on the sweet teats of government handouts. (have a missed anything there folks ?)

No. The real and final word on whether there is a systemic change in world wide climate comes from sticking your finger out the window and declaring that it's just too damn cold. End of story.

At this stage I think we are all in denial. The scientists because it's becoming rapidly clear that the boat has sailed on any realistic chance to address human induced climate change and climate change deniers because so far any range of **** and bull arguments are still being swallowed by the rest of the population who just don't want to think about sad, unpleasant realities and can be easily distracted with new toys and happy stories.

That's all folks.

Tassie has been around 1 degree above average for all of 2010 so far - yes go ahead and laugh and scoff and say that makes us at least above freezing - but still, that's reasonably significant from a stats point of view.
Tassie has been around 1 degree above average for all of 2010 so far - yes go ahead and laugh and scoff and say that makes us at least above freezing - but still, that's reasonably significant from a stats point of view.

Completely concur jono ..... 1 degree WARMER is significant for a 1 year period. Is this an upward trend? Are warmer climes becoming cooler and vice versa?

Don't be an idiot ts - do you have any idea of last week's weather on the east coast of the US? Is it relevant to climate change? No of course not, but if you really want to use last week's weather to make a climate point then please take a bigger picture view than just Perth and Geraldton.

This sort of comment does not contribute anything to the site, just creates pointless arguments.
Completely concur jono ..... 1 degree WARMER is significant for a 1 year period. Is this an upward trend? Are warmer climes becoming cooler and vice versa?

If you think 1 year is significant then why are you trying to make your point with a week's weather? Can you see the silliness here?
If you think 1 year is significant then why are you trying to make your point with a week's weather? Can you see the silliness here?

Thanks Timmy .... thought it was relevant as it was the coldest ON RECORD. Not just the week ... EVER since records were kept.

Was not trying to provoke thoughtless arguments. Merely pointing out that 1 degree rising over a 1 year period I would have thought is quite significant? If it continues to rise at this rate then it is down right catastrophic.
If you think 1 year is significant then why are you trying to make your point with a week's weather? Can you see the silliness here?

1 degree is significant but Trainspotter was asking is there a trend bcking this up or is it a one off. He was asking for more information.
Not worth attacking him over it.
Local weather over a short period is not necessarily representative of broader scale climate change over a long period.
Thanks Timmy .... thought it was relevant as it was the coldest ON RECORD. Not just the week ... EVER since records were kept.

Apologies for my anger. I know Joe is concerned with standards on the site and while having a laugh about recent weather in WA being so cold is fine for a bit of fun (even got a smily from me in my initial reply to you), using it on a serious basis, while ignoring the rest of the planet is just an example of ... well something ... but its not a positive for the site.
1 degree is significant but Trainspotter was asking is there a trend bcking this up or is it a one off. He was asking for more information.
Not worth attacking him over it.

The attack was not for the 'significance' question, it was for the attempted serious use of a week's weather, in one part of the globe, to argue a climate question, which is ridiculous and is an example of the lowering of standards on the site.
Sorry .. I was getting confused with weather in isolated areas rather than global climate change.
Completely concur jono ..... 1 degree WARMER is significant for a 1 year period. Is this an upward trend? Are warmer climes becoming cooler and vice versa?

Just having a look through some of the data from which has monthly stats from the last 60 years at least.

Hobart's annual average maximum has risen from 17.0 to 17.5 on a rolling 30 year basis since 1960.
Brisbanes has decreased by a smaller amount 25.6 to 25.3
Bundaberg has risen 26.0 to 26.9
Adelaide 21.5 to 21.6
Perth 24.3 to 24.7
Port Hedland 33.2 to 33.5
Darwin 32.0 to 32.2
Sydney 22.2 to 22.5
Melbourne 19.5 to 19.8* (data only back to 1970)

Mawson base (Antarctica) -8.4 to -8.3
Casey base (Antarctica) -7.5 to -7.2

Note data is all taken from airports.

Looks like a pretty consistent picture at least over the last 50 years - increase in average annual maximum temperatures of around 0.3 degrees since 1960.

Just checked a few non-capital locations to check for urban heat sink effect but looks pretty similar - note Burketown must have had a few hot years in the 70s and 80s coz their average jumped from 32.5 (1940-1970) up to 32.8 (1960-1990) then back to 32.5 again (1980-2010).

Burketown 32.8 down to 32.5
Ceduna 23.5 to 23.7
Ballarat 17.4 to 17.8

Obviously if 2010 pattern continues down here we'll be looking at an average annual temp for this year of at least 18 if not more. Will check out the other capitals and get back to y'all
We only ever hear about the adverse effects of global warming (leaving aside the discussion of whether it's affected by anthropogenic factors).

Never any mention of what an improvement some warming would be for the colder regions of the world. Canadians and New Zealanders are just two groups who would be more comfortable. Much of northern Europe and north Asia would also benefit.

I am with you there Julia Tassie will become an even greater place to live if the average temps lift by a couple of degrees!!

Only problem is that most of our beaches would disappear, half our roads would go under and there would be hundreds of millions of refugees seeking somewhere dry to live

Agree Julia, but it is not a very pc statement.

What is Al Gore up to nowadays? Is he still making a quid out of all this weather nonsense?

We only ever hear about the adverse effects of global warming (leaving aside the discussion of whether it's affected by anthropogenic factors).

I think studies examining any potential benefits are quite rare. Here is a link to something that might be of interest?
Health and Amenity Effects of Global Warming

And a link to someone wondering about the same thing:
Advantages and Disadvantages of Global Warming
Positive and Negative Effects of Global Warming to People and the Planet

This is such a touchy subject eliciting strong emotions in posters here that I just want to add a disclaimer: I haven't read the material in these links and provide them for others to make their own mind up about without any recommendations from me.
This is such a touchy subject eliciting strong emotions........
Religion and/or politics generally is.

From a global biodiversity perspective, global warming may be a good thing. Life does not exactly thrive in Antarctica's vast frozen desert.

For human civilisation however, regional climate change may result in a shifting of agriculturally productive areas and other dislocations. this of course would be a negative from our perspective and from the planet's perspective if it results in war.

A core objective should be to maintain the biodiversity of this planet. Climate change could be a positive in that regard if understood and managed. To that end we should be considering engineering solutions that enhance biodiversity. This is after all what we will need to do (on a much larger scale and from scratch) should we ultimately colonise other worlds beyond Earth.
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