It's as simple as putting up or shutting up, trainspotter.Sneak'n just because I know your secret identity, I will humour you for one last time. Go and do your own research and stop antagonising the other ASFers in here by demanding they must prove the science whilst you sit back and criticise them both personally and in your case illogically when they do give you the facts you so desperately require to feed your fire. DFTT everybody.Google it if you don't know the meaning.
If you can't substantiate your claims here, expect me to show you up as just another who takes snippets from here and there that prove nothing from a global perspective.
To quote weather events, and then make claims about institutes that show the 30s to be hotter than today, suggests to me denial of well established warming trends in both hemispheres.
As you have not provided any "facts" to substantiate your claims, I really have nothing more to discuss.