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Resisting Climate Hysteria

Tell that to the leaders of 190 countries who have agreed that climate is change is real and something has to be done about it.

Cease flogging a dead horse noco old chum, your cause is lost. Have a good Christmas.

I don't think so Rumpy......Whether those 190 countries ever implement what they say they will do will be another thing....Paris was not the success as mad out to be.

The Alarmist are now in the minority and the fake Global Warming evidence is now starting to be shown for what really is.......A load of crap.

I don't believe in Christmas is far too commercialized as far as I am concerned. just like all religions.

I think Climate Change is a science. So whether we believe it or not, it's still there.

Heard from interviews that scientists are actually self-censoring their findings... that their results show things are actually going to get a lot worst. But they tame it a bit and word it carefully so as not to sound alarmist - more respectable that way.

But them not being alarmist is still pointing to a lot of things to be alarmed about.

But yea, maybe there's some magic invention in the future that'll solve the problem - so grandkids, better hit those science and technology books hard. It's all on you guys and gals.
If one reads The Australian and follows the most read blogger in the country (Andrew Bolt) then it's London to brick you won't accept that CC is significant or has any meaningful human input. These are very strong voices repeating over and over and over again the same mantra - "nothing to worry about here, move on."

The unnerving strange thing is that the overwhelming majority of the scientific world says there is much to be concerned about and has produced overwhelming evidence to back up their research.

So who do you believe ?

Well not you or Cook, or the purported scientists who promulgate the most extreme scenario as a matter of advocaay over science, least of all politicians and their cronies.

basilio old son it is all about the Sun that causes Global Warming.... ooops, sorry I mean Climate Change....There ain't no more Global Warming...

This basic science I learned at school in the 1930's...Nah...they don't that stuff any more at school.

How much do you really know about C02?

Perhaps you might take the time to read the link below.

Do you know that the government intends to tax CO2 emissions with the falsely named "carbon" tax?

Anyhow, below is an edited version of Gregg's Questionaire:

Question 1. What percentage of the atmosphere do you think is CO2?

Question 2. Have you ever seen the percentage given in any media?

Question 3. What percentage of the CO2 is man-made?

Question 4. What percentage of the man-made CO2 does Australia produce?

Question 5. Is CO2 is a pollutant?
Q6. Have you seen any evidence that CO2 causes a greenhouse effect?
"As carbon dioxide levels have increased over the last 10 years, have there been any observations providing evidence that that has caused the temperature of the planet increase?

Now read more for the answers.

Soon my friends, soon. The breakthrough will come. Hopefully before the imminent Mini Ice Age sets in.

Fusion is where the research dollar should be going.


Soon my friends, soon.

Yeah we all know how fusion is just over the horizon ..... and will stay there.

but in 2020, that's 4 years away thirteen models from FoMoCo will be all electric;

so with oil at $35/barrel, the F150 range the biggest profit highest sellers on the market and resale value of the electric/ hybrid models currently available tanking, Ford puts up $4.5 billion and points the direction with an impossible build out time line on an electric automobile future. I'm open to comments on their thinking. I'd hazard a guess on Govt and fleet purchases positioning, post Paris.

If it was my bet on nuclear, I'd go fast reactors; Why? 400 years worth of existing run time on a technology going back to the 50's, builds happening in dozen or so places world wide, notably India, whose reserves of Thorium could supply their energy demands CO2 free for 60,000years, about the time fusion will be ready for market.
Fast reactors?

I don't have all the details but in short, there are new EU regulations coming into effect in 2021 that make it pretty hard to continue with conventional petrol or even diesel vehicles.

There's a cap on fuel consumption of 4.1 litres / 100 km (petrol) and 3.6 litres / 100 km (diesel). These figures are based on the fleet average, not individual vehicles per se, but still makes it pretty much essential that manufacturers go down the hybrid or electric route if they are to remain major vehicle sellers in the EU.

I'd assume that Ford would be taking this into account in their decision making.
The floods in the north of England described by thier Prime minister as "unprecedented"

South America towards the bottom of the globe, record floods,

ln the US huge tornadoes ripping down homes, unprecedented this time of the year.

130 homes destroyed by fire on Victorias south west coast. Very early this year, usually not till late jan/feb.


As detailed the rise in temperature at the poles are and will increasingly have devastating effects.

"the sixth extinction" a must read

No longer "Hysteria" but facts emerging before our eyes.
Has anyone else been following the record floods in the UK? For those who can put 2 and 2 together the question is "How in heavens name will the UK cope as global warming marches on ?" We are seeing just the first impacts of a long term change in climate and sea levels.

How many times can cities and homes be flooded before it all becomes too hard ?
Has anyone else been following the record floods in the UK?
Yeah (LOL) for over 700 years since the first signs of global warming appeared.

Yeah (LOL) for over 700 years since the first signs of global warming appeared.

I happen to have a friend in northern UK who's family go back to 1100AD. Spoke to him overnight and stated that they have never in that time experienced floods as bad as this.

Anyhow, from a flaming ball 5 billion years ago the planet is supposed to be cooling.

As I said before,I have flood maps going back centuries. Your friend is talking out of his a55.
Yeah there was a huge flood in 1953 in England. And there were many individual events overt the years.

The current situation is just replicating these floods every couple of years and increasing the severity despite better and better flood defences. No difference at all is it ?

Facts are that in fact it is the current El Nino' that is causing the floods in South America , and the drought here in Australia. These La Nina's and El Nino's have been happening well before the industrialisation of the Planet.
As have the Tornadoes in the U.S.A , just like our Cyclones have ruined many a settlement or ship each season.
Maybe the weather patterns are changing as they have since the start of the Planet , however I ask one question.
How long after we stop using fossil fuels and replace them with renewables and pay lots of monies to the U.N will the Weather / Climate take to return back to what our Climate Saviours think is normal ?

How long after we stop using fossil fuels and replace them with renewables and pay lots of monies to the U.N will the Weather / Climate take to return back to what our Climate Saviours think is normal ? Ijustnewit

Two possibilities.

1) Crash program in reducing GG emissions over 20 years. Temperature still keep rising to around 2C. Widespread floods, big changes shorelines as sea rises, unknown changes in climate. Millions of people displaced . Final (maybe ) stabilisation of climate in 100 years at unknown temperature

2) Ignore everything. Business as usual. Temperatures just keep climbing and climbing . Feedback loops kick into effect as perma frost melts, forests die and so on. By 2100 almost everyone has nothing to worry about.
The weather in the US has broken 68 records over the last few weeks against all previous information.

And cyclones, never seen in winter before.

The displacement effect from the warmer polar regions is starting to kick in in earnest.

And yes, not just coal and oil burning, we are soon to pay for the loss of forrests done for industrialisation and progress so described.

Trees planted now will only burn down in summer.

Remember visiting Victorias south western coast as a child, even through summer the bush used to remain cool and damp. Start of summer now an explosive tinder box as our Prime Minister looks over the ashes this morning.

Ei nino etc, just a name (highlighted in the Howard era to divert media attention from the term climate change) for weather patterns. Warmth of oceans under El Nino increased substantialy since the term came to prominence, why? Global warming.
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