Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Resisting Climate Hysteria

Richard Glover in the balanced Fairfax press (SMH) says 'bone-headed' deniers should be forcibly tattooed. Hint: don't expect too much scientific analysis in this article.
The dangers of bone-headed beliefs June 6, 2011 by Richard Glover

"...Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies....On second thoughts, maybe the tattooing along the arm is a bit Nazi-creepy..."

A bit Nazi-creepy Richard? What will be next - saying 'meouw' to the beastly 'deniers'?
Richard Glover in the balanced Fairfax press (SMH) says 'bone-headed' deniers should be forcibly tattooed. Hint: don't expect too much scientific analysis in this article.
The dangers of bone-headed beliefs June 6, 2011 by Richard Glover

"...Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies....On second thoughts, maybe the tattooing along the arm is a bit Nazi-creepy..."

A bit Nazi-creepy Richard? What will be next - saying 'meouw' to the beastly 'deniers'?

What an infantile piece of writing. Rudeness, arrogance and personal attacks are always the last refuge of the ignorant.
Richard Glover in the balanced Fairfax press (SMH) says 'bone-headed' deniers should be forcibly tattooed.

"...Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies....On second thoughts, maybe the tattooing along the arm is a bit Nazi-creepy..."

It's interesting isn't it? we saw last week in this very same thread - the level of frustration by alarmists who couldn't definitively prove their warming position is being played out elsewhere too.

This is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. Many alarmists cannot believe they've been scammed and psychologically will refuse to admit it even when the evidence is overwhelmingly obvious of foul play.

It's not just the alarmists that are on a warpath, already climate Scientists have been threatened as the level of frustration and anger builds on both sides. (PS it wasn't me)
This is rude!

PARLIAMENTARIANS from Julia Gillard down appear ready to give the cold shoulder to Czech President Vaclav Klaus, an outspoken climate change sceptic, when he visits Australia next month.

Klaus is a vocal critic of the notion that any global warming is anthropogenic: "Global warming is a false myth and every serious person and scientist says so." and if it is, that globally coordinated government action is necessary. He has also criticized the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as a group of politicized scientists with one-sided opinions and one-sided assignments. He has said that other top-level politicians do not expose their doubts about global warming because "a whip of political correctness strangles their voices."
In addition he says, "Environmentalism should belong in the social sciences" along with other "isms" such as communism, feminism, and liberalism. Klaus said that "environmentalism is a religion" and, in an answer to the questions of the U.S. Congressmen, a "modern counterpart of communism" that seeks to change peoples' habits and economic systems.
Two good links there, thanks Ruby. If only we could see that satire on Clarke and Dawe played on the ABC, but it wouldn't get past the in-house thought police.
Where are all those Warmists when you need them?

Australian Summary: An intense low is generating very strong, cold winds, showers, small hail and low level snow in TAS, VIC and southern NSW. A front is bringing the odd sleety shower to the NSW central ranges. A trough is generating patchy rain over the northern and western interior.
The hoax continues to unfold....insight into the IPCC corrupt processes, Government policy makers influencing themselves to ensure climate taxes are forced upon the world....

Alan Jones speaks to Dr Vincent Gray about climate change

Are any of the Alarmists here still willing to claim that there's no corruption in the climate establishment? Or has the green ideology brainwashed them to disbelieve the obvious deceit to drive taxation to benefit the elite with zero impact to climate?
Richard Glover in the balanced Fairfax press (SMH) says 'bone-headed' deniers should be forcibly tattooed. Hint: don't expect too much scientific analysis in this article.
The dangers of bone-headed beliefs June 6, 2011 by Richard Glover

"...Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies....On second thoughts, maybe the tattooing along the arm is a bit Nazi-creepy..."

A bit Nazi-creepy Richard? What will be next - saying 'meouw' to the beastly 'deniers'?

It really illustrates how dangerous these religious alarmist nuts are, totally unable to accept any arguments that challenge their faith, and resorting to threats.

The hoax continues to unfold....insight into the IPCC corrupt processes, Government policy makers influencing themselves to ensure climate taxes are forced upon the world....

Alan Jones speaks to Dr Vincent Gray about climate change

Are any of the Alarmists here still willing to claim that there's no corruption in the climate establishment? Or has the green ideology brainwashed them to disbelieve the obvious deceit to drive taxation to benefit the elite with zero impact to climate?
It seems the science isn't settled in the view of (independent of govt) climate expert PhD (Cambridge) Dr Gray. He joins a growing stampede of experienced and respected academics.

He has a good understanding of the fact that the IPCC is dominated by governments. Follow the govt line or be sacked. Follow the govt line or you're not published in the scientific journals. That's how it goes.
The hoax continues to unfold....insight into the IPCC corrupt processes, Government policy makers influencing themselves to ensure climate taxes are forced upon the world....

Alan Jones speaks to Dr Vincent Gray about climate change

Are any of the Alarmists here still willing to claim that there's no corruption in the climate establishment? Or has the green ideology brainwashed them to disbelieve the obvious deceit to drive taxation to benefit the elite with zero impact to climate?

It seems the science isn't settled in the view of (independent of govt) climate expert PhD (Cambridge) Dr Gray. He joins a growing stampede of experienced and respected academics.

He has a good understanding of the fact that the IPCC is dominated by governments. Follow the govt line or be sacked. Follow the govt line or you're not published in the scientific journals. That's how it goes.

It's very clear, isn't it?

Another red herring that keeps being thrown up (and which was mentioned in Alan Jones' preamble to the interview) is the 'east coast of Australia will be inundated and millions of $$ worth of property will be lost' one. Well..... all land masses in the world are continually shifting and changing. Nothing is ever static. The east coast of Australia has been disappearing for as long as I can remember (huge erosion in 1960's at the Gold Coast.) Hmmm! Somehow that does not fit the model!

The alarmists are panicking. They are making ever more ludicrous statements and shooting more torpedos into their sinking ship (as Bob Carter would say.)
The alarmists are panicking. They are making ever more ludicrous statements and shooting more torpedos into their sinking ship (as Bob Carter would say.)

The scary bit Ruby, is that no leader of any political persuasion in this country is prepared to get up on their hind legs and commit themselves to take on these dangerous purveyors of the fraudulent claims that the globe is warming and that is our fault.

Why are they so scared to take them on? :dunno:
Dr Vincent Grey. - another individual (Prophet) involved in the global warming denial industry. Keep up with your religous beliefs guys.

Vincent Gray is a chemist based in New Zealand. He is a retired coal industry researcher, climate author, and founder of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition. He has a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Cambridge University.

A search of 22,000 academic journals shows that Gray has never been published in a peer-reviewed journal on the subject of climate change. Gray has published peer-reviewed scientific work on coal, his most recent article having been published 17 years ago.

Primary Affiliations

Gray and the NRSP
Gray was a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee for the Natural Resource Stewardship Project (NRSP), until the organization ceased operation around 2008. The NRSP was a lobby organization that refused to disclose its funding sources.

The NRSP is led by executive director Tom Harris and Dr. Tim Ball. An Oct. 16, 2006 CanWest Global news article on who funds the NRSP, it states that "a confidentiality agreement doesn't allow him [Tom Harris] to say whether energy companies are funding his group."

The New Zealand Climate Coalition and the Navy
Gray is a founding member of the "The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition" which was created in May of 2006 with the aim of " refuting what it believes are unfounded claims about anthropogenic (man-made) global warming."

The New Zealand Coalition states that its main goals are:

"To publish and distribute papers and commentaries produced by members of the Coalition.
To audit statements by other organizations, both in New Zealand and overseas, which are published in New Zealand, or are expected to influence New Zealand public policy and public opinion.
And "to audit the forthcoming IPCC report, either on its own, or through the Asia Pacific Climate Science Coalition, or equivalent organization, if one has been established in time."
The chairman of the NZ Coalition is Rear Admiral Jack Welch, a retired member of the New Zealand Navy.

Gray is listed as an "expert" by the International Climate Change Assessment Project (ICECAP).

ICECAP believes we should "worry the sole focus on greenhouse gases and the unwise reliance on imperfect climate models while ignoring real data may leave civilization unprepared for a sudden climate shift that history tells us will occur again, very possibly soon."

In one ICECAP article, Gray touts his position as an "expert reviewer" of the IPCC. He further describes how the IPCC science has been "'spun' to support a global campaign to limit human emissions of [sic] certainb greenhouse gases which [sic] has no scientific basis.

The ICECAP domain name was registered in 2006 by Joseph D'Aleo who is employed by the Science and Public Policy Institute (SPPI). SPPI, a prominent global warming denier group, is largely backed by the Frontiers of Freedom Institute which has in turn received over $1,272,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.

Skeptical Activities

The "NZ Climate Enviro Truth" newsletter
Gray publishes a newsletter called the NZ Climate and Envirotruth.

NZ Climate Truth provides the following description on their home page: "Vincent is too modest, the content is global in scope and his penetrating analysis honed by years of reviewing IPCC reports is applied to issues arising in the Greenhouse / Global Warming / Climate Change debate."

The Frontier Centre for Public Policy
Published a policy paper in 2001 for a Canadian think tank called "The Frontier Centre for Public Policy (FCPP)." The FCPP has held lunch seminars on global warming with Tim Ball, a well-known global warming "skeptic."

"Expert" IPCC Reviewer
Gray often introduces himself as an IPCC expert reviewer. He says that "I have been an 'Expert Reviewer' for The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) since its first major Report in 1990."

He uses this as justification for his continuous attack on the IPCC, having called the panel "fundamentally corrupt," and describing their scientific methods as "unsound." Gray also published a book critiquing the IPCC titled The Greenhouse Delusion. The book describes the panel has having "not convincingly made its case that increases in carbon dioxide levels are occurring and [sic] that increase will have harmful effects."

Although the Financial Post suggests that "no one has been a more faithful reviewer than Dr. Gray," all that it takes to be an expert reviewer is to refrain from publicly commenting on the draft. So just about anyone who requests to see a draft of the IPCC's report is qualified to be an IPCC expert reviewer.
Bob Carter is worse. Isn't there anyone not taking money??? He takes it from tobacco as well!!!

Bob Carter
Carter's Ph.D is in palaeontology and he holds a B.Sc in geology from the University of Otago.

According to a search of 22,000 academic journals, Carter has published over 50 original research in peer-reviewed journals mainly in the area of stratigraphy, the study of rock layers and layering.

Primary Affiliations

The "Institute for Public Affairs"
Carter is on the research committee of an organization called the "Institute for Public Affairs" (IPA). The IPA is an Australian-based organization that, according to Sourcewatch, has received funding from the fossil fuel industry.

In reference to his involvement with the IPA, Carter stated in a March 15, 2007 Sydney Morning Herald article: "I don't think it is the point whether you are paid by the coal or petroleum industry."

Tech Central Station
Carter has written articles for Tech Central Station which has received has received money from ExxonMobil. Until very recently, TCS was run by the Washington lobby/PR firm DCI Group, which in turn was at the centre of controversy over a YouTube Al Gore spoof video they produced and posted under the guise of 29-year old amateur filmmaker. ExxonMobil is also reported to be a client of the DCI Group.

Skeptical Activities

"Not a credible source" on climate change
In response to claims made by Carter that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change uncovered no evidence that global warming was caused by human activity, a former CSIRO climate scientist stated that Carter was not a credible source on climate change and that "if he [Carter] has any evidence that [global warming over the past 100 years] is a natural variability he should publish through the peer review process."

Carter has written numerous newspaper articles, primarily for UK and Australian newspapers, that attempt to disprove global warming.

The International Conference on Climate Change
Carter was a speaker at the 2009 International Conference on climate Change. His speech can be viewed here. The conference is hosted by the industry-funded Heartland Institute and focuses on “research that contradicts claims that Earth’s moderate warming during the twentieth century primarily was man-made and has reached crisis proportions.”

"The Great Global Warming Swindle"
In an interview with ABC, Carter describes how "increasing [carbon dioxide] in the atmosphere is actually a benefit to human kind." He is listed on the "panel" for The Great Global Warming Swindle as a climate change skeptic.

The Great Global Warming Swindle received critical response from the scientific community, including a letter to ABC that was signed by thirty-seven British Scientists who claimed "the misrepresentations of facts and views, both of which occur in your programme, are so serious that repeat broadcasts of the programme, without amendment, are not in the public interest. In view of the seriousness of climate change as an issue, it is crucial that public debate about it is balanced and well-informed."

In an interview between ABC Australia’s Tony Jones and the film’s director Martin Durkin, The Great Global Warming Swindle’s validity and scientific accuracy were also put into question.

The Independent Summary for Policymakers
Carter is listed as a expert reviewer of the Independent Summary for Policymakers (ISPM), essentially a critical review of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report.

The ISPM is published by the industry-supported Fraser Institute. The Fraser Institute has received over $60,000 from ExxonMobil and is also financially-supported by several tobacco companies including Philip Morris and British American Tobacco
Knobby, the hypothesis that "human CO2 emissions are causing dangerous gobal warming" has not been proven to be correct. Those who believe it to be so have the onus of proof on them. It is not the other way round. The scientific method requires that a hypothesis be tested until observational data proves it to be either true or false.

So far the observational data does not match the theory. The IPCC cannot produce evidence which proves empirically that the hypothesis is true. All it has to do is produce this evidence and the debate will be silenced.
Knobby, the hypothesis that "human CO2 emissions are causing dangerous gobal warming" has not been proven to be correct. Those who believe it to be so have the onus of proof on them. It is not the other way round. The scientific method requires that a hypothesis be tested until observational data proves it to be either true or false.

So far the observational data does not match the theory. The IPCC cannot produce evidence which proves empirically that the hypothesis is true. All it has to do is produce this evidence and the debate will be silenced.

Actually Ruby and others there is quite clear evidence that "human CO2 emissions are causing dangerous global warming" not withstanding bullies like Alan Jones comments.
Actually Ruby and others there is quite clear evidence that "human CO2 emissions are causing dangerous global warming" not withstanding bullies like Alan Jones comments.

Basilio, I am afraid this is unscientific and is not empirical evidence that proves the hypothesis. It is a bit of very faulty logic.
"Humans are raising CO2 levels. CO2 traps heat. The earth is warming. Therefore human CO2 emissions are causing dangerous global warming."

It is a bad as the silly piece of non-logic that says "The **** crows before dawn each morning. The sun rises each morning soon after that. Therefore the ****'s crowing causes the sun to rise."

There are too many other factors not taken into account:-
CO2 is only one greenhouse gas. Water is a much more prevalent one.
CO2 may amplify the warming effect, but not in a straight line, so the amount of warming reduces as CO2 increases.
There has been no warming in the last 10 years, but CO2 emissions have increased.
Past history shows that global warming precedes increased CO2 emissions (so which is the cause, and which the effect?)
CO2 emissions increased dramatically post WWII, but the earth went through a cooling period for 3 decades.
The warming the earth has been experiencing in the last few hundred years is well within normal variations.
and so on..........

And by the way, I loathe Alan Jones, whatever his leanings are.