Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Posting on Weekends Friday Evening to Monday Morning

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
I do much enjoy ASF better on the weekends than during the week. I don't know why and when I don't know I like to toss it about in my head. Some possibilities.

  • It is a less stressful time. I'm retired though and don't invest/trade dangerously anymore and don't care as much about money. So maybe not. Or maybe so.
  • Other epeople are less stressed. This is possible. But I have no way of confirming it.
  • People who irritate me don't post on weekends. this is possible but I haven't really investigated this and really couldn't be bothered to.
  • There are not as many posts so I can savour the posts that present and go web travelling as a result. this is possible.

Anyways I just thought I'd start a thread on it.

Stay safe, happy and well all my fellow Weekend posters on ASF.

I do much enjoy ASF better on the weekends than during the week. I don't know why and when I don't know I like to toss it about in my head. Some possibilities.

  • It is a less stressful time. I'm retired though and don't invest/trade dangerously anymore and don't care as much about money. So maybe not. Or maybe so.
  • Other epeople are less stressed. This is possible. But I have no way of confirming it.
  • People who irritate me don't post on weekends. this is possible but I haven't really investigated this and really couldn't be bothered to.
  • There are not as many posts so I can savour the posts that present and go web travelling as a result. this is possible.

Anyways I just thought I'd start a thread on it.

Stay safe, happy and well all my fellow Weekend posters on ASF.

@Garpal Gumnut Happy web travelling and reading.
Delving backwards I too have found pearlers from a past era and ASF participants who no longer seem to be present.
being retired, the concepts of a working week and then a weekend can blur to some extent, though
  • the markets generally run Mon-Fri
  • many family, friends, neighbours are more focused on the working week
  • commercial activity is weighted towards the working week
  • entertainment activity is weighted towards the weekend
Hence our interactions do have a spread of intensity that you mention in your opening remarks.

All in all, for me, the start of the day seems to get more activity. I do wonder about those posting after midnight; insomniacs, on travels or traders of deeper markets?
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