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Oil price discussion and analysis


Consumers in Chindia about to pay real prices for their fuel as their governments try to reduce the burden of subsidies? Demand side negative?{C1D685F3-2C91-45E1-A49F-F200A5D68AB9}

Crude oil for July delivery rose 22 cents to $128.01 a barrel at 8:35 a.m. Sydney time in after-hours trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. Futures reached a record $135.09 a barrel on May 22 and are up 94 percent from a year earlier.

Yesterday, oil rose $5.49, or 4.5 percent, to $127.79 a barrel, the highest close since May 28. It was the biggest one- day gain since March 26. Prices rose as much as $6.08 a barrel in after-hours electronic trading.

"This huge move is attributed to the weaker dollar,'' said Nauman Barakat, senior vice president of global energy futures at Macquarie Futures USA Inc. in New York. "If the Europeans decide to raise interest rates, the dollar will be back on skid row.''

The roller-coaster continues....

One question I have is what alternative to oil based jet fuel do airlines have?

Seems if prices head up towards $150 barrel and beyond, many airlines including Qantas, VB etc are going to find it tough to keep flying. The flow-on effect to the tourism industry world-wide will be catastrophic if prices remain high. All the focus seems to be on alternative fuels for land based transport, but WHAT ABOUT THE AIRLINES?

Will Rudd & Co. have to bail out our fearless flyers?

Or.....biodiesel powered blimps perhaps? Now there's a thought. Anyone remember the affectionately? named "Bondy's Blimp" from WA? LOL


Boeing are working on using bio fuel in existing engines.

Might be a bit more powerful than a blimp.


Unfortunately, apart from a viable biofuel for aviation probably not being widely available for an unknown number of years, the new "20% more fuel efficient" jets won't be available until sometime into 2010 either. Will airlines survive till then if oil continues to push higher?


yeah,... Just less flights every day, planes won't take off unless fully booked with expensive seats and big fuel levies,

The days of sydney to brisbane flights for $49 are numbered.

All the small cap. oilers on my watchlist got chopped down today.I don`t know if this means a dropping crude price next week but there was some desperate exits right up to the close.
Thought I would share that observation.


All the small cap. oilers on my watchlist got chopped down today.I don`t know if this means a dropping crude price next week but there was some desperate exits right up to the close.
Thought I would share that observation.

Likely that many are taking profits, believing $128 will not hold.
I think oil is still a bit pricey, but the bottom line seems to be that upside risk continues to be the norm, with shorters being severely punished.
Last nights 6% gain was not on the back of USD weakness: The USD was simply a catalyst that wrong-footed speculators who kept running to cover.
Looking at the US situation with regard to inventories, there is no good news.
Almost across the board inventories are down, imports are lower, and available days of stock is in decline. Although there is little doubt that high prices are impacting demand, the other reality is that the US puts many millions of trucks and cars on the road each year, and to accommodate this it is essential that inventories rise year on year: This is not happening.
Charts and data can be found at:

I think the $95.00 mark is as safe. But I am really not sure where oil will go over the next 1/4,... there is scope for it to drop towards the $100 - $110 area if these "speculaters or conspiritors" change mood.
Surely we can now punt on $120 being the absolute minimum it will fall to!
Maybe too early to call that one....
Ok, but we're over $130 again tonight, meaning the dip to low '20s was well bought into.
This is a heavy bull, rather than a powerful bull.
That is, it can hold an overweight position for long periods without smashing up the China shop.
I note from some threads on oil equities that there was selling pressure today.
I can only say that if you are still just a casual observer of where oil is heading, and reluctant to dip your toe into the water, you might just miss some good buying opportunities: Oil equities are still being priced on sub $100 oil and this is a massive failure from the analytical community. For 2009 if you are pricing an equity's reserves at $150 per barrel, you will still be making a conservative estimate of value.

Holey Dooley!

I hope all you CL and QM traders are on this run. Just one contract would have paid for fuel for the Bentley for months.

Holey Dooley!

I hope all you CL and QM traders are on this run. Just one contract would have paid for fuel for the Bentley for months.

Where was my reminder Wayne?

It was one of those, 'head was turned' moments!

Few equity oil positions were triggered, but with the market tumbling, they aren't much help!

Anyone want to buy my Hummer?

Talk about parabolic!!!!!!

I don't think I have ever seen so many consecutive flags in such a short period of time!

Cannot possibly run any further in the short-term, can it?

Cannot believe I slept and didn't keep a firm eye on oil after waiting around for it's run! What a missed opportunity! Will have to make do with my lousy oil equities now.

Hope you weren't trading the mini contract Wayne!

I'm trying to flog off my private jet now, but cash converters even turned me down!

QM is not liquid enough out of hours... CL all the way for me.

I had a potential buyer for the Hummer, but he wanted me to send him the fuel to come and look. As he lives on the other side of Cheltenham (3 miles) it was going to cost me more than the Hummer is worth.

... in talks with the Museum of Human Lunacy.

Anyone want to buy my Hummer?
You selling Hummers now Wayne?

You must be doing it tough at the moment.

Or, perhaps I have a different definition of a 'hummer'.


You selling Hummers now Wayne?

You must be doing it tough at the moment.

Or, perhaps I have a different definition of a 'hummer'.

Now I have to get that image out of my mind.

So the rumour in the financial media is that Israel is about to arrack Iran.

Of course this will send oil etc Ape ****.

But if that happens, our world will change folks, the money we make from trading oil won't matter. Mark my words.

So the rumour in the financial media is that Israel is about to arrack Iran.

Of course this will send oil etc Ape ****.

But if that happens, our world will change folks, the money we make from trading oil won't matter. Mark my words.
Do any ministers in the Middle East or West Asia understand the word 'deplomacy'?

I can't help but think that eventually, they will get what they all want.

And I can't imagine where oil and gold will go...

Do any ministers in the Middle East or West Asia understand the word 'deplomacy'?

I can't help but think that eventually, they will get what they all want.

And I can't imagine where oil and gold will go...

"Diplomacy" - the building of workable international relationships.

"Deplomacy" - the dismantling of workable international relationships.



PSsssttt: I AM NOT a Middle East or West Asian Minister!!!

"Diplomacy" - the building of workable international relationships.

"Deplomacy" - the dismantling of workable international relationships.



PSsssttt: I AM NOT a Middle East or West Asian Minister!!!
LOL. Damn spell cheacker!!! he he
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