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My Trading Quest

Please note this is from yesterday.

DAY 29 – Apex Sniper Trading Bootcamp – Daily Sim Review …

Today is the third day of Sim Trading …

Actions I took:

  • Listened to the trading room for the first 180 mins of the US Open
  • The third day of Sim Trading
  • Reviewed the potential trades for Wednesday for ES and NQ

The Third day of Sim Trading – Losing Day

I had a busy day so could not focus on my trading. (Lesson 1)

Lesson 1 – I missed several trades because I was not focussed – I need to remember to walk away and come back when I can focus.

The market had some big moves and was very fast most of the US Day. (Lesson 2)

Lesson 2 – The markets were so quick that I didn’t have time to ensure they were valid. There will always be another trade so I don’t have to take the potential trade in front of me.

What I did right, was not to take revenge trades or trades that I was not sure were valid or didn’t have time to validate.

Today, I live sim traded 2 trades, 1 ES (Loss), and 1 NQ (Win). Total Loss – $190.

The running P/L for 3 days trading 1 contract on Sim Live is $122.50

Trade 1 Review – ES Short OD Divergence

Let me first explain how to tell OD Divergence.

If you look at the chart below you will see the bar on the left has a black number above it (13K). On the fourth bar from the right, you will see a white number above it (18K). As per the normal rules of divergence it requires for a short to have made a Higher High and the indicator makes a LL.

I find that the OD divergence is very accurate. It would require for this example, that the second OD number be at least 80% of the first but preferably 50%.

At the time I took the trade (Arrow marked OD Short), The bar had an OD number of approx 60% of the 13K. I took the trade, was stopped out and when the price went higher, the OD moved to the HH. I know that the OD number is dynamic but I have never been caught out by this before. At the time I entered it was a valid trade.

The trade became a valid trade where the second arrow (marked Missed Valid). I missed this trade as I was still reviewing the loss (Lesson 3). This trade was two types. First a DR Divergence trade and secondly an Enhanced trade.

Lesson 3 – Be in the NOW and focus on the chart

DR Divergence

Below the chart, you can see the red and green histogram. This is the trend direction indicator. Note below the first OD Short arrow compared to below the Missed Valid Arrow, this indicator has two hills. Price made Higher Highs and the DR Indicator made Lower Lows … therefore DR Divergence.

Enhanced Trade

There are a couple of different forms of enhanced trades but this one is identified by:

  • Reversal Bar
  • Red Box at top of the bar
  • New White Line (MM) from the bar
  • An existing line (orange PP)
The first Chart is the ES Trade

Trade 2 Review – NQ Short OD + DR Divergence

This was a simple trade and the reasons I took it is explained above.

The following is the trades from the NT7 Summary Panel

Potential trades for Tuesday for ES and NQ

Today, especially during the US daytime was very fast on both markets. NQ was quicker then ES.

In my list of potential trades for the day, I have not listed a number of trades as I would consider them not to be realistic trades.

Apex Investing does have a Semi-Automated program that would have helped to get into quick trades. I believe that this program is for more experienced traders who already know the rules and can make super quick decisions on the validity of the trade. I have heard only good things about the program but have not yet used it.

I will report back tomorrow on my progress and any lessons I learn


I am not affiliated with any of these companies.

I have been trying to post my trades after I enter, but due to the speed of the current market this has not been possible for every trade. I will see what I can do to improve the posting. I missed trades as I was trying to post.

DAY 30 – Apex Sniper Trading Bootcamp – Daily Sim Review …

Today is day four of the Sim Trading …

Actions I took:

  • Listened to the trading room for the first 90 mins of the US Open
  • Day four of Sim Trading
  • Reviewed the potential trades for Thursday for ES and NQ
Day Four of Sim Trading

NQ was still a fast market today so I only traded the ES.

I live sim traded 6 trades, 1 ES (Loss) and 5 ES (winners). Total Profit $245.

The running P/L for 4 days of Sim is $367.50

Trade 1 ES Short NTX – Trend trade (Loss – $230)

Trade 2 ES Long Enhanced and DTX Trade (Profit + $95)

The DTX trade is simply:

  • Reversal Bar
  • Box with blue square in it. On top of bar if short and bottom of bar for long (TX)
  • With another box and blue square within 5 ticks and up to 30 bars from the most recent (double)

Trade 3 ES Long OD Divergence Trade (Profit + $95)

Trade 4 Long ES OD Divergence Trade (Profit + $95)

Trade 5 OD Divergence Long Trade (Profit + $95)

Trade 6 Enhanced Long Trade (Profit + $95)

The following is the trades from the NT7 Summary Panel

Potential trades for Thursday – ES and NQ

The markets were moving very quick again. I did not trade NQ.

In my list of potential trades for the day, I have not listed a number of trades as I would consider them not to be realistic trades.

I will report back tomorrow on my progress and any lessons I learn


I am not affiliated with any of these companies.
Hi Everyone,

I have had a couple of people say that the stats are a little confusing.

Sorry if I have confused anyone. Thanks for letting me know.

To compare any stats with the Sim Trading is too soon.

My Results for the four Sim Trading days:

I will post later today the results from Friday.

Spreadsheets Explained

The first data is for ES

Section 1: Section for the possible trades identified on a static chart but not taken

Section 2: Results of ES Possible trades split into General Setups. Sometimes when a trade is identified in can fall into 2 groups and these numbers count each individual setup.

Section 3: This lists the actual Sim Trades in line with the appropriate potential trade. If the sim trade does not line up with a trade in section 1, then it is added to section 1 but not counted in that section.

Section 4: This section shows the start and stop time for potential trades. Also, any comments are added here

The second data is for NQ

Section 5: Section for the possible trades identified on a static chart but not taken

Section 6: Results of NQ Possible trades split into General Setups. Sometimes when a trade is identified in can fall into 2 groups and these numbers count each individual setup.

Section 7: This lists the actual Sim Trades in line with the appropriate potential trade. If the sim trade does not line up with a trade in section 1, then it is added to section 1 but not counted in that section.

Section 8: This section shows the start and stop time for potential trades. Also, any comments are added here

Section 9: This section shows the Daily and To-Date Summary for ONLY Sim Trades

Section 10: This section is a copy of the sim trades from the Ninja Trader platform.
I post this for two reasons.

First I want to show some proof that I took the trades at the times I took them. I wanted to post as I enter trades but that is not always practical.

Secondly, if anyone wanted to check their charts then Section 10 fives you better information for that. My trade times are entered at the bar time where as in Section 10, it will show the exact time I enter.

I do keep other stats on my spreadsheets but it would only be more confusing if I included them at this point.

I hope this helps and if you have any ideas about how I can present it better then please let me know.

Last edited:
DAY 31 – Apex Sniper Trading Bootcamp – Daily Sim Review …

Today is day five of the Sim Trading …

Actions I took:

  • Listened to the trading room for the first 120 mins of the US Open
  • Day four of Sim Trading
  • Reviewed the potential trades for Friday for ES and NQ
Day Five of Sim Trading – Options Expiration created some fast markets

NQ was still a fast market today so I only traded the ES.

I live sim traded 8 trades, 2 ES (Loss), and 6 ES (winners). Total Profit $97.50.


Both of the losses were mistakes by me. And I took a profit early on 1 trade.

The mistakes were caused by me not reading the chart properly!!!

Actions to help:

I will practice more with speed so I train my mind to identify the patterns quicker.

What I am happy with:

The reason I took profit early as the market looked like it was going into chop so I took profit at the top of the chop. After reviewing the trade, I am happy with the action I took.

I was very happy that when I had a loss, I was quick to take the next trade. I took a loss, entry at 9:41, and then entered a winning trade at 9:41:58 followed my another profitable trade at 9:43.

At about 10:00 I decided that as I was now back in profit for the day and I had made 2 mistakes then I would stop trading for the day. I wanted to make sure that I reviewed the trades I had made a mistake with before risking anything else. Get my head right for nest week.

I consider my first week of sim trading to be a reasonable week.

Trade 1 – ES Long NTX – OD (Profit $145)

Trade 2 – ES Long Enhanced Long (Profit + $20)

You can see how the market went sideways.

Trade 3 and Trade 4

Trade 3 – ES Long – I don’t know what I was thinking!! (Loss -$217)

Trade 4 – ES Long – Enhanced and DR Divergence Trade (Profit $95)

It was a quick trade and I remained focused.

Trade 5, 6 and 7

Trade 5 – Enhanced short trade but it followed a long smooth trend – NOT VALID (Loss -$230)

Trade 6 – DTX short Trade (Profit + $95)

If you look at the image below then you will see in the panel 2nd from the bottom, a green line. This shows when the DTX is valid.

Trade 7 – NTX long Trend Trade (Profit + $95)

Trade 8 – OD Divergence short Trade (Profit + $95)

The following is the trades from the NT7 Summary Panel

Potential trades for Friday – ES and NQ

The markets were moving very quickly again. I did not trade NQ and looking at the NQ chart most trade setups would have been too quick to enter.

In my list of potential trades for the day, I have not listed a number of trades as I would consider them not to be realistic trades.

The ES session did provide a number of trades that could be entered and you could have profited from them.

I will report back tomorrow on my progress and any lessons I learn


I am not affiliated with any of these companies.
DAY 32 – Apex Sniper Trading Bootcamp – Daily Sim Review …

Today is day six of Sim Trading …

Actions I took:

  • Listened to the trading room for the first 120 mins of the US Open
  • Day Six of Sim Trading
  • Reviewed the potential trades for Friday for ES and NQ

I have had a few questions asked so I thought I would touch on them first today.

  • I am not affiliated with any company that I mention or don’t mention.
  • If at the end of the 90 days I am not profitable then I will start the 90-day process with another company.
  • If I like or don’t like something about a company then I will post about it. No Company is perfect!
  • I am doing this challenge so I can learn, experience, and challenge myself. Hopefully, others will learn along the way and we can help each other to become better.
  • The Daily Potential Trades are exactly that … potential. I do this to learn the setups, benchmark against my sim/live trades, and to gather information to validate the setups. This includes the best time of day to trade, Optimum targets and stops, and a heap of other useful information.
  • My Sim Trading results will be different from yours. It is a learning tool.
  • When I am happy with my sim trading I will put the setups and myself to the test by participating in a Funded Trader Test.
  • I post my experience as I see it.
  • I welcome feedback, questions, and suggestions on how I can improve the challenge and posts.
Day Six of Sim Trading – NQ still fast at times

NQ was still a fast market today so I only traded the ES.

I live sim traded 4 trades, 1 ES (Loss), and 3 ES (winners). Total Profit $230.

Trade 1 – ES Short NTX – OD (Profit $70)

The divergence can be seen from the left side number (22K) to the right side number (8983). Price went higher but the OD number went lower.

Trade 2 – ES Long Enhanced Long (Profit + $82.50)

Trade 3 – ES Long – This was a TX – Trend trade but it was invalid due to it being against the 60K – 25K Divergence short. No short signal was given but the divergence was still valid. Stop was moved to Breakeven as soon as I noticed it was not valid. (Loss -$5)

Trade 4 – Enhanced Trade Long Trade (Profit + $85.50)

The following is the trades from the NT7 Summary Panel

Potential trades for Monday- ES and NQ

NQ was very quick at times and had 14 valid trades but they were spread out.

In my list of potential trades for the day, I have not listed a number of trades as I would consider them not to be realistic trades.

The ES session did provide 8 valid trades that could be entered and you could have profited from them.

There were a number of setups that were not valid and you could have been caught out due to the speed of the market or boredom. At times ES was very slow!

I will report back tomorrow on my progress and any lessons I learn


I am not affiliated with any of these companies.
DAY 33 – Apex Sniper Trading Bootcamp – Daily Sim Review …

Today is Day Seven of Sim Trading …

Actions I took:

  • Listened to the trading room for the first 120 mins of the US Open
  • Day Seven of Sim Trading
  • Reviewed the potential trades for Friday for ES and NQ.
Day Six of Sim Trading – Markets a mixture of fast and slow

Both markets presented good opportunities

I live sim traded 9 trades:

  • 1 ES (Loss), and 6 ES (winners)
  • No NQ(Loss), and 2 NQ(winners)
Total Profit $262.50.

Trade 1 – ES Long DTX (Loss $230)

Target was hit but not filled and then the market came down and hit my stop.

I have noticed that I am better off overall if I don’t move my stop unless there is a valid reason. A bounce off of the target price is not a valid reason.

Trade 2 – ES Long Enhanced Long (Profit + $82.50)

Trade 3 – ES Long Enhanced Long (Profit + $95.00)

Trade 4 – Trend Trade Long (Profit + $20.00)

The Yellow cluster bars represent possible chop. Price was moving very slow and with the clusters, I moved the exit to just above BE.

Trades 5, 6 and 7

Trade 5 – Trend Trade Short (Profit + $95.00)

Trade 6 – Divergence Trade Long (Profit + $95.00)

Trade 7 – DTX Trade Short (Profit + $20.00)

Trade 7 was very slow so I moved the target just below BE

NQ Trades 1 and 2

Trade 1 – Divergence Trade ($40.00)

Trade 2 – Divergence and Double TX Trade ($45.00)

I did take one other trade in NQ and it went to profit but after reviewing it I found that it wasn’t valid. So I left it out of the results.

The following is the trades from the NT7 Summary Panel

Potential trades for Tuesday - ES and NQ

Sim Trade Results Overview

I will report back tomorrow on my progress and any lessons I learn


I am not affiliated with any of these companies.
DAY 34 – Apex Sniper Trading Bootcamp – Daily Sim Review …

Today is Day Eight of Sim Trading …

Actions I took:

  • Listened to the trading room for the first 120 mins of the US Open
  • Day Eight of Sim Trading
  • Reviewed the potential trades for Friday for ES and NQ.
  • Reviewed the next step to this challenge
The Next Step in the Challenge – Evaluation for Funding

The sim trading has been going well, and if the next couple of days continue to be good then it might be time to put it to the test. I will review it again this weekend. Note next Monday is a US Holiday.

The next step will be to choose and participate in an evaluation with a company that funds traders.

At this time, I intend to start an evaluation either next Tuesday (Monday being a holiday) or the following Monday.

Day Eight of Sim Trading – I only traded NQ

What an interesting day! I decided to trade NQ as it was moving better then ES and I would watch a new setup on ES. That really didn’t work out as ES had a limited number of trades for the setup evaluation.

On the overhand, NQ gave plenty of trades to take.

You may have noticed that some of my trades have different profit and loss values. I have been getting slippage, both positive and negative even in sim!!! So I record whatever the Sim Live results are.

I live sim traded 3 trades:

3 NQ (winners)

Total Profit $155.00.

Trade 1 – NQ Short DR Divergence Profit +$45.00

Trade 2 – NQ Short Double TX Profit +$50.00

I missed this trade and when I noticed I waited to see if the price action would go to my entry price. When it started heading back down I placed my order at the original price and it took off down.

Trade 3 – NQ Long TX Trend Profit + $60.00

The following is the trades from the NT7 Summary Panel

Potential trades for Wednesday- ES and NQ

Sim Trade Results Overview

I will report back tomorrow on my progress and any lessons I learn


I am not affiliated with any of these companies.
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