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My Trading Quest

just had a look at what you have been doing will have to go over it again as it look's like a lot of win's
but well done look's good
will have to work it out my self ..
DAY 28 – Apex Sniper Trading Bootcamp – Daily Review …

Today is the second day of Sim Trading …

Actions I took:

  • Listened to today’s webinar
  • Listened to the trading room for the first 90 mins of the US Open
  • The second day of Sim Trading
  • Reviewed the potential trades for Tuesday for ES and NQ
Today’s Webinar

Over the last couple of week’s Apex have introduced two new trade setups and a third one today.

I have learned them (easy) and watched them on the live charts. I have decided, not to use these until I have results from the original boot amp setups. I will keep watching them to see how they perform.

The Second day of Sim Trading

First, I have a question. Should I post my charts or just the results like below?

The following are the 3 trades that I traded today.

2 ES and 1 NQ trades that all went to target. Total Profit $210.

The running P/L for 2 days of Sim is $312.50

I didn’t make any mistakes today and achieved 3 – 0 and then stopped trading.

The question is how to work my modified 3 – 3 when I am trading two instruments of different values?

My options are:

  • Ignore the value and just stop at the 3 wins or 3 losses?
  • Balance the instruments by trading 1 ES and 2 NQ per trade?
  • Trade the mix until I profit $250 Net or Lose $250 Net?
Apex investing suggest when trading for funding, that you use the second option (1 ES and 2 NQ)

I will review these options to see what I prefer.

Potential trades for Tuesday for ES and NQ

Good trades could be found on both ES and NQ.

The Potential Trade stats look really good with an average of over 90% win rate.

Even though it would appear that the potential is there, you must remember that these are based on 23 hours per day and the sample is still relatively small. The indications are great but the real results becomes reality when you trade live.

I will report back tomorrow on my progress and any lessons I learn


I am not affiliated with any of these companies.
Hi Willoneau,

Thanks for your advice … I am just coming to grips with posting as I enter and exit

I trade the NQ and ES and time as the market is only closed for about an hour each day.

Too late entered and exited at profit

Entry Long 2797.75 Profit Target 2799.75

Time entry 8:01 bar
if you post when you trade it is time stamped here which helps a little.
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