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MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

the last two CDs i bought that were genuine No. 1 ( almost complete sell-outs ) and the day of release were

Nick Cave - Murder Ballads ( the full album )

and Pantera - Far Beyond Driven

but i listen to a wide range of non-mainstream music from obscure classical , various ethnic musics , to brutal and extreme heavy metal

if you have an open mind the cross-overs between genres can be mind-numbing but amazing

which is a cover version of Hickory , Dickory , Dock ( the mouse ran up the clock )
was a fan of this band in the decades gone by.

Had the album on cassette but somehow it slipped from the playlist. It was a good high intensity work, good driving music.

Recently, my son said he heard "Hammerheads" and this triggered a memory. ...he would've been 7 or 8 when he heard it way back when.
Possibly the record holder for the montage of the most borrowed music from other artists:

from Eno's 1974 LP, "Here Come the Warm Jets" ...

The track people always go to and cite on the album though is “Baby’s on Fire”. It is a blistering explosion th a non-stop rhythm from Simon King played mostly on high-hat and bass drum. Electronics swirl and squiggle through the track with Brian Eno sneering out his story that is something of a commentary on media culture and celebrity as “photographer’s snip snap.” Then comes Robert Fripp’s tear-you-head-off guitar solo swirling through bends, feedback and distortion. Along with his work on David Bowie’s “Heroes” it’s Fripp’s best solo work outside of King Crimson.
.... A compelling experiment in controlled chaos ..
there's a live version out there somewhere that has lodged in my brain. ... Kevin Ayres?
18 years after Elvis, and now itself nearly half a century old, we get this.

... trying to figure out if it was more dope than avant-garde
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