ktriana, you seem to be saying that you believe in one God. Why one? Could there be many?
My belief is in the traditional christian belief as expressed in God's revealation to us in the Bible.
My response to Bunyip's question is a good summation, albeit not an exhaustive summation. To simplify it, God created us and has chosen to reveal to us through the interaction in human history as recorded in the Bible.
I know we can go on many tangents and that wont change my mind or anyone elses mind about our individual beliefs.
Think that trainspotter made the valid observation, that far greater minds than us have wrestled with these questions and have come down on differing sides of the fence. As also stated, we cannot add anything new because I don't think there are any Nobel prize winners or rhodes scholars on these boards (why would they watse their time), but maybe someone can be caused th think from a post made by someone and that will be good.
A belief system that is not challenged is hardly a belief sytsem worth having.