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Missing out again on PPT

15 October 2010

omg. anyone feel my frustration. PPT went from $30 to $38 in under 24 hours.

Why am i the only person on the planet not seeing this earlier.

So sad, last time it was GGG.
Re: Missing out again PPT


omg. anyone feel my frustration. PPT went from $30 to $38 in under 24 hours.

Why am i the only person on the planet not seeing this earlier.

So sad, last time it was GGG.

The answers to your implied questions are:
You're not the only person, I didn't see it earlier
PPT won't be the last one either.

So, just shrug it off, stick to your plan and keep trading.

Have a nice day
Re: Missing out again PPT

i had that one in my papertrade portfolio, funny thing is what ive learnt about charting since then, i would no longer flag the stock for potential purchase.

bought 324 shares on 7th $30.79 each for total of $9975.96

last price today $37.80

current value $12,247.20

Gain $2,271.24

return 22.77%

now how to turn fantasy into reality.
Re: Missing out again PPT

VGM went up 26% did we all miss that. funny cos VGM is the same piece of crap it was 4 months ago at 8 cents per share except now it's 58 cents per share...PPT traded below $28 just 4 months ago and now its 38 bucks, its the same company it was 4 months ago, same as VGM except there's nothing crappy about PPT.

Times a funny thing.
Re: Missing out again PPT

I hate you. thats a WOOPA $2000 you made in one day.

How long did u hold PPT for, im new and still learning myself.
Re: Missing out again PPT

I checked out VGM, it does seem like a small mining company..the chart looks like it still a good time to buy.

Im still learning what works for online 24/7, yet timing sucks for me.
Re: Missing out again PPT

I hate you. thats a WOOPA $2000 you made in one day.

How long did u hold PPT for, im new and still learning myself.


What Does Paper Trade Mean?
Simulated trading that investors use to practice mimicking trades (buys and sells) without actually entering into any monetary transactions.
Re: Missing out again PPT


What Does Paper Trade Mean?
Simulated trading that investors use to practice mimicking trades (buys and sells) without actually entering into any monetary transactions.

Comsec is the only platform i use.
Re: Missing out again PPT


omg. anyone feel my frustration. PPT went from $30 to $38 in under 24 hours.

Why am i the only person on the planet not seeing this earlier.

So sad, last time it was GGG.

The generate consensus is that it was very much a surprise bid.

If everyone else knew about it before the announcement, then the share price would be $38 on Friday, not Monday.

You would have plenty of gray hair (despite being a youngone) if you keep feeling frustrated on things that rise without your ownership... there are over 2000 stocks on the ASX!

Comsec is the only platform i use.

A desk is the only platform you need to paper trade. The desk helps to hold up the paper when you write.... oh a pen would be handy as well
I had that on my monitor list after seeing a symmetrical triangle pattern. But I was confused as to what will happen next, because I couldn't identify the prior trend.
Luckily I am only at the testing phase.


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Anther beaten down dog having a happy day today.
Just thought I'd alert people.
I don't own this one.
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