Hi all,
I;ve got a question about market open prices. I dont understand. I'll use TLS for example. This morning i was monitoring tls's pre-market trading. There were bids up to $5. And i swear i was watching every second of the bidding a couple minutes b4 it opened. The $5 bid was always on the top of the bidding list. I would've thought that that would've set the open. However, i was wrong. It didn't. Infact all the other bids that were higher than yesterday's close were taken off. But i swear i watched every second. Can someone please explain?
I;ve got a question about market open prices. I dont understand. I'll use TLS for example. This morning i was monitoring tls's pre-market trading. There were bids up to $5. And i swear i was watching every second of the bidding a couple minutes b4 it opened. The $5 bid was always on the top of the bidding list. I would've thought that that would've set the open. However, i was wrong. It didn't. Infact all the other bids that were higher than yesterday's close were taken off. But i swear i watched every second. Can someone please explain?