Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Liberal or Labor

Bobby said:
Hello Rederob,
What’s not true?
Please check your spelling re: ( informaed ) ?
Now you be a good boy today please. :p:
It was early and I had to head off to work, so never re-read the post first.
I will try to omprove (that's the version of improvement for those that chant but can't spell).
I think our attention is best spent on things closer to home that are happening now, rather than a US contrived game of chicken over non-existent nuclear capacity.
Things that come to mind are the Solomons, Vanuatu, West Irian, East Timor and the house down the road that plays its music so loud you can't sleep at night.
That's assuming we have got our relations with Indonesia back on track - something Downer has recently failed badly at. For the record, Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim nation, and the likes of Snake Pliskin will have us believe in 3 easy steps that they could all become overnight terrorists if I have correctly grasped his logic.
Given that we have Indonesian fisherman regularly stopping over in creeks around Weipa to literally do their dirty laundry, all the efforts to fight terrorism are made to look silly as out beloved PM year on year neglects our northern borders.
rederob said:
That's assuming we have got our relations with Indonesia back on track - something Downer has recently failed badly at.

Im not sure how many of you are aware of this but Andrew Downer was never meant to be the Minister for Foriegn Affairs. After he lost the leadership battle he asked John Howard what position he would take in the new cabinet and John said "You can be the Minister for FA", and thats how it came about. :D

Strw23 said:
Im not sure how many of you are aware of this but Andrew Downer was never meant to be the Minister for Foriegn Affairs. After he lost the leadership battle he asked John Howard what position he would take in the new cabinet and John said "You can be the Minister for FA", and thats how it came about. :D


I am drunk and I know who the foreign minister is.

Joe blow too right man I did kill many in the movies.


dream on sunshine.
Strw23 said:
Im not sure how many of you are aware of this but Andrew Downer was never meant to be the Minister for Foriegn Affairs. After he lost the leadership battle he asked John Howard what position he would take in the new cabinet and John said "You can be the Minister for FA", and thats how it came about. :D


Andrew Downer!

Is he an actor in 24 or something?
Strw23 said:
I think you mean David Palmer
Didn't John Howard have a sea change?
As for young Alexander, his surname is quite unforgiving in the present climate.

Excellent posts last night. You should take up drinking professionally (but perhaps you already have?).

Labor is crap and always have been, anyone who sides with unions is bad for business. In fact i don't see how anyone on this site could be a labor voter unless they planned something that could positively affect their share portfolio.

But im lucky i dont have to vote, im not on the electoral roll.
mista200 said:

Labor is crap and always have been, anyone who sides with unions is bad for business. In fact i don't see how anyone on this site could be a labor voter unless they planned something that could positively affect their share portfolio.

But im lucky i dont have to vote, im not on the electoral roll.
So it's good to know how useful your view is.
I'm not sure how being "lucky" and not being able to vote are good things.
Most people want to be able to have a say in who governs them.
I would never cast aspersions on your intelligence.
But that's because I'm lucky, and don't have to.
I havent ever seen someone worth voting for!
I think most people my age wouldnt even bother voting if it wasn't forced upon them.
mista200 said:
I havent ever seen someone worth voting for!
I think most people my age wouldnt even bother voting if it wasn't forced upon them.
I worked for very many years in Canberra. If you knew the hours that politicians worked - State or federal - there is little chance anybody would volunteer: They do NOT do it for the money.
I am saddened that you never got an education that enabled you to see how important EVERY politician is to us, irrespective of what you personally think of them.
Barely a second goes by without the influence of some form of legislation impacting on your life.
If you do not believe me, why not try me with an example?
I agree with redrob, politicians work extremely long hours, for what I reckon is very little pay. Sittings go well into the wee hours of the mornings and most would average 70-80 hour weeks

Look at the poverty wage that John Howard gets....some $350-$400 thousand per year, and he runs the whole country. In comparison, the average CEO of a company earns around this, and they only have to run one company.

I am not too keen on Howard, but I do think he is way under paid, for the complexity of running a country.
I live in Safe Labor seat where liberal candidates sometimes don't even stand. Why should i be forced to waste my time... there is no point in me voting. I will not enrol!
mista200 said:
I live in Safe Labor seat where liberal candidates sometimes don't even stand. Why should i be forced to waste my time... there is no point in me voting. I will not enrol!

I doubt that the nation will fall over because of your lack of interest.
However, you could consider the issue of preferences even if you feel disinclined to vote for a primary candidate.

In view of your low opinion of politicians - and I don't believe any single one of them would have entered politics without the hope and intention of making a genuine difference - how about putting yourself forward to give those in your electorate what you would undoubtedly see as a more worthwhile candidate.

Julia said: about putting yourself forward to give those in your electorate what you would undoubtedly see as a more worthwhile candidate.
I see him going for the prozac now.
He has an idea.
Just an involuntary body function.
I can actually see where Mista is coming :eek: ! We live in a VERY safe Liberal seat, and we just get ignored by EVERYONE!

If a Labor Govt is in power, then we have no chance for those extra $$$ because they know they still wont get the majority vote. If a Liberal Govt is in power, well, they know they are safe and will always get the majority vote whatever they do so they dont bother either and we still have no chance for those extra $$$ promises.

So come every election you trot off knowing that whatever you vote, you really dont influence the result. Helpless really!

It is much more interesting living in a marginal seat, and if Mista lived in one of these then I am sure they would have more feeling that they could actually make a difference.
Hi mista200

mista200 said:
I live in Safe Labor seat where liberal candidates sometimes don't even stand. Why should i be forced to waste my time... there is no point in me voting. I will not enrol!

No offence, but you sound like you have a very apathetic view - and notice I said apathetic and not pathetic............amazing how much difference 1 little letter can make :eek:

Anyway, maybe think of it this way - if enough Labor voters shared the same apathy as you appear to and decided to not vote because they thought Labor was a certainty in their seat then maybe one of the other candidates might just be lucky enough to get up and win :D


bullmarket :)
there is no doubt that the PM and other important ministers dont get enough pay for what they have to do! do you agree?
Here's a teaser for you.
Do you know why the Qld Labor government has so many women MP's?
The answer can be derived from your reply to Mista200.