just a few thoughts..continually changing from one party to the other just leads to more problems..the debt australia has now is nothing compared to the missmanagement under labor and i mught at at the last election labor put in Latham who bankrupted the Liverpool council,lets face it Labor have no idea about anything..Labor apparently for the working class yet in their tem they had house mortgage rates at record levels(18%)hello working class ppl are the ones with the home mortgages .....the union movement just wants workers to get higher and higher wages which will lead to more foreign workers coming here to work plus many companies continuing to source cheap labour overseas so this will lead to a massive drop in aussie wages in the long term and its the Labor party who support unions..my vote is clear..Labor will again bankrupt this countryKnobby22 said:I have changed my vote to Labour federally.
Lately they have shown themselves to be poor managers -
I site - labour shortages
- US free trade agreement
- collapse of maufacturing
- failure to monitor wheat trade adequately.
- willingness to ignore information that does not meet party views.
- 19th century labour policies that even internation right wing groups predict will be deletarious to our economy.
- failure to address housing bubble.
I don't know if Labour will be much better but it is definitely time for a change in the guard.