Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Liberal or Labor

Mofra said:
Exactly how much rum did you consume before typing that?
Are boogn's the same as bogans? Why are you so homophobic? If you don't like Australia, why are you still here?
What on earth does "Not my real choice of a second brief of wind!"mean?

That is one post that raises more questions than answers.

FWIW I only vote for a minor party in the senate as I loathe the idea of one of the major parties having the balance of power in the senate. Vote independant in the house of reps, but only after checking their preferences of course ;)

Hi Mofra, and Twojacks28

:eek: I hope you didn't take my post the wrong way. I was just being sincere and mean't what I siad in a good way.
Personaly and honestly I had none to drink except 2 light beers, the present government and those involved furiate me it lives in the past and not the present, it deviates around the subject and not straight to it, living on Old and mouldy values, to enrich thier commie pockets, chocking the system buy collecting the dirt sediment and making Australia the lie it is today.

What are Bogans? Boogn's; stands for indigines rubbish and no I'm not predudise in any way. And no I'm not homophobic, if a person is that way inclinded, I say thats there problem. unlike the present government i only wouldn't want thier problems influancing me in any way.
The only reason why I'm here in Australia is because I was born here. My parents arise from Ireland and Germany. I'- if I could leave this sess pit I would, but where would I go, I mean seeming as the Unmoral values of England and the U.S.A have infested the world I don't think it would be much different.

Like I was saying not exactly my chioce of a second breif of wind. What that means is that if Australia was at a republician state of mined people will learn the true values of LOVE & HATE! and the country could then breath in its natural state. -And Don't you try and tell me that it is.
But No every things got to lie and go around the facts of life. In other words where do you people get off saying things like; For e.g " Or thats not how the Queen would of liked it or done it, lets change these facts and do it her way, at least then we can be re-assured" Well NO THANKS go and get **** and why would you give 2 ** about someone else's apiniun and values when your talking about the facts of life. Your facts of life not the governments POXIE interest.
You see thier is no second wind were made to choke and suffer based on unmorel grounds and inderpendance. Hey where's my second wind everything stinks like combustion. Real honest fresh air with smarts,- Aussie government I dont think so.

Take that picture of President Bush for intance; Hey who's he think he is, the worlds apressa. i mean he's culture values arise from the new English state and as far as he is conserned every country sux and its not as good as Americia's, there all threats, shouldn,t speek a second lanuage to intise the original. -Anyway that bloke sucks, and before he starts bad mouthing or giving judgment on others he needs to look in the mirror, for all his anwers on hipagrites.

Or yer and also Twojacks28, thats your apinion and it really must mean alot to you if your into that sorta thing. I still say "sack the lot of them" ther've had or got the Jack!

Should of been a square solar system or planet, at least then you may not have to put up with the problems of others.- (Sorry to hear about it!)

All the Best!


-----A Penny a day keeps the doctor away----- :2twocents
ok whatever stockblitz. also mofra the problem with the independents are they have only a small focus on the issues that concern them. thats why they will never become the government as the is involves many issues which they cant handle. thats the problem they dont have a good enough understanding of the rest of the issues and most independents are former liberal or labor party members that were kicked out!!!
i'm still utterly repulsed by our commitment to the war.. But i think labour wouldn't be much better.. that one issue would sway me over concern for various domestic stuff because its affecting a lot more people from a humanitarian perspective..
Just to throw a spanner in the works and bring another party into this...

It seems that the long anticipated split in the environment movement could be underway. Well, at least that's what the Australian Government is trying to do judging by recent actions.

For those not aware, a second wind farm proposal looks to be in trouble now on account of a decision by the government. The problem? It's not threatening any endangered species or anything like that but apparently a few locals might not like it. So the solution is don't build it. (I'll have to remember this approach come tax time - I don't like paying it so I guess it's OK to just not pay. Mustn't upset anyone after all).

Anyway, what this comes down to (apart from the politics) is the reality that in practice many "environmental" debates are not about the environment versus development as is often assumed to be the case but rather, about sustainability versus conservation. The two are often mutually exclusive and that is particularly so where energy is concerned.

There's no chance whatsoever that we're going to meet greenhouse gas emission targets without an awful lot of renewable energy development, a point many seem to overlook. The nuclear debate is smiliarly about whether or not to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. No uranium, wind farms, hydro dams or whatever = more greenhouse gas emissions.

Nothing's certain but I've been expecting this point to be reached for quite a while now and it seems we could be there. Politically, the Greens might find serious troubles if this continues. After all, many of their policies are mutually exclusive due to the reality of conservation versus sustainability.

For example, dams on wild rivers, wood chipping and wind farms are all relatively sustainable but absolutely at odds with conservation and are all opposed by the Greens despite representing some of the key solutions to problems such as global warming which the Greens claim to want stopped. In contrast, tourism is an absolutely unsustainable industry heavily tied to cheap petroleum and global warming. But it fits nicely with conservation and is supported by the Greens despite being at odds with many of their other policies.

I could be wrong but I do get the feeling that the Greens are going to find somewhat more scrutiny over their mutually exclusive policies. They could foreseeably end up much the same as the Democrats if they lost sufficient credibility on environmental issues. They have, after all, worked wonders for the oil and gas industries. A point they may not like too many to become aware of. :2twocents
wayneL said:
Slightly off topic. but how's this for world class diplomacy...



Great photo and accompanying comment, Wayne.

And he still can't pronounce "nuclear" for heaven's sake!



  • hu.jpg
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:2twocents 'lets not get to excited'. But seeming as we can't really just sack'em, even thou it is what the country needs. Going with Smurf1976's values and particular important agenders,and signing on a new party (Republican) Combining all 4,5 party's as one, and of coarse buy sacking all the laboured liberals and greens found incompatent and commonwealth conspiraters, (All). Forming the One party, Republician and then branching of with inderpendance of all areas to form state and national governend body's to greate a True Australian Government'. That way we can all get involved and they won't be able to go around the subject, only striaght forward and into the facts, not been able to defeat the purpuse of a correct decision, with all the lee way that this present commonwealth is entitled with the constant bitching and bicary of the Labour and Libral government we have to day.
Policys; what goods a policy with out a honest commitment, or faithful ledger?
Answer: Decete.

Stock'ie'Bailz :2twocents
Julia said:
Great photo and accompanying comment, Wayne.

And he still can't pronounce "nuclear" for heaven's sake!


Interesting article about the vist here: (sorry, off topic again :rolleyes: )

The US forgets its manners
By Todd Crowell

HUA HIN, Thailand - Considering how much time and effort was spent on the ceremonial details of Chinese President Hu Jintao's official visit to Washington last week, it is hard to understand how things could have gotten fouled up so badly.

It should be remembered that the visit started off as a deliberate putdown. The Chinese argued strenuously for a full state visit complete with a black-tie state dinner. They got an official state lunch and a welcome on the White House grounds. Things went downhill from there....
Let's start a Bush Gaffe thread - seriously off this topic now, but am betting it would become the longest thread in this forum - so much ammo
tarnor said:
i'm still utterly repulsed by our commitment to the war.. But i think labour wouldn't be much better.. that one issue would sway me over concern for various domestic stuff because its affecting a lot more people from a humanitarian perspective..

the war wasnt a bad decision.. we have stopped a horrible dictator that killed tens of thousands of people and we are installing democracy into a country where it hasnt been seen for a long time. Also any other party that was in government when the decision was made would have made the same decision and sent our troops over aswell!
twojacks28 said:
.. we have stopped a horrible dictator that killed tens of thousands of people and we are installing democracy into a country where it hasnt been seen for a long time...

And we do this by killing hundreds of thousands?

Where are we in regards to Zimbabwe, Rwanda and a host of other countries where fair dinkum genocide is occuring?

Democracy? How 'bout civil war?

...and where's the WMD's?

Sorry, that's just an artificial politcal construct you've fallen hook, line & sinker for.

MY apologies for the tone, but honestly, you need to open your eyes.
twojacks28 said:
the war wasnt a bad decision.. we have stopped a horrible dictator that killed tens of thousands of people and we are installing democracy into a country where it hasnt been seen for a long time...

I hope they don't try to 'install' democracy like that anywhere else, violence is damn too expensive in lives and money and everything else...out of the frying pan and into the fire, thank you Uncle Sam.
No your right richkid we should of let him kill tens of thousands of innocent civilians. That would be much cheaper for us.
:iagree: with the RichKid :)

I'm not convinced the world is a better let alone a safer place now after Iraq than it would have been had we not invaded'm not convinced the train bombings in Spain, the London bombings and the Bali bombings would have happened anyway had we not invaded Iraq.

And a huge disappointment and major reason for loss of trust in US intelligence and motives, for me at least, is that I find it very hard to believe that the CIA didn't know the info re WMD's they passed on to the US gov't to justify invading Iraq wasn't at best doubtful and at the worst blatant lies.

I'm now waiting to see what fairy tale they will come up with to justify invading Iran :(


bullmarket :)
the iraq invasion did not start the london bombings, bali bombings etc. they were there before we invaded iraq and now bin laden uses them as a reason to attack america and other countries. they believe in the death of all westerners anyway! they use the invasion as a scapegoat for there horrible acts! :swear:
hi 2jacks28

I understand what you are saying and agree in principle.

The point I was trying to make is that I'm not convinced the frequency and number of attacks on western countries since March 2003 would have been as high had we not invaded Iraq.


wayneL said:
And we do this by killing hundreds of thousands?

Where are we in regards to Zimbabwe, Rwanda and a host of other countries where fair dinkum genocide is occuring?

Democracy? How 'bout civil war?

...and where's the WMD's?

Sorry, that's just an artificial politcal construct you've fallen hook, line & sinker for.

MY apologies for the tone, but honestly, you need to open your eyes.

Absolutely, and totally agree with you
Originally Posted by wayneL
And we do this by killing hundreds of thousands?

Where are we in regards to Zimbabwe, Rwanda and a host of other countries where fair dinkum genocide is occuring?

Democracy? How 'bout civil war?

...and where's the WMD's?

Sorry, that's just an artificial politcal construct you've fallen hook, line & sinker for.

MY apologies for the tone, but honestly, you need to open your eyes.

and don't forget what we and the rest of the world is allowing to go on in SUDAN :banghead: :swear:
thankyouf or tha insight but my eyes are open and i havent fallen for hook line and sinker i no excatly what is going in. have you ever thought that we cant be helping everyone at once. and maybe if the UN did something for once there wouldnt be such a big problem.

Under Liberals Ideologies - the rich get richer etc...

under labour they all give into dole bludgers and people who don't want to work or seek out gain
twojacks28 said:
thankyouf or tha insight but my eyes are open and i havent fallen for hook line and sinker i no excatly what is going in. have you ever thought that we cant be helping everyone at once. and maybe if the UN did something for once there wouldnt be such a big problem.

True, but it seems we help those with OIL just a little faster than the rest!