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Latest tweets by The Donald

Australia and many European countries need to cut taxes and build high tax free allowances.
I suggest a tax free figure of $60,000 for Australians on earnings. Next $60,000 at 15%. Tax on next $60,000 at 20%. Anything over that at 25%. Zero tax on all dividends and abolish capital gains tax.
Add a 20% surcharge on all flights out of or into Australia - a very green act. Put a 100% extra tax on cigarettes and tobacco. A 100% additional tax on all alcohol. An additional 40c per litre on petrol or diesel. Extra 20% tax on new vehicles. Extra 10% tax on houses or properties bought over a value of $1 million.

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The Donald is getting to work on this despite the trip hazards. Other countries need to watch and learn. Pretty fast as well.

The Donald is getting to work on this despite the trip hazards. Other countries need to watch and learn. Pretty fast as well.

Agree we need a wall between WA and eastern states to stop our GST leaving WA
Agree we need a wall between WA and eastern states to stop our GST leaving WA

In 1933 there was a vote in favour of seccession and a seccession flag designed. The outcome was to set up a new country but the British didn't allow it to happen.
Westralia would then have become a Dominion like Canada.
So citizens would not be Australians today they'd be Westralians.

Let see... France, Germany, Russia, China... some UN agency verifying Iranian compliance.. they all say that Iran is in compliant.

But none of those countries with all their spies and security experts know more than Israel. And it just happen that Israel have been wanting the US to wipe Iran out since at least Junior taking out Saddam some 15 years ago.

I guess those countries don't have evidence like a photo of a few big safe housing nuclear secret documents.

It may be the case that Israel knows what America wants to hear. So they've served it up to them with caviare.
It may be the case that Israel knows what America wants to hear. So they've served it up to them with caviare.

Yea, he know Trump can't read so the presentation has big fonts, lots of adjectives Trump likes... and has quite a few props unveiled slowly. David Copperfield might sue for trademark infringement.

But of course Yahu doesn't want war with Iran. No way, he said.
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