Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Latest tweets by The Donald

This picture sums it up

If it were the Republicans doing it, it would be on the cover of TIME Magazine

Black Out 01.jpeg

If you have nothing to hide - why do this?

Why not double check the results?
Not a tweet but then, he has been censored.........

A link to the full transcript of Trumps speech, an interesting read

Below hanging offence right there, but wait there is more...unbelievable.

" They rigged it like they’ve never rigged an election before. By the way, last night, they didn’t do a bad job either, if you notice. I’m honest. I just, again, I want to thank you. It’s just a great honour to have this kind of crowd and to be before you. Hundreds of thousands of American patriots are committed to the honesty of our elections and the integrity of our glorious republic. All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by emboldened radical left Democrats, which is what they’re doing and stolen by the fake news media. That’s what they’ve done and what they’re doing. We will never give up. We will never concede, it doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved. "
I just don't get the defending of Trump or the non stop excuses then the follow up with " false equivalence " justifications.
As an individual Trump is very seriously flawed. Classic narcissistic bully is exactly what he is and I've zero time for anyone like that.

Politically though, well he does have some underlying valid points and the same could be said in regard to Australian politics.

The Democrats, and in Australia the ALP, seem to have sadly become aimed at both ends but not at the majority in the middle. They'll look after the poor, have an unholy alliance with the rich, and have abandoned the majority in the middle.

Something's very seriously wrong when a plumber or truck driver votes for the Coalition whilst their boss votes Labor. That's a simple example but it's symptomatic of the problem with the ALP and in the US case the Democrats. They seem to have time for every "Left" cause that comes along however trivial, and are happy to hold hands with the actual top end of town, but have forgotten about the rest.

The rest have had enough of being ignored, taken for granted and even looked down upon and Trump in the US, and ScoMo in Australia, are products of that reality with the difference being that the latter's a far calmer and more sensible individual.

Looking at specific party leaders who lost, well Hillary Clinton and Bill Shorten both came across much the same. Neither seemed like they had too much in common with the ordinary person, both seemed to be threatening more of the same approach of turning their backs on the ordinary workers and taking them for granted whilst pandering to those wanting special treatment. :2twocents
Attention: Calling all DTS sufferers - you only have 5 more days to whinge and make up stories about Donald Trump. Get in while you can.
Looking at specific party leaders who lost, well Hillary Clinton and Bill Shorten both came across much the same. Neither seemed like they had too much in common with the ordinary person, both seemed to be threatening more of the same approach of turning their backs on the ordinary workers and taking them for granted whilst pandering to those wanting special treatment.

I'd also mention Jeremy Corbin in the UK. A long way Left and turned off the average worker who were worried about higher taxation.

The only Centre-Left parties to have won government from Opposition are the ones closer to the centre, Hawke, Rudd, Blair etc. Don't frighten the horses and suck up to the media.
A bit about how the US got to here and where Trump fits. In a small part addresses some of Smurfs points.

From Bill Clinton’s “New Democrats” through Barak Obama’s “hope and change,” Democratic leaders embraced the conservative consensus. They championed the corporate trade policies that shipped jobs abroad, while liberal economists mocked those who warned of the consequences. They did little as unions were crushed, as wages stagnated and the price of necessities like health care, education, and housing soared. They shelved antitrust enforcement and touted Wall Street deregulation. And when the resulting financial wilding finally ended in the financial collapse of 2008, the Obama administration bailed out the banks that were responsible, while millions of Americans whom they preyed upon lost their homes and their savings.

Ostracizing Trump and prosecuting those who terrorized the Capitol is imperative, but the survival of this democracy depends not on whether Trump is impeached or disgraced but on whether it can actually work for working people again. If it can’t—and change won’t be easy, because it requires challenging the elites and the entrenched interests of both parties—then Trump is likely to be seen merely as an amateur opening for the full horror show that is yet to come.
A bit about how the US got to here and where Trump fits. In a small part addresses some of Smurfs points.

From Bill Clinton’s “New Democrats” through Barak Obama’s “hope and change,” Democratic leaders embraced the conservative consensus. They championed the corporate trade policies that shipped jobs abroad, while liberal economists mocked those who warned of the consequences. They did little as unions were crushed, as wages stagnated and the price of necessities like health care, education, and housing soared. They shelved antitrust enforcement and touted Wall Street deregulation. And when the resulting financial wilding finally ended in the financial collapse of 2008, the Obama administration bailed out the banks that were responsible, while millions of Americans whom they preyed upon lost their homes and their savings.

Ostracizing Trump and prosecuting those who terrorized the Capitol is imperative, but the survival of this democracy depends not on whether Trump is impeached or disgraced but on whether it can actually work for working people again. If it can’t—and change won’t be easy, because it requires challenging the elites and the entrenched interests of both parties—then Trump is likely to be seen merely as an amateur opening for the full horror show that is yet to come.
The article still doesn't get it right.
But at least it briefly light up the above paragraphs.
Like I said I don't get the excuses for Trump non of it makes sense.
It's called blind faith mate. The Trump sympathisers that troll this website have extremely myopic views and they can only see what they want to see. It's all part of the "programming" - the very attribute they accuse others of.

Just look at the troll that keeps going on about "DTS sufferers" - it's like a broken record but that's all they have.

They demonstrate the very faults they see in others. It would be funny if it wasn't so boring and repetitive.

Even funnier, they make Trump look worse than he really is.... as has just been clearly demonstrated.

Sadly however.... ASF is worse off because of it.
The case for Trumps' second impeachment is as feeble as the first.

As shown below there is more of a case for Pelosi and Waters to be impeached.

But not a peep from the peanut gallery when any of the cases below occurred. Hypocrites.

The case for Trumps' second impeachment is as feeble as the first.

As shown below there is more of a case for Pelosi and Waters to be impeached.

But not a peep from the peanut gallery when any of the cases below occurred. Hypocrites.

...and yet, a record number of Republican senators cross the floor to vote for impeachment. Whilst others only vote against impeachment because they fear for the safety of their family, should they dare defy Dear Leader.

Very relieved to see actual consequences brewing for Donald Drumpf.
From Bill Clinton’s “New Democrats” through Barak Obama’s “hope and change,” Democratic leaders embraced the conservative consensus. They championed the corporate trade policies that shipped jobs abroad, while liberal economists mocked those who warned of the consequences. They did little as unions were crushed, as wages stagnated and the price of necessities like health care, education, and housing soared. They shelved antitrust enforcement and touted Wall Street deregulation. And when the resulting financial wilding finally ended in the financial collapse of 2008, the Obama administration bailed out the banks that were responsible, while millions of Americans whom they preyed upon lost their homes and their savings.
In a nutshell that's the problem with politics.

If you're a minority with a "woke" cause then you get looked after. If you're a rich elite then you get all you want and the table's tilted in your favour. Everyone else from workers and students through to small business owners or small time investors gets shafted.

The masses are, quite simply, getting fed up with this and will vote for anyone who looks like they're going to fix it or at least stop making it worse.:2twocents
You have 1,432 historical and constitutional scholars against you on that one.

Curious that those same scholars don't apply the same principles to the Dems who have openly promoted violence over the last year.

Try a little critical thinking bro, it will be to your benefit as time goes by.
This picture sums it up

If it were the Republicans doing it, it would be on the cover of TIME Magazine

If you have nothing to hide - why do this?

Why not double check the results?

This was just another lie created and spread to undermine the election results.

Why were the windows boarded up ? Check out what actually happened.

And by the way there were 268 Democratic challengers, 227 Republican challengers and 75 nonpartisan challengers on the floor checking the counting of the votes.
Looks like Trumps invitation to the Jan 6th crowd to come to his Capitol Hill Party was taken very seriously:). !!

I responded to your post claiming inter alia "obvious irregularities" regarding the November elections, and sought from you what they might be.
You offered nothing.
Now you make a baseless claim that I am "trying to disparage <you> with utterly faulty logic."
My posts have made it clear that no amount of evidence is likely to convince rusted-on Trump supporters unless he acknowledged reality and stated unequivocally that he lost the election, fair and square.
If Trump had an ounce of Presidentiality to his being, his latest tweet could have done that.
Can anyone see that happening?
I repeat what I have said on here before I'm primarily here for banter and discussion not legalistic argument.

The circumstantial evidence of vote tampering is all over that god damn internet, rederob. If you want to look for it you can find it but as big only employee of my own business I'm not interested in spending hours correlating videos and what.

But as I've tried to convey before, this misses the greater point anyway.

The greater point is confidence in the electoral system... This is clearly lacking and whether or not this election result is fair dinkum or not does not matter. What I think is really important is that future elections are seen to be absolutely above recourse.

Perhaps we might agree on that point?