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Latest tweets by The Donald

Donald Kirk Hartle.... of interest to the Nevada AG.
He's only been charged of course...

So what is it about the name Donald??? just coincidence??

And Niorua ... to reference Mark Twain 'It's no use aguing with the stupid, they'll bring you down to their level and then beat you with their experience'


Yeah. Like brilliant. Look forward to seeing the full force of the electoral act brought for a calculated fraudulent vote.

ByRafi Schwartz

A Nevada business executive once touted as the literal poster child for the GOP’s Donald Trump-fueled claims of voter fraud in 2020 has been arrested and charged with two counts of, you guessed it, voter fraud.

“Voter fraud is rare, but when it happens it undercuts trust in our election system and will not be tolerated by my office,” Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford said in a statement Thursday announcing the charges against Donald “Kirk” Hartle, a Las Vegas businessman whom this past November became the face of the state Republican Party’s baseless allegations of electoral malfeasance. “I want to stress that our office will pursue any credible allegations of voter fraud and will work to bring any offenders to justice.

Hartle first rose to political prominence nearly a year ago when, in the aftermath of Trump’s loss in Nevada, he claimed to have “discovered” a ballot cast by his long-deceased wife, Rosemarie. Shortly thereafter, his allegation that someone had evidently spoofed his wife’s signature to cast a ballot in the 2020 race was shared by the Nevada GOP’s official Twitter account, which described it as a “concrete case” of voting irregularity worthy of serious and immediate investigation.

Unfortunately for them, their wish came true. Per the criminal complaint against Hartle:
DONALD KIRK HARTLE, has committed the crime of VOTING USING THE NAME OF ANOTHER PERSON, a category “D” felony in violation of NRS 293.775 [58476]; and VOTING MORE THAN ONCE AT SAME ELECTION, a category “D” felony in violation of NRS 293.780 [52523]. All of the acts alleged herein have been committed or completed on or between Oct. 26, 2020 and Oct. 30, 2020, by the above-named defendant, within the County of Clark, State of Nevada.
Put simply, yes, it seems like someone did spoof Rosemarie’s ballot in the 2020 election: Hartle himself. And it’s worth noting that Hartle isn’t a nobody in the world of Nevada conservative politics, either: He’s the CFO of the Ahern Family of Companies, a construction business that has twice been fined for violating COVID laws while hosting Trump rallies at its facilities. What’s more, earlier this year Hartle’s boss, Don Ahern, was named finance chairman for the Nevada Republican Party, and formerly served “as an instrumental member of President Donald J. Trump’s finance team” according to the party’s press release at the time.

If convicted, Hartle faces up to four years in prison, and $5,000 in fines.

The Nevada AG’s charges against Hartle come just days after Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick was forced to pay out $25,000 after publicly offering a bounty to anyone with information of voter fraud in the 2020 election — presumably to bolster Trump’s loud but unfounded claims of a “stolen election.” Paxton’s hefty payout was ultimately made to Eric Frank, a Pennsylvania poll worker who provided information of voter fraud committed by, oh yes, a registered Republican.
To rub more salt into the wounds of Republicians looking for electoral fraud. :)

Texas’s voter fraud search found Republican fraud and nothing else

Following the 2020 presidential election, Dan Patrick went looking for voter fraud. Well, he sent other people looking for it, at least. Patrick, the lieutenant governor of Texas and a Trump supporter who has played footsie with the former president’s conspiracy theories about stolen elections, set aside $1 million to pay anyone who provided evidence of voter fraud.

The week, he made his first payment, though it probably wasn’t to the kind of investigator he was hoping for. According to The Dallas Morning News, Patrick cut a $25,000 check to Eric Frank, a Democrat and poll worker in Pennsylvania who turned in information that led to a voter fraud conviction — against a registered Republican.

Patrick has been touting his $1 million bounty for months, launching it just days after the 2020 election concluded and claiming that it would pay a minimum of $25,000 for any information that leads to an arrest and conviction. In a press release, Patrick advised potential whistleblowers across the country — not just in Texas — to provide evidence to local law enforcement and then claim their reward, which would be paid out of Patrick’s campaign funds.

Here’s the catch, though: Patrick never explained how a person could actually claim their bounty. The initial press release makes a promise of a payout, but there is little other information. It’s mostly just a formalized rambling screed about Democrats stealing elections. So when Frank came forward with evidence of voter fraud, it wasn’t clear how exactly he was going to get paid. He told The Dallas Morning News back in January that he was trying to figure out how to get in contact with the Patrick but to no avail. “I don’t know what avenue to take in order to request the reward,” he said at the time.

It wasn't until earlier this month that Frank was finally able to get into contact with Patrick’s office, at which point he submitted documentation to prove that he helped get someone convicted of voter fraud: a 72-year-old registered Republican who attempted to cast a ballot in his son’s name. With a conviction on the books, Patrick had no choice but to cut a check.

Frank is probably the last person that Patrick wanted to hear from. According to The Dallas Morning News, Frank’s father is an election judge and his mother is a campaign manager for Pennsylvania Democrats. Frank himself is a poll worker and said he would have turned in anyone who attempted to commit voter fraud; it just so happened the person he did catch in the act was a Republican. (It’s worth noting that Pennsylvania has charged five people with voter fraud, and four are registered Republicans.)

The payout is a drop in the bucket for Patrick, who has more than $23 million in campaign funds — which makes it all the funnier that he paid the absolute minimum to Frank. According to Frank, he was told that he was the first and only person to ask for a payout, but wasn’t given more because they are saving the reward for “bigger fish.”


Trump's position has some similarity with Boris Johnson in the UK although as is said often The Donald is on steroids. It doesn't matter how bad things get they are still there and eventually come back smelling of roses. The electoral system is changing in Trump's favour as Republicans try to get the voting setup in some states back to where they were pre-coronavirus.
The venture appears to be something of a fundraising and media opportunity for Mr Trump as he continues to tease a possible 2024 presidential run. Since leaving office, he has continued to give interviews to right wing media outlets, often repeating his fraudulent allegations that the 2020 election was stolen.
Mr Trump is likely to use the tour to hawk his new SPAC-backed social media platform, "Truth Social," which is scheduled to launch sometime in the first quarter of 2022.
Interesting to note that Dave Rubin has merged his Locals platform with Rumble, who in turn now have a merge or some sort of partnership with Truth Social. Precis details I'm not 100% sure on.

Great that competing businesses with YoooTooob are starting to collect up a head of steam.

Bloody good I say.
Interesting to note that Dave Rubin has merged his Locals platform with Rumble, who in turn now have a merge or some sort of partnership with Truth Social. Precis details I'm not 100% sure on.

Great that competing businesses with YoooTooob are starting to collect up a head of steam.

Bloody good I say.
Monetisation is where any competing platforms will really gather steam.

From memory, these same Fox presenters were blaming antifa for the attack in the days after January 6th. They knew damn well who it was.

Fox Hosts Begged Trump to Stop the January 6 Attack on the Capitol​


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President Trump - 45th - rides again.

This image contained in a court filing by the Department of Justice on Aug. 30, 2022, and redacted by in part by the FBI, shows a photo of documents seized during the Aug. 8 search by the FBI of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. The Justice Department says it has uncovered efforts to obstruct its investigation into the discovery of classified records at former President Donald Trump's Florida estate. (Department of Justice via AP)
I think Trump has just blown up his chances with this...

Well, Trump's had 2 years to think about the first tweet back from suspension... Nothing yet, but there are a lot of eyeballs glued to twitter right now waiting on the orange man to tweet. If anything is going to break twitter or the internet it's going to be a flurry of Trump tweets.

His followers obviously wiped to zero but climbing fast. I took two screenshots about 10m apart and he added a quarter million followers.
