Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Obama is a very smart cookie. He had the ABC attack dog, Kerry O'Brien eating out of his hand last night. But in character assessment he is quite naive. Rudd has certainly pulled the wool over his eyes.

His generous praise of Rudd flies in the face of what those Australians who haven't been taken in by his spin already know.

We know the real Rudd is a lying, scheming, two-faced, evil tempered bully. An "'umble man"?:rolleyes:. Even Uriah Heep would be laughing at that one.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Obama is a very smart cookie. He had the ABC attack dog, Kerry O'Brien eating out of his hand last night. But in character assessment he is quite naive. Rudd has certainly pulled the wool over his eyes.

His generous praise of Rudd flies in the face of what those Australians who haven't been taken in by his spin already know.

We know the real Rudd is a lying, scheming, two-faced, evil tempered bully. An "'umble man"?:rolleyes:. Even Uriah Heep would be laughing at that one.

Reminds me of George Bush and his "MAN of STEEL"
Invading another country on lies. nice
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Obama is a very smart cookie. He had the ABC attack dog, Kerry O'Brien eating out of his hand last night. But in character assessment he is quite naive. Rudd has certainly pulled the wool over his eyes.


A bit of a contradiction there isn't it!

His generous praise of Rudd flies in the face of what those Australians who haven't been taken in by his spin already know.

But, he's a politician and the most powerful statesman in the world. What do you expect him to say 'publicly' about an allie.

We know the real Rudd is a lying, scheming, two-faced, evil tempered bully. An "'umble man"?:rolleyes:.

So how is this too different from most politicans?

I think I could count he number of politicans on one hand that didn't break promises or lie and scheme or are two faced to gain power and or favors. What about the little 'deal' between Howard and Costello for the leadership transition for example.

Evil tempered bully... show me any bully that is not evil tempered!

Isn't bullying just another name for politics for most politicans. Again, Howard was quite a bully especially in the party room and what about Abbot. What's his nic name again! :rolleyes:

I wonder if Rudd is holding the lead in the polls because many people see him as 'inspiring more confidence' by out-performing his counter 'attack dog'...

...or that the other attack dog hasn't put much in the way of policies out there yet and it may get down again to not a good choice, but the least worst choice for leader... keeping in mind that Howard lost the last election, Rudd didn't win it.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?


I wonder if Rudd is holding the lead in the polls because many people see him as 'inspiring more confidence' by out-performing his counter 'attack dog'...

Yes you are confused. I did say;

His generous praise of Rudd flies in the face of what those Australians who haven't been taken in by his spin already know

Obviously this doesn't include you.

I was impressed how much more statesman- like and mature Obama is than Rudd. He got through the entire interview without once blaming his predecessor, which is something Rudd and his gang are incapable of . Their whole re-election strategy is based on the "blame game".
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yes you are confused. I did say;

You didn't get it! I've highlighted it this time.

Originally Posted by Calliope
Obama is a very smart cookie. He had the ABC attack dog, Kerry O'Brien eating out of his hand last night. But in character assessment he is quite naive. Rudd has certainly pulled the wool over his eyes.

I was impressed how much more statesman- like and mature Obama is than Rudd. He got through the entire interview without once blaming his predecessor, which is something Rudd and his gang are incapable of . Their whole re-election strategy is based on the "blame game".

Yes Obama has won a lot of appreciation world wide for his demeanor, BUT he is not on the campaign trail talking to an Aus jorrnalist.

On the other hand, the blame game is a standard and necessary tool to some degree in politics and one that Howard for example, used very well, arguably the best at it, albeit once too often. I'd say Rudd uses that tactic because it seems to be the most successful for him in the circumstances as Howard and most others have used it before.

Calliope, mate, at the end of the day we have to look a bit deeper than the superfical persona and tactics of our politicans to the likely benifits to us and our community of electing each party... as I said before unfortunately it may come down this time to the least worst leader.

Sure we can poke fun at some of the antics they get up too, but it seems that a lot of people have made up their minds and approve or at least prefer Rudd to Abbot.

The onus is on Abbot to produce something, preferably in the way of policy difference, to win the vote, unless Rudd makes a monumental blunder, something more considerable than has transpired so far... hence a degree of smirk on Rudds face. That's politics! :(
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Sure we can poke fun at some of the antics they get up too, but it seems that a lot of people have made up their minds and approve or at least prefer Rudd to Abbot.

As I said. The electors who have made up their minds are the ones who, like you, have been hoodwinked by his bribes and spin and continual use of the blame game.

He obviously inspires confidence in you. I am not as gullible. Abbott doesn't impress either but he is not running the country or draining the coffers.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

As I said. The electors who have made up their minds are the ones who, like you, have been hoodwinked by his bribes and spin and continual use of the blame game.

He obviously inspires confidence in you. I am not as gullible. Abbott doesn't impress either but he is not running the country or draining the coffers.

You continue to make a lot of generalised assumptions.

As I have posted repeatedly, despite your assertion to the contrary, I'm not happy with how efficiently and effectively Rudd is handling the country atm.

The point I've been trying to make is simply that there are many people who ALWAYS vote along party lines and the ones that make the difference are the swinging voters of whom I am one. I think in my lifetime I've voted for probably every party at some time including Howard's libs, except maybe for the greens who have not been well represented in my electorates.

Again bribes, spin, blame games are par for the course to all politics...

...and with an election coming up all I'm suggesting is you can make yourself unpopular by :banghead: against the current majority who perceive Rudd as inspiring more confidence than Abbot or you can get proactive politically to promote Abbots alternative policy to win over the confidence of all those hoodwinked voters.

Since they're so easily 'hoodwinked' it should be relatively easy for Abbot (or you) to pump out some good policy and promises to get them over to his side.

That's the positive signals I'm looking for rather than futile :banghead: at anyone you perceive as supporting Rudd. Abbot is a pretty good spin artist and blamer too, but at present he is a bit short of 'bribes' as you put it to overtake Rudd in the minds of the majority.

I repeat again, not a very inspiring election coming up, having to pick the least worst option.

Btw, aren't you doing a pretty good job at the 'blame game' too!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Maybe, but I am just an elector...not a politician.

Maybe, but the same principle applies.

Do you want to be obsessed with the negatives or try to find/extract some positive better options from one of them that can better satisfy your's and the countries needs... hopefully so we can do better than the least worst option.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Do you want to be obsessed with the negatives or try to find/extract some positive better options from one of them that can better satisfy your's and the countries needs... hopefully so we can do better than the least worst option.

Can't help you there. Anything I can do to put down Rudd is a positive for me. I will leave it to you to find your own positives.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Anything I can do to put down Rudd is a positive for me.

That is the quote of the week. Was it written by one of Abbott's advisers.

1. Australia has come through the biggest global financial crisis better than most of the develloped world under his management.
2. He does not tolerate slackers and objectionists in his parliamentary staff and he controls them with an iron fist.
3. He is a hard worker where co-workers find the pace too hard.
4. Even though he likes the Chinese people he will not be stood over by the Chinese government.
5. He has made a success of his own life,would you want someone to run the country that couldnt succeed on his own behalf.
6. He has found that the softly softly approach to illegals as required by the labor party isnt working and is prepared to do something about Working with the Indonesian government to control the flow in Indonesia and now delaying the processing of applications from troublesome areas.

but of course you know all that, as you state you are not prepared to admit it.:)
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I'm afraid nioka you have a strange idea of positives.

How many of Rudd's spin doctors did it take to come up with those little gems?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

An oldie but a goody ! - Taxpayers will fork out millions over the next few years to maintain a Holy See post in Rome for the sole aim of lobbying for Kevin Rudd’s bid for an Australian seat on the United Nations Security Council. According to Treasury estimates the cost of the new post will be an extraordinary $55,700 per week or $11 million over 4 years. Labor will spend a massive $372,000 a year just to rent a flat and office space in Rome for the new ambassador to the Vatican even though there is a modern Australian embassy just 5 km away. :banghead:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

But TS, Tim Fischer, ex Nationals minister, is very, very happy there.
So, in addition to furthering Mr Rudd's interests, it's keeping up the valued tradition of creating prized positions for ex MP's.

In reality, yes, yet another horrible waste of money.

But no worries, no problem in taxing the dumb taxpayers a bit more to pay for it.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

It appears Andrew Bolt from the Herald Sun has some venom for KRudd.

KEVIN Rudd spent his first two years in power smashing stuff.

Now, in this election year, he's spending up to $1 billion of your money to fix the damage.

That's right: Rudd is spending at least $1 billion to fix the havoc he's unleashed by handing out free insulation, splurging on overpriced school buildings, relaxing boat people laws, letting in an unsustainable 300,000 people a year and more.

Oh, I know. You think I'm far too hard on a Prime Minister with the air of a particularly methodical Christian dentist. But one disillusioned day you will hear from many who now work with him that how Rudd seems is bizarrely different to how he is.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

It appears Andrew Bolt from the Herald Sun has some venom for KRudd.

That the most depressing accounting of what this dangerous megalomaniac is doing to this country that I have seen. And none of it can be denied or blamed on Howard.

We can only hope that the scales will fall away from the eyes of the deluded Rudd lovers before the country is completely ruined.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Wasted money?
Where does all this wasted money go?
Surely some of it flows into the economy and jacks up the shares that plenty of people here are making money,Woolworths,Coles etc.
You make out that its gone forever,Builders pay subbies who eat and drink last time i checked.
Sure misspent but not all gone down a black hole.
As for the bigger construction companies who are rorting the system who do you reckon they voted for at the last federal election. lol
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Today's Newspoll indicates that confidence public confidence in Rudd is waning, but Rudd, Swan and the rest of the gang still haven't got the message.

They are still bleating that it is because they have made tough decisions. It takes a lot of spin to turn cowardly decisions into tough decisions, but Rudd is still saying they were in the "national interest", "and for this I will not apologise".

This is the line they were all given to spruik today by their minders.