Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

It appears that Kevin Rudd is having a "climate change" of his own at the moment. :eek:

KEVIN Rudd's personal standing has taken a hammering after his decision to dump his climate change policy last week, and for the first time since 2006 the Coalition has an election-winning lead.

The Prime Minister's personal satisfaction rating has dropped the most in the shortest time in the 20-year history of Newspoll surveys, and for the first time since the election Labor no longer has a clear lead over either the Coalition or the Greens on the issue of climate change.

Mr Rudd's previous standing as being seen to be "decisive and strong" also fell significantly, and for the first time since the election Labor lost its lead over allcomers as the preferred party to handle climate change.

For the first time in Mr Rudd's prime ministership, an opposition leader is seen clearly as being stronger and more decisive than Mr Rudd, and Tony Abbott is considered almost equal with the Prime Minister in his grasp of major policy issues.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Just imagine if the opposition actually get their sh@t together! :)

The Krudd spin is being found out - hold on!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Q: Does Rudd inspire confidence?
A: Not any more! You can con some people some of the time, but not enough of them till the next election. :rolleyes:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Q: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Is a lack of confidence in the government starting to be reflected in the stock market ?
The RRT is a specific issue but we are down 6% overall over a relatively short period.

The DJIA though volatile from day to day is little changed overall during the above period.

Interestingly though, the Changhai Composite has also taken a pounding over a similar period.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Gillard was quick to claim that Rudd's position as leader was secure. He probably still has sufficient traction from the masses whose support he has bought by raiding the Treasury coffers, to win the election.

Soon after the election he will be dumped by the caucus as a liability, now that he has been exposed as a fraud.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yes, he inspires confidence in me that it won't be too long before the Liberal Party is back in power, once again mopping up huge debts left to them by the previous Labor Government. Ground Hog Day anybody?

I have exponentially more confidence in the economic management ability of Abbott/Hockey/Turnbull than anything Labor can currently throw up. Just look at mess after mess this Government has caused. The wastage and inefficient spending of our tax dollars has been mind boggling.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yes, he inspires confidence in me that it won't be too long before the Liberal Party is back in power, once again mopping up huge debts left to them by the previous Labor Government. Ground Hog Day anybody?

I have exponentially more confidence in the economic management ability of Abbott/Hockey/Turnbull than anything Labor can currently throw up. Just look at mess after mess this Government has caused. The wastage and inefficient spending of our tax dollars has been mind boggling.

The MONOMANIACS will undoubtedly disagree with you.

The Muffin Man standby for an ear full.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Gillard was quick to claim that Rudd's position as leader was secure.
This is usually the first faint tones of the death knell for a leader. The question shouldn't even arise if he were in fact secure in the position.

He probably still has sufficient traction from the masses whose support he has bought by raiding the Treasury coffers, to win the election.
The election is a few months away yet. Remember that most people who received the taxpayer funded largesse will also have shares via their Super and they are right now seeing the value of these destroyed at a pretty fast rate. Remember also that they're now paying more on their mortgages, with more rate rises predicted. And the Auditor General's report on the BER has apparently come out with damning criticism. And more in "The Australian" today about the price per square metre of the basic one-storey school halls being twice as much as a complex CBD office tower, with elevators etc.

I doubt this will be the end of the bad news. And don't under-estimate the mining sector. They are not going to just say 'well, okey, dokey, we're happy to pay this tax'. Even Don Argus, now retired, has been very outspoken in his criticism.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

It is a bit like watching a Keystone cops movie, the Labour party all hanging of the wagon in utter confusion. Come on Wayne how can we pay for all the stuff ups. Jeez Ive got a great idea Kev lets kill the golden goose.:banghead:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

In yesterdays West newspaper the State Education Department said just 5 complaints had been made about public school projects!
What does that tell you about east coast building companies:eek:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

In yesterdays West newspaper the State Education Department said just 5 complaints had been made about public school projects!
What does that tell you about east coast building companies:eek:

Wow. I didn't know WA had 5 public schools. I thought they just threw you guys in the mines from age 6.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

it makes you wonder though... because why would a school want to report it anyway? it just makes the school look stupid as well.

the rorting will be bigger then anybody thinks, and Krudd will be ducking around this one for awhile.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Wow. I didn't know WA had 5 public schools. I thought they just threw you guys in the mines from age 6.

it makes you wonder though... because why would a school want to report it anyway? it just makes the school look stupid as well.

the rorting will be bigger then anybody thinks, and Krudd will be ducking around this one for awhile.
There have been several reports about schools not being given a choice about with whom and how the money was spent, so they don't look stupid at all.

Unbelievably, the Auditor-General's report into the BER has not included whether or not the projects were value for money!
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Wow. I didn't know WA had 5 public schools. I thought they just threw you guys in the mines from age 6.
LOL No 18 is minimum age but not if Gina Rienhart had her way i suspect
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

One of the most obvious failings of the Rudd circus is their talent for wasting money.
Check out the above link to see how Rudd continues to waste a staggering amount of loot on the climate change debacle, despite his suspension of the failed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme until at least 2013.
In less than one term, Rudd and his ALP cronies have squandered a large budget surplus and converted it into a massive debt that sees his now cash-strapped government desperately searching for ways to raise money to dig themselves out of the hole they've created.
Smokers and miners are on his immediate hit list. But just wait till after the election if he happens to get voted back in - then we'll really see his talent for inventing nasty cash-grabbing strategies.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Where is the accountability? We as a voting public seem to accept this squandering of billions of dollars as passe. If this happened in a European country there would be riots in the streets, independent inquiries and the good old fashioned guillotine would be wheeled out. Heads would roll, cars would be torched, shops would be looted !! THIS IS OUR MONEY BEING WASTED. And yet there is no checks or balances to bring it back into line.



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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

And if the Libs get up we will still get hammered, the excuse that they have to increase tax to cover all the spending of the previous government and we go round and round it's called politics
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

And if the Libs get up we will still get hammered, the excuse that they have to increase tax to cover all the spending of the previous government and we go round and round it's called politics

Not necessarily so there todster. I reckon the Libs would CUT BACK ON SPENDING and try and trade their way out of difficulty (business economics) rather than increase taxes. Labor has always had the credit card mentality and always will, socialism I think they call it ! We are all equal brothers crapola. Just like Chan Phat Kluddy demonising the naughty foreign owners of BHP & Rio Tinto. What he failed to tell you is that both companies currently have contributed billions of dollars in tax to his Animal Farm.

"The problem with communism (Labor) is that you soon run out of other peoples money to spend" - Margaret Thatcher
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

And if the Libs get up we will still get hammered, the excuse that they have to increase tax to cover all the spending of the previous government and we go round and round it's called politics

But if the Libs get in I'd feel pretty confident they'll immediately address the on-going spending rorts and money-wasting debacles that are the hallmark of this Rudd government. That alone would be a massive step in the right direction.
I'd also be confident of the Lib's ability to clean up the illegal immigration mess involving boat people, by reintroducing the Pacific Solution (or something similar) that worked so effectively for the Howard government. That would be another big step in the right direction.
Big spending cuts without adversely affecting production would mean that less money needs to be found by government, therefore less new taxes have to be invented to fund money-wasting projects such as Rudd specialises in.

Sure, maybe it won't be all honkey dory if the Libs get in. But with the current government floundering around like retarded dimwits, can we really afford to let them run another term simply because we're not sure that the alternative will have all the answers?

Can any thinking person honestly say they're happy with this government?
We try a new brand of toothpaste if we're not happy with the one we're currently using.
We buy a different make of car next time if our present car gives us nothing but trouble.
Are we such a mob of dead-beats in this country that we won't show enough get up and go to elect a different government if we're not happy with the present one??!!