Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudds broken election promises


every school child will have a computer,

what happened to this one?

i understand its access to a computer now


1 - It wasnt every school child, it was every senior or highschool student... and this is going through quite well.
2 - The education tax rebate is extremely helpful in this, I'm sure even the poorest of families could afford those $399 Asus laptops after the 50% rebate.
Re: Rudds broken election promises

I'd like to see some explanation of where the $13M went on grocery watch.
Such an immensely silly idea in the first place.

The grocery watch program was ultimately useless. It would be impractical for the site to be constantly updated for the weekly sales and the fluctuations in prices.

Wouldn't it be more practical to shoppers to simply carry a calculator and work it out themselves or teach them basic arithmetic in schools :eek:
Re: Rudd's broken election promises

"It would be impractical for the site to be constantly updated for the weekly sales and the fluctuations in prices. "

One quick and easy answer to your statement,
Rubbish !

It would not be, in fact the prices could change daily.

Matey you had better ask your local branch or union, for a better answer next time,
Re: Rudd's broken election promises

Whatever happened to Rudd's Army? A deployable civilian brigade of jackboots to quell any uprisings? Or is it more of a "Team Australia" thing to rival the American Homeland Security Division? Sorry could not help myself on that one. Of course it was a an emergency response register of personell to handle national disasters. Gone any further? Nup.
Re: Rudds broken election promises

NO web site costs $13M, just another example of us being ripped off.

I'd say "consultants" took most of it, bludgers and parasites taking money from witless Govt officials.

I understand that the $13M was to be spent over five years.

ASIC originally had GroceryWatch but the ACCC expressed legal concerns about a Government (quasi or not) providing commercial advice so Choice was contracted to do the work. So far about about $6m has been spent on the website and the software required to extract and assimilate the necessary data.

Problem is that the data is NOT live. It was to be a few days behind and possibly averaged per product not necessarily the price per product per store. Essentially useless as prices can change in any week or on any given time in the day. The consumer odium when that was discovered would have rebounded on the Government. Not a good look.

Choice are peed off because this was a chance to play with the big boys and given them a degree of relevance - as happens when any not-for-profit gets its mouth around the public teat called taxpayer funding. It insists that the companies could provide live data but the big boys indicated to enable necessary system changes would cost them a few million. They were not prepared to spend that (?Choice attitude. Gummint could pay for that. My view not on your Nellie as enough of my dosh and that of others have been misspent.)

But the whole concept was a waste of time and money. Would you really travel an extra 5 or more kilometers to buy a kilo of Pink Lady apples because they were at $4.92 per kg at Store A and $4.97 per kg at Store B yet your favourite ice cream was $7.48 at Store B and $7.40 at Store A?

The supermarkets would need to be almost next to each other before I'd be bothered with looking up such irrelevant information on a website.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

The Punch

Please no sequel to the Rudd on Rove show

Kevin Rudd was last night upstaged by an 18 inch plastic bum wiping stick he later said he would consider using in the right circumstances.

In an awkward, but mostly disaster-free appearance on Rove Live, the Prime Minister made it excruciatingly clear he was after some opinion poll love, and Rove happily obliged with the opening question about Utegate: “Dude, what’s goin’ on?”

But Mr Rudd’s segment on the show, which opened in spectacular fashion with an appearance by Bruno (aka Sacha Baron Cohen), was just - well - weird.

The PM bounced around energetically in his seat while trying to give a lecture that could have been titled: “Utegate for dummies”.

Granted, it was the same chair that 20 minutes earlier had contained Bruno’s bottom clad in an exposed G-string, in what was the funniest performance on Rove in years.

Mr Rudd also followed a segment about the “Comfort Wipe,” a stick designed for people who can’t reach their own **** with the toilet paper - it was much more entertaining than the Prime Minister.

At times he leaned on the host’s desk, his chin resting on clasped hands, looking intently into Rove’s eyes like he was hanging on for dear life.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

After watching that I will answer the topic of this thread:- Does Rudd inspire confidence? In a word .. NO.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Yes KRudd was at his greasy best making sure he got the utegate topic in with his justification, ohhh we're all mates oh ? utegate hohoho here's how it goes.
What an absolute crawling tosser trying to be one of the crowd when he certainly would be more at home in a St Kilda public toilet block.
Very cringeworthy performance.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Here we go again?

The businessman at the centre of the OzCar affair was involved in fund-raising efforts to help Prime Minister Kevin Rudd meet a $32,000 legal bill.

For several days, Fairfax Media has sought a response from Mr Rudd over whether Brisbane car dealer John Grant and other members of Brisbane's elite 51 Club filled two tables at a May 2002 dinner to raise money to help Mr Rudd pay legal costs associated with a campaign on aircraft noise at Brisbane airport.

Fairfax Media also asked Mr Rudd whether he had raised Mr Grant's business interests regarding the importation of white-goods to Australia while on any of his trips to China.

But Mr Rudd's office has refused to discuss either matter, with his spokesman saying:"All of Mr Rudd's interactions with Mr Grant have been entirely appropriate."

I guess with an army of sycophants one may be able to "refuse to discuss" and find that process "entirely appropriate" as well?

There's more ...
Re: Rudd's broken election promises

They seem to be having difficulty meeting some of their promises but they are getting stuff done. Doesn't help that the opposition looks like the only thing they can do is try and stop anything the people want from getting passed and whinge about Labor's inability to deliver because of it. Zero credibility.

Pity they can't break the supermarket adn petrol station cartels though. I just cam back from living in Singapore and Aussie fresh food was nearly 20-30% cheaper without the good Aussie to Singapore exchange rate. How can this be... Petrol was the same price but that prob because the petrol cartels are global so their price fixing is easier.
Re: Rudd's broken election promises

The main ones are:
grocery watch - cancelled

NBN Network - work to begin in July 2008, still we have nothing

Housing Affordability - Promise not to increase FHOG, than he did

Education Revolution - not sure what it was supposed to be but it didn't happened

Keep running budget surplus - well we all know what happened
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Only time Rudd answers a question is when he asks it

Madonna King on ABC Radio 612, having failed to get a simple yes or no answer from Rudd about his uite decided to give him an easy question. But it was still hard work

King: I'll let my listeners decide whether that was answered yes or no. But can I ask you a simple yes or no here?

Rudd: It's a question of priorities for your listeners as well.

King: All right, lottery $90million tonight, have you taken out a ticket?

Rudd: I beg your pardon?

King: Have you taken out a ticket?

Rudd: I think others could engage in the lotto as they see most appropriate.

King: But you haven't taken one for the $90million prize tonight?

Rudd: I don't think so, Madonna, no.,25197,25715283-20261,00.html
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

No he does not inspire me.
Mr. Rudd (aka) "Mandrake the magician" for his slight of hand tactics.
Mr.Rudd (aka) "Houdini" the great escape artist.

The naive cannot see through this man for what he really is!


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Was I hearing things, or did I actually hear our PM in Berlin use the words "programmatic specificity" in relation to the G8 meeting?

Would his spin doctors have told him that the Germans like this sort of verbiage or is plain English now foreign to him?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Was I hearing things, or did I actually hear our PM in Berlin use the words "programmatic specificity" in relation to the G8 meeting?

Would his spin doctors have told him that the Germans like this sort of verbiage or is plain English now foreign to him?

Apparently these words do exist in the english language. However they are rarely used and apparently used together only by twits and canberrian bureaukrudds.

Krudd, a man of the people? Bullshyte.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

look this was supposed to be another world stage pic opportunity,,,,I mean he is over there telling the others, not to run up too much debt .......hell I think he has run up the biggest debt when compared to the population....
unfortunatley for him.....MJ died.....and no one is interested in anything but MJ....least of all the weasel from oz....

oh and I wonder if he even had an appointment with the pope...or just hoping the pope will see him..since he let it be known to all and sundry,

isnt that old farmer 'whatshisname' has a diplomatic role , something to do with the pope, living in Italy, costing us a million bucks a year ...surely thats his job to liase with the pope...

MJ's death has blitzed even Obama...
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Hope the spring him in another brothel, they have to look in the right place though the one with the boys.:eek: