Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Rudds broken election promises

His smile could be seen from space I would be reckoning:- PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd spent more than $730,000 on overseas travel in just six months.

A parliamentary report shows the Prime Minister, who has previously been dubbed Kevin 747, spent $733,725 on overseas travel in the last six months of 2008.

The report also shows it cost $216,283 to run Mr Rudd's official car in the same period. What kind of car is it? A gold plated Hummer with the Governator at the wheel?
Re: Rudds broken election promises

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is pushing back his green agenda by a year. He announced recently that his government’s carbon emissions trading scheme will come into force only by 2011. Some features of the scheme are also getting diluted. The Australian Premier blames it all on the global economic crisis. Does this count as a broken promise or is it just a delaying tactic? :confused:

LOL @ blaming global ecomonic crisis. Carbon emissions are still being produced, whether there is a global economic crisis or not... It did nothing except suck in the 'hippy vote', whilst he keeps watering down the scheme and laying the blame elsewhere..
Re: Rudds broken election promises

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is pushing back his green agenda by a year. He announced recently that his government’s carbon emissions trading scheme will come into force only by 2011. Some features of the scheme are also getting diluted. The Australian Premier blames it all on the global economic crisis. Does this count as a broken promise or is it just a delaying tactic? :confused:

Funny cos i though the fact that labor couldn't get the legislation past the senate had
something to do with that? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

The scheme has been diluted in order to maker it more political palatable to the political
center (the two idiot senators) since the greens want nothing to do with it as its so soft
and inconsequential.

LOL @ blaming global ecomonic crisis. Carbon emissions are still being produced, whether there is a global economic crisis or not... It did nothing except suck in the 'hippy vote', whilst he keeps watering down the scheme and laying the blame elsewhere..

So gav...your saying we shouldn't blame the liberal/national, fielding and xenophobia senators for
not voting to pass the bill? and for having it watering down?

I should no better than to post in a blatant...lets bash the (labor) center and left thread.
Re: Rudds broken election promises

My sincerest of apologies to you So_Cynical. You are correct by stating that this thread is a lefty bashing exercise just as you are 100% affirmative that it was the Coalition who requested a delay in the ETS. Mr Rudd said: "I am in the practical business of responding to realistic challenges with which we are now confronted … This is a hard piece of policy, it is difficult, it is complex, and made doubly and trebly so because of the global economic circumstances." As far as I am aware there was no vote in the senate by either party BUT the Coalition/Independents/Greens made Kruddy and his cronies fully aware they would vote against it. THE Government's emissions trading scheme will not be voted on until August after the Senate formally deferred the decision today. (25th June 2009)

The government wanted legislation for the scheme passed before parliament rose for the seven week winter recess.

But independent Senator Nick Xenophon reached an agreement with the Coalition to postpone the vote.

The South Australian Senator and the Coalition have agreed to carry out the additional modelling on the Rudd government’s emissions trading scheme.

Hmmmmmmmm ... could be a broken promise in the making perhaps?
Re: Rudds broken election promises

The report also shows it cost $216,283 to run Mr Rudd's official car in the same period. What kind of car is it? A gold plated Hummer with the Governator at the wheel?

I think this deserves a thread of it's own - what did he do crash and write off the car 3 times? Or maybe pay offs for the driver to keep those trips to oxford st a nice little secret?
Re: Rudds broken election promises

So gav...your saying we shouldn't blame the liberal/national, fielding and xenophobia senators for
not voting to pass the bill? and for having it watering down?

Blame the coal industry and the incredible dollars it generates. If our end goal is reducing our carbon production we have to stop burning brown coal locally - don't think we can afford to stop selling the stuff though. So as I recall Rudd carried on about addressing climate change. Most Aussies would take this to mean;

1, SUPPORTING clean energy (such as solar energy rebates, hmmmmmmmm)
2, REDUCING heavy carbon emissions - Victoria's Loy Yang power plant produces a stagering amoutn of the worlds carbon emmissions. (hello Nuclear)
3, ALLOWING ordinary working families ;) (sorry, feeling ill after using that expression) to positively contribute to carbon reduction instead of just handing those savings over to industry as credits.

Rudd claimed to be an aussie and purported to shared all of our hopes, aspirations and dreams - turns out he's just a megalomaniac, although perhaps on the nasty end of the scale.
Re: Rudds broken election promises

And then there was the Fuel Watch fiasco.

They spent I think around $13M on Grocery Watch before canning it.
Why not do the damn research first and discover it wouldn't work before spending money and wasting Choice's time.
Re: Rudds broken election promises

You wouldnt put these idots in charge of the purse strings in a pink fit would you ? Sorry too late:banghead:
Re: Rudds broken election promises

This is as good a place as any for this I guess -

Had to ring Telstra 3 times today as the connection was down.

Every time I get an Indian voice, presumably they are in Mumbai or somewhere similar.

So Rudd's bull ****ting on about employment but the company half owned by the Govt outsources tech support overseas ?

Ohhh it's all about jobs, ohhhhh I'm so concerned

Re: Rudds broken election promises

I dont like any of them...except for Peter Costello and am warming to the 2 new independents...but none of the others on either side...
these huge stuff ups will not be forgotten at the next election......
Re: Rudds broken election promises

Good evening.
"Had to ring Telstra 3 times today as the connection was down.

Every time I get an Indian voice, presumably they are in Mumbai or somewhere similar"

Whats your problem ?
You should try and change your Credit Card details !

We have spent 3 days, in time connected about 6 hours PLUS :mad:

Just to give Telstra some money.
And each time we had someone that had trouble with English, all too hard.

And then as we thought, maybe, we will try another carrier, on the last chance so to speak, we found one person who said thats easy and the change was made in about 30 seconds.

Kind regards,
Re: Rudds broken election promises

As someone who has some pages on the net, some 100's.

I am shocked and wonder who is laughing, at
"They spent I think around $13M on Grocery Watch before canning it."

13 MIILION Dollars ........
thats enough to buy a Ute or 430 odd Utes.

My best reply to that would be your ripped off mug !

Comrade Red,
you know all about your mates Kev and Swan,
how about you tell me,
why this web site could or would cost 13 million.

Kind regards,
Re: Rudds broken election promises

NO web site costs $13M, just another example of us being ripped off.

I'd say "consultants" took most of it, bludgers and parasites taking money from witless Govt officials.
Re: Rudds broken election promises


every school child will have a computer,

what happened to this one?

i understand its access to a computer now

Re: Rudds broken election promises

and Choice will sue them for the broken contract......choice did all this work and then the plug pulled out less than 6 months later.....
Re: Rudds broken election promises

BUT HOW COULD this web site have cost Kev and the swan who is only a goose..if he spent 13 million for NOTHING :mad:
13 million dollars ?


Comrade Red,
I need your help, will you get on the phone to Kev or your Union headquaters and ask for me, thanks mate, opps, sorry, Comrade.

Kind regards,
PS, hey Comrade, can I tender for the next web site, that won't be used, and I promise to make the tender figure at least about 400 Utes.

PPS, I really think there should be an inquiry as to where this 13 mill, went and to who, and was there a ute in exchange or something !

PPPS...wish we had the contract for 'that' web site !
Re: Rudds broken election promises

about the computers.... that idiot forgot about access to the they delivered computers....but did not allow for anything else....service providors, internet access....hello...where is the money coming from to pay for this.....
without internet access for research etc....its just a glorified calculator...
and half of those kids...will have the pc stolen by parents or others, to pay for whatever habit they have.....
was it $2000 or $2500 they were paying for each can buy retail for about 600-700.....I for one would expect a huge discount if I was ordering 10's of thousands of the things.....wouldnt you ?

another wasted stuff up.....thanks Julia, Kev, Wayne and Lindsay
Re: Rudds broken election promises

and Choice will sue them for the broken contract......choice did all this work and then the plug pulled out less than 6 months later.....
And five days before the website, which had had all the work completed, was set to kick off. No wonder Choice is annoyed +++.

about the computers.... that idiot forgot about access to the they delivered computers...
Perhaps they delivered them in your part of the country, kincella, but I'm in and around three schools here and there is not a student computer to be seen.

I'd like to see some explanation of where the $13M went on grocery watch.
Such an immensely silly idea in the first place.