Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Calliope: Who got what we deserved?
Mr Burns: Hu.
Calliope: I just said that.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Smith and Krudd...Comedy Duo


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Massive apology to Abbott and Costello. Taken from the 1945 movie "The Naughty Nineties" Or is it the Federal Member for Warringah and The Honorable Member for Higgins (recently retired) performing a much better vaudeville act?

Naaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh ... it's KRUDDSPEAK at it's finest. Let's see this Mandarin speaking felcher of a PM get out of this one.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Howard agreement 'limits Rudd access to Hu'


July 15, 2009 01:57pm

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd says an agreement reached between the Chinese and Howard governments limits the amount of contact his Government can have with captured Rio Tinto executive Stern Hu.

Krudds at it again - now the Hu problem is all Howards fault - typical! (

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Canberra, July 15 (ANI): Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has blamed an agreement reached by former PM John Howard and the Chinese government for limiting his government’s access to Rio Tinto’s detained GM, Stern Hu.

“I note the consular agreement, which we inherited from the previous Australian government, limits the demands we can make on the Chinese authorities for consular access. For instance, it only entitles the government to have access to Mr Hu once a month,” quoted Rudd, as saying.

He added that Hu had spent much of the past two days in “extensive briefings” with senior government officials and the acting Foreign Minister, John Faulkner.

Rudd confirmed the Government had not received a direct briefing from the Chinese on why Hu had been detained.

“We can simply go to the basis of their public statements … namely that the Chinese have indicated in their public statements that while he has not been charged they have indicated that he is being investigated on suspicion of espionage and stealing state secrets,” he said.

If they can only access him for "once a month" why have they been in talks with Hu for the last TWO days?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Unfortunately Kevin Rudd is wrong in saying the whole world is watching events in China, concerning RIO execs. Hardly a comment in the UK (page 29, London Evening Standard, a few words halfway down). Nothing at all in Canada.
Seems to be considered not much and unless KR bombs China there's no interest, so far.

I suppose Kevin Rudd could call in favours from the summit, who knows. Not worth it really.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd talks tough to China at last;

"We're watching you China and so is everyone else. So you better behave or we and our mates will sort you out. And not only that...we will start making our own clothes, toys and electronic goods. And if you think we are bluffing; read our Defence White Paper. So there.:(
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Canberra, July 15 (ANI): Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has blamed an agreement reached by former PM John Howard and the Chinese government for limiting his government’s access to Rio Tinto’s detained GM, Stern Hu.

“I note the consular agreement, which we inherited from the previous Australian government, limits the demands we can make on the Chinese authorities for consular access. For instance, it only entitles the government to have access to Mr Hu once a month,” quoted Rudd, as saying.

He added that Hu had spent much of the past two days in “extensive briefings” with senior government officials and the acting Foreign Minister, John Faulkner.

Rudd confirmed the Government had not received a direct briefing from the Chinese on why Hu had been detained...

** this shows Krudd has lost his close rapport with the Chinese leadership, and that the Chinese leadership is clearly rubbing his face to the ground. At better time, he would be able to pick up the phone and get direct access to someone higher up than just some very low level consular staff. Right now, he is getting no where and to make matter worse he is still posturing as a tough guy by making all these public statements infuriating the Chinese further. It is not going to help bring Stern Hu back to Australia as out front the Chinese has cautioned the Australian govt not to politicise this matter as they see it as an internal corruption investigation.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

obviously the chinese are not as stupid as the stupid 'orstralyon' voters.....before the election the weasel was saying he could speak mandarin and had a special relationship with the chinese....
it was bs again nothing else...apart from who cares if he speaks mandarins...

so the chinese have called his bluff...he had no special relationship with them....he was running around grovelling after them, every chance he got...and they basically ignored him....
then he came up with that defence protect us against the chinese....
is that really how he believes you make friends and influence people....specially so...when its your biggest customer.....?????
the labor party are the biggest con artists, imbeciles and (enter your own version here) have gained power in this country

oh and all those jobs.....the money is only going to marginal labor electorates, no research to determine if jobs can be created has been done....the money is not going to where its needed.....
its only going to marginal electorates to buy more votes.....
oh and as far as those popular votes for the krudd come from......I dont believe it....I would like to see a poll done this multiple votes allowed....
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

It is bad luck for Mr Hu that he has to be the pawn in this affair, but if it helps to bring down Kevin Rudd then his role will not be in vain.

This pompous clown has managed to hoodwink most Australians and most left leaning world leaders that he is an important figure on the world stage. As far as the Chinese are concerned he is just a jumped-up nobody who got to where he is by actually doing nothing.

The Chinese may have been amused at first by his pretentious antics, but now they will swat him like a troublesome blowfly.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Kev 07 at it again blaming someone else for his inadequacies. Can someone tell me how many of his election promises he has kept. Peter Garret should join the circus, the way he backflips. Also maybe one of my learned friends on the forum could correct me, but isn't there already a fibre optic cable around Australia that Telstra put in during the late 80's.:rolleyes:
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

As if ranting on the news and calling the Chinese leader is going to change anyting in this matter. China were insulted, or feel they were insulted - anyone that thinks this will blow over with a phone call is a fool.

There is no relationship that is more important than the Chinese saving face.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I can think of one place that jet setting weasel will not go to anytime soon.....China....
and anyone notice he was unavailable...took time off...on he could hide for awhile....and since this matter is so unimportant to him....there are about 4 different ministeries who will be acting as the foreign affairs minister for the next couple of weeks....while each one takes a turn to cover for another...who will take holidays in turn......
the Chinese must be amused....or humiliated by the antics of this govt....

the only good thing I can think of at the moment is they are all taking a break...I dont have to listen to them ranting on about nothing....or Howard...

my god, China is our biggest customer.....where will they sell all our resources to if this thing turns really hostile.....oh well Brazil can sell to China...
we will be left with ????? who.......oh and swans budget is reliant on China to keep on buying as usual.....huge problems can arise here....and our ministers do not deem it significant enough to go and talk to them....

ps I agree with the Chinese on this......why should Rio and BHP jack up the prices 50-60% to their main client....probably their only big client....what about some loyalty to their clients...if you want to keep them around for years....