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Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

amazing on ch10 news....Abbott said he thought Costello was being kind to up his.. Costello's give Turnbull a free rein....Peter was chuckling pretty hard on that one...or was it choking...

then they said Rudd was going to find a job for Peter...and Peter said he would like to help .....
hello....Petes not going to join the labor party is he ???
or just as a consultant to teach Swan how to do it ?

whoa...this is one political hot potatoe now
my goodness...what if Costello was offered the job as is not going to be the bridesmaid again ....but what the ....changing sides....helping the enemy
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Kincella, I don't imagine even Rudd would aspire to enrolling Mr Costello in the Labor Party.

The sort of job he may have in mind would probably something overseas, maybe a diplomatic post somewhere.

Might be quite wrong, however.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

[size=+1]*** HURRY, HURRY, HURRY!!!***[/size],21985,25648892-5005961,00.html

Surely one of our dearly beloved ASF KRuddites will win?

How is your bid going Mr Burns?
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I doubt Peter would be interested in going overseas....he has 3 children Phoebe is the youngest at 15..the other 2 are about 21 and 22...
best schools/uni's in the world in Melb...I would think Peter would want the children to complete their studies here...
cannot see labor wanting him offside to call them stupid etc... they ridiculed the former treasure and blamed him for the mess we are in now...
maybe nothing will come of it....
but when Peter talks , most of us take notice...he could mentor that group of idiots ...
today he is warning on inflation in the future
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Looks like the Chinese are starting to see the light.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Just read an extraordinry article in The Age. Not so much for the content, but the headline.

Turnbull bullied PM's staffer: Swan

The article refers to malcolm warning the staffer not to lie to protect krud - and pointing out the existence of documentary evidence of links between the PM's office and treasury on the Ozcar / Utegate affair that, if true, would already show that lies have been told.

So the headline is "malcolms a bully" rather than - "It is looking like the PM and his office have been lying".

Will be interesting how the media treat the senate inquiry findings. Apparently there is a bit of a state of fear among the press corps regaridng being critical - those who are find themselves cut off from information and with nothing to report their livlihoods begin to look a little shaky - how easily we are manipulated these days......
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

it has to be on top of the of the best...I might buy it and frame it

you did notice krudd as the alice in wonderland...and sitting under a mighty mushroom....

and have a look at these eamils...they confirm what Turnbull has been saying...however I fear the smokescreen is working....and I have not read a report from the AFP to say the email is fake...those were Krudds words last week before the AFP became involved....just seems funny...or strange for the afp to use those words...still coming from krudd...not the afp
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

So many people spending so much time to look after a Rudd mate. It's obvious they are all doing it because that's what Rudd told them to do. Why else?:dunno: It's no wonder poor old Swanny had to lie to Parliament about it.

Did you hear Swan being interviewed on ABC this morning by Emma Griffiths. She tried to get the names out of him of the other dealers he claimed he had given special attention. He wouldn't come clean.

It was quite funny. He is such a bad liar. He gets all flustered. One exchange went like this;

Griffiths...You haven't answered the question.

Swan...It's not exactly the right question.

It's obvious that when asked questions that don't coincide with his long well-rehearsed answers, (the same one's he's been spouting for a week) he falls apart.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

This whole affair smacks of typical union thuggery & intimidation. I'm sure a number of business people can sympathize with Turnbull, having also been on the receiving end of drummed up speculative abuse.

Incidentally, has anyone noticed Rudd isn't traveling outside the country much these days? I'd speculate that maybe all the world leaders are sick of him & told him to stay at home.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Right now the Federal Government is at pains to tell everyone - including us the mug-punters to the International Monetary Fund that it will not exceed its own, self-imposed, borrowing limits. How much? $200 billion. And here's a worry. If you work in a bank's money market operation; or if you are a politician; the millions turn into billions and it rolls off the tip of the tongue a bit too easily.

But every dollar that is borrowed, some time, has to be repaid. By you, by me and by the rest of the country.

Just after 5 o'clock tonight I did a bit of maths for Jason Morrison. But it's so staggering its worth repeating now. First though ... here's what Chairman Rudd has been saying about - what he calls - these temporary borrowings. Remember those words ... temporary deficit . but the total Government debt could end up around $200 billion.

So here's a very basic calculation ... I used a home loan calculator to work it out ... it's that simple.

$200 billion is $200,000 million. The current 10 year Government bond rate is 4.67 per cent. I worked the loan out over a period of 20 years.

Now here's where it gets scary ... really scary.

The repayments on $200 billion come to more than one and a quarter billion dollars - every month - for 20 years. It works out we - as taxpayers - will be repaying $15.4 billion in interest and principal every year ... $733 for every man woman and child - every year.

The total interest bill over the 20 years is - get this - $108 billion.

And remember, this is a Government that just 18 months ago had NO debt . NO debt. In fact it had enough money to create the Future Fund to pay the future liabilities of public servants' superannuation ... and it had enough to stick $20 billion into the Building Australia Fund last year ...

Money News
Ross Greenwood Presenter
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

I do not see what all the fuss is about with Rudd and Swan giving an advantage to a mate.

They would , wouldn't they!

All politicians do it.

Howard did it to his brother.

Turnbull would do it if he was in power and thought he would get away with it.

Most reasonable people would.

I would.

Its normal.

You guys are sounding like godbotherers traipsing out the ten C's, given to Moses by Yahweh, and Moses was not above giving the inside running to his mob.

So flex out and don't take it too seriously.

When I elect a representative I expect him to be crooked. If he gets caught thats his problem.

This thread is not about morals, its about getting caught, and we are talking about politicians with dubious history and morals who are experts at not getting caught and wiggling out of compromising situations.

I am keen for any politicians reading this to contact me , so I can put them on a list for future favours.

My email is

I always vote for the winners in elections and look forward to a profitable relationship with any who can prove who they are, are willing to give me a pecuniary advantage and don't leave a trail to gumnutinc, as the company relies on the utmost secrecy.


Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Carpal Gumnut for P.M. !! At least I know when I grease your palm I will get great lip service. Te he !
Rudd's broken election promises

Just saw on the news that another of Rudds promises has been broken - the 'grocery watch' website was due to be launched next week. This would have shown us all the pricing of groceries across the country - and would have put the duopoly in an uncomfortable position... Anyway no worries - it's been canned (ptp). So that's another promise gone. That along with the recent axing of the solar rebate scheme (and the lilihood that it will be replaced with nothing, instead of the planned 4x feed in tariff).

I know we have a couple of Rudd inspired threads, but I thought this one could keep us aprised of just how much a promise means to Kevin.

So please post your favourite broken, watered down, redefined or forgotten promises Rudd and co. made to catch the popular vote. I'd say in this case past performance is a very good indicator of future performance.
Re: Rudds broken election promises

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is pushing back his green agenda by a year. He announced recently that his government’s carbon emissions trading scheme will come into force only by 2011. Some features of the scheme are also getting diluted. The Australian Premier blames it all on the global economic crisis. Does this count as a broken promise or is it just a delaying tactic?
Re: Rudds broken election promises

must say I am impressed with xenophon and fielding lately.....

Probe Grocery Choice axing: Xenophon
Simon Jenkins

I've got to say that the Grocery Choice fiasco begs some very big questions about the power of Coles and Woolworths as well as the role of the ACCC and the government."

The government handed control of the website and its remaining $13 million budget over to the consumer advocate group Choice last December, after it faced plenty of criticism under the jurisdiction of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.
Re: Rudds broken election promises

He's made a promise to himself to keep smiling every tax payer funded trip abroad.
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