Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

something almost insane going on here..... I have never heard anyone talk like this, except in low grade aussie movies about the outback......or when the tourism industry sewlling rubbish to overseas...with the stupied ocker stuff...
ps I thought we had a thread headed Political ?? I coiuld not find it today
and how do I put a poster on ignore

Column - Are any of these Kevins real?
36 Comments | 0 Trackbacks | Permalink Andrew Bolt Blog
Andrew Bolt
Friday, June 12, 2009 at 12:41am

STREWTH! There is now a Kevin Rudd for every occasion, and the only version of the Prime Minister that’s missing is one that’s real.

Here’s Kevvie Rudd, the voters’ mate, talking this week on Sky News like he saw mates do on some old Barry Mackenzie film:

“Fair shake of the sauce bottle, mate . . . It’s chalk and cheese . . . Fair shake of the sauce bottle, mate . . . Well, again, fair shake of the sauce bottle, mate.”

Here, now, is Corporal Rudd, the soldiers’ buddy, talking to troops in Afghanistan last December like he imagines a soldier would:

“You really know your s--- . . . Bugger that for a joke . . . We know what’s goin’ on . . . Genuinely s--- weather . . . I’ve been to too many funerals . . . “

But here is Herr Professor Rudd, the bureaucrat’s bureaucrat, talking to political eggheads in Brussels the way he rather fancies they admire (and please take a deep breath before reading the next two sentences):

“What you saw even prior to the end of the Cold War here, of course, was the evolution of a series of confidence and security-building measures coming off the back of CSCE, OSCE and the Helsinki accords. There has to be a greater synergy between, let’s call it our policy leadership in this, which has been focused so much, legitimately, on targets and global architecture, almost reverse-engineered back to the means by which you can quickly deliver outcomes, and on the demand side in our economy we’re looking at potential advances in terms of 20 to 25 per cent range if you do this across the board.”

Then there’s Preacher Rudd, denouncing the sinful in sanctimonious tones he’s picked up from priests of the more thunderous kind, thinking the same language might well impress a voting audience of the righteous:

“I can describe (Gordon Ramsay’s) remarks as reflecting a new form of low life . . . These guys (The Chaser), collectively, should get up and hang their heads in shame . . . . I find (union boss Dean) Mighell’s remarks to be obscene at every level . . . I find (artist Bill Henson’s pictures) absolutely revolting . . . “

And then there’s Fuhrer Rudd, who talks to staff as he imagines a great f---ing Labor leader must, telling even a RAAF stewardess who brings him a cold meal . . . Well, let’s keep it clean, shall we?

Let us just say that it’s amazing, what a chameleon the Prime Minister is. Truly, he is the Zelig of Australian politics.

This trait of his goes far beyond just stuffing his every public statement with phrases invented by his young spinners and pretested on some focus group, in the hope of telling voters exactly what they most like hearing:

“We are being decisive . . . responsible, clear, consultative . . . it’s difficult, it’s hard, it’s complex . . . We can either stand back and do nothing or, as governments, we can act . . . “

Rudd’s chameleon act actually involves a much deeper ingratiation with his audience. He changes not just his message, but his tone, his colloquialisms and even his accent.

Good God, he’s even known to have changed his faith. In short order, he’s switched from a professed “Christian socialist” to “not a socialist” to a “fiscal conservative” to a “social democrat”, changing colour - pink-blue-bluer-pink - to suit whatever you think you’d like best, given the change in the economic weather.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd is being tolerated because he's giving money away as soon as that stops the Aussie in everyone will tell this self centered little faggot to f#$k off.

Rudd is the nerdy school boy who never fitted in, if he had any friends they were bought ...........the same as now.

How he ever got to be PM is beyond me.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

More from the tossers staff - from Crikey tips and rumours section

Fun and games on a plane: The PM’s staff have regular tussles with the RAAF cabin crew on VIP flights over prohibitions on the use of mobile phones, blackberries and laptops. The issue is that the PM’s super-keen staffers like to fire up their gadgets while aircraft are still in the air, sometimes as they are making their final approaches. This has resulted in less-than pleasant stand-offs, with at least one instance of a cabin crew member seizing a laptop, only to have it snatched back by a staffer.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

finally another reporter is wondering who is kevin rudd ???? and I have to wonder is it a multiple personality being played out now.....

Just who in heaven's name is Kevin Rudd?
Tony Wright
June 13, 2009
THE day after Kevin Rudd was elected Prime Minister in November 2007, he fronted a media conference on the banks of the Brisbane River.

The gathered hacks were a bit fidgety, because the much-anticipated arrival of the new Prime Minister had been postponed and rearranged and postponed again as the hours ticked towards deadline.

Still, most of us were content to cut Kevin some slack. Treasury officials had flown in to open the books to the new chief and, anyway, the poor fellow was probably pretty close to exhaustion after the long election campaign.

It was only when the PM opened his mouth that reporters, most of whom had been trailing him around for months, began to exhibit bewilderment.

Here was a Kevin Rudd who bore no relationship to the breezy, ever-chuckling Kevin of the election campaign.

Here was a stranger, this correspondent wrote at the time, "offhand, almost disengaged, not a smile to be had. There was a cold purpose to him".

Indeed, he gave nothing more than a short, clinical statement about his immediate plans to implement his agenda of better hospitals, an education revolution, faster broadband and the rest, and noted he'd spoken by phone to the leaders of the US, Britain and Indonesia.

And then, after 13 minutes of answering questions ”” five in all

Journalists now search for the real Rudd
26 Comments | 0 Trackbacks | Permalink Andrew Bolt Blog
Andrew Bolt
Saturday, June 13, 2009 at 10:51am
extracts.......only here......
Now even The Age’s Tony Wright, like me, can’t tell if a real Kevin Rudd even exists:

Annabel Crabb thinks the ocker Rudd isn’t the real one, and wonders why Rudd is so scared of showing us the real one::

Guess which one reporter still claims that Rudd’s ocker-speak is natural?

It’s easy to forget that while Rudd might be a university-educated ex-diplomat, he spent his childhood on a Queensland dairy farm. And, stone the crows, every afternoon his family listened to Dad and Dave on the radio.

It’s the same reporter who passes on as his own work a line that sounds like it was manufactured by Rudd’s paid spinners:

Yes, you got it. We’re talking about the very same journalist who also claimed that Rudd’s refusal to say his debt would rise to $300 billion was not spin, but just Treasury speak, and that Treasurer Wayne Swan’s refusal to give the deficit figure in his his Budget speech (or subsequent interviews) was a mere oversight.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Maybe he's going mad.
That means Julia Gillard would take over, think about it.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Anyone see Krudd on Sunrise the other morning? I've never seen Kochie suck up so hard...
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Julia Gillard, Swan, Tanner and the rest are just as she will not become PM....she needed the union backing and now she losing that

they have always struggled...however its worse there is finally some questioning about their policies.....the idea of a double dissolution
may seem even more compelling to they can get the hell out of here and leave all the problems to some one else...anybody else will do..

apart from the cash handout....nothing else is working for them...
and the Swans budget ideas of expats and share schemes is already dead...

the Wongs climate change policy shelved...the water problem has become worse..nothing fixed..just more money thrown at some farm to buy rights...for which no water exists.....the huge bungling and waste of funds is unbelievable..
the Unions are fighting with ms Silliard..oops gilliard....
they have no idea how to fix it can only get worse..

ps apologies to my friends...on other topics....if you are labor supporters...

I would voice my protest and disagree... regardless of who is in power....our leader and team have to run the biggest business in Australia.....and be seen to be doing the job properly......that is not happening under the current team....


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Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Kevin's still at it.

In news just to hand, the Prime Minister has downplayed criticisms by US trade envoy Kurt Campbell of his plans for an Asia-Pacific community. Speaking through a spokesman, Rudd said it would still be possible for Australia to pursue the creation of a new multilateral grouping without the input of the US

"Kurt Campbell can stick his head up a dead bear's bum," he added.,,25627724-7583,00.html
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Kevin's still at it.

In news just to hand, the Prime Minister has downplayed criticisms by US trade envoy Kurt Campbell of his plans for an Asia-Pacific community. Speaking through a spokesman, Rudd said it would still be possible for Australia to pursue the creation of a new multilateral grouping without the input of the US

"Kurt Campbell can stick his head up a dead bear's bum," he added.,,25627724-7583,00.html

If it gets past the moderators at ASF it must be true.

I can't imagine suckey Kevie saying it though.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

If it gets past the moderators at ASF it must be true.

I can't imagine suckey Kevie saying it though.

Can't you? I certainly can. It seems that since some image maker told him he needs to be less of a nerd and more of an Ocker Bloke, he's acquired a little book of "Popular Aussie Slang" and is swotting it up, thrilled with this wonderful new means of communicating with his loyal subjects.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

There;s a load of articles on Rudd and spin if you care to Google it, he is definitely more interested in spin than substance.

Great shame to see AU subjected to this unworthy person as our PM at this crucial time in our history.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

There;s a load of articles on Rudd and spin if you care to Google it, he is definitely more interested in spin than substance.

Is this not politics as usual?
Great shame to see AU subjected to this unworthy person as our PM at this crucial time in our history.

Regretably Mr. B, it's what we pipples voted for, and what we will continue to vote for in the foreseable future - alternative media princesses of one shade or another.

And no, I don't see a solution coming out of political evolution. It won't be a change in political institutions that changes politics, it will be a change in how the pipples obtain and assess information. At the moment we digest spin fed by experts to the mainstream media. When that changes, we'll get different politicians.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

ALAN KOHLER, PRESENTER: ANZ Westpac and NAB must have been laughing like drains this week as Kevin Rudd and Wayne Swan were laying into the Commonwealth with hobnailed boots after it put up its mortgage rate by 0.1 of one per cent to 5.74 per cent.

ANZ and Westpac still have their home loan rate at 5.81 per cent and nab's is the same as CBA's is now - 5.74.


Well stone the crows and starve the lizards said Kevin and Wayne, here's a chance to distract attention from rising unemployment. So in they went, happily hurling insults at the hapless Ralph Norris of Commonwealth, whose home loans are still the cheapest of the big four.

But that's politics for you.

and Team B, not to be outdone by the other two of Team A:

Gillard 'furious' over CBA rate rise
Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard has told Channel Nine the Commonwealth Bank's decision goes against the Government's attempts to stimulate the economy.

"This is a decision the Government is rightly furious about and one we are describing as selfish because that's precisely the right word," she said.

"The Commonwealth Bank is acting in a selfish way.

Let's get on with Government.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Spin spin spin, I think eveyones getting sick of it, I dont believe a word they say anymore. They are completely without credibility to the extent that Howard by comparision now looks like a Church Minister.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Rudd is definitely in for the mega long term now and it only seems that bad health could rock his boat. Should still be there in 2020 running the new Republic.

I think he'll be tossed out on his oh so precious **** next time round.
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

oh dear...another one easily fooled...lets see ...finally giving single pensioners 32 pw ..but not to the unemployed who receive about 130 less than that pf...
they only won by 12,000 votes last time...due to the unions backing them....but now they feel they no longer need the unions...who must make up a few hundred thousand voters....
and that blonde thing that took over Howards seat....the locals have not seen nor heard from her since....disillusioned bet...
oh and he will not be allowed to handover any more cash to buy them again
Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

and that blonde thing that took over Howards seat....the locals have not seen nor heard from her since....disillusioned bet...

Politics sux doesnt it, there a man who spent his whole life in politics doing what he had to or what he thought was right and this grinning slag from the ABC beats him at the polls, makes a mockery of the entire system