Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Kevin and Kochie

Politicians aren't completely stupid. I take that as a quiet hint that we're about to see massive inflation (seriously).

It's unlikely that a politician would back themselves into a corner like that if they weren't pretty confident that prices would at least break even before they were held to account (ie at the next election).

That was probably the closest thing we'll get to an admission of what's planned IMO. Inflation, inflation and more inflation.

Hey guys,

Is someone able to explain this to me? I'm fairly new here. I don't see the connection as to how Rudd saying to buy property is linked to what he expects inflation to be.

Re: Does Rudd inspire confidence?

Did K.Rudd inspire confidence on the TV Spectacular last night? I wouldn't know. Wasn't particularly bothered to watch.....

Did any fans sit it out?

Mark out of 10?
Re: Kevin and Kochie

yes but thats the thing , IF im hiring a lawyer im paying for his previous schooling and the thing is I am hiring him :D. get it ? my unschooled dollars are paying his bills........ same as if i wanted a bobcat operator , i wouldnt hire one that had a piece of paper saying he did a course , i would hire one that could drive the machine......
I think you missed the point...

It's not about hiring a lawyer, it's about someone hiring a lawyer to sue your ass off, or being taken to court for decisions you have made.

The damage can be a lot less if you have, or hire people with good literacy, so they don't write something stupid, or things that can be misinterpreted.

Generally, the higher the personal responsibility and potential harm, the greater the need for a higher degree of literacy standards.

And moxjo, yes, granted. But I think you may be confusing literacy and legibility somewhat.

There are also different types of intelligence. The dux in my year nearly failed English, and I think they would have failed him if they didn't need him to pass it for that.

Even still, the most successful people I have known, financial and otherwise, have above average literacy and numeracy skills.

And then you just get people like Bush as well...
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has announced an additional $100,000 grant to the National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre.

$100k for cancer and $10.5 B for the bailout of bastards.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

$100k for cancer and $10.5 B for the bailout of bastards.

im far from a rudd supporter but who are these bastards you refer to?

working families?

do you think Rudd should have given 10.5bn to breast cancer research?
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

im far from a rudd supporter but who are these bastards you refer to?

working families?

do you think Rudd should have given 10.5bn to breast cancer research?

I dont think "working families" will get much of the $10.5 B

Perhaps it might be just me but the irony of throwing a peanut to cancer research while pulling out all stops to prelong the property bubble and share boom seems a little out of whack ?
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

I dont think "working families" will get much of the $10.5 B

again, im no fan of rudd or this 10.5bn package but obviously, many of those eligible for the 1k per child handout are what kev refers to when sprouting his 'working families' line.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

again, im no fan of rudd or this 10.5bn package but obviously, many of those eligible for the 1k per child handout are what kev refers to when sprouting his 'working families' line.

Yes once again throwing a peanut to appease the masses and hoping they'll SPEND it rather than save or retire debt. I don't think $1k will help them all that much as he expects it to be spent at Harvey Norman but $100K for cancer ? get real.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Yes once again throwing a peanut to appease the masses and hoping they'll SPEND it rather than save or retire debt. I don't think $1k will help them all that much as he expects it to be spent at Harvey Norman but $100K for cancer ? get real.

well the quote you provided states 'additional' and the breast and ovarian centre is already a federally funded organisation so im guessing this is a typical rudd stunt to gain a few brownie points.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

well the quote you provided states 'additional' and the breast and ovarian centre is already a federally funded organisation so im guessing this is a typical rudd stunt to gain a few brownie points.

The original funding must be a bare minimum pissweak effort if there's a big announcement for $100k extra.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Mr Burns, do you also resent the portion of the $10.5bn which is going to pensioners?
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Mr Burns, do you also resent the portion of the $10.5bn which is going to pensioners?

I don't resent anything Julia.

They should be getting extra per week, this is just a payoff to shut them up for the moment.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

The original funding must be a bare minimum pissweak effort if there's a big announcement for $100k extra.

well here is a quick something i found on the net which really just supports my assetrion that Rudd, the king of pathetic stunts has just done it again.. because $100k really is a drop in the ocean compared to what the govt already tips in each year:

$31.0 million has been allocated over five years to the National Breast and Ovarian Cancer Centre (NBOCC) for breast prostheses. This measure will provide women with a subsidy for the purchase of breast prostheses, and allow for the replacement of prostheses every two to five years. This commitment was also made during the 2007 federal election campaign.
BCNA has been advocating for many years for a national prosthesis subsidy program and welcomes this commitment. We look forward to working with the NBOCC to assist in the development of this program.
The funding for additional Breast Care Nurses and the Breast Prostheses subsidy program are part of the Australian Government's ‘National Cancer Plan'. The National Cancer Plan, which includes a wide range of cancer initiatives, has received total funding of $249 million for this budget period.
Additional funding for hospitals has also been a significant feature in this federal budget. BCNA will continue to advocate on behalf of women with breast cancer to ensure that these budget allocations contribute to improving women's treatment and care.


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Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Is the whole education revolution still going ahead?
Or has the reason I voted for labor been watered down?
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Is the whole education revolution still going ahead?
Or has the reason I voted for labor been watered down?

You didn't fall for that old line did you ?

Unless there's a talk fest (preferably overseas) including lunch, wine and rubbing shoulders with famous and successful people he wont bother doing anything about that right up until just before (you guessed it ) the next election.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

You didn't fall for that old line did you ?

Unless there's a talk fest (preferably overseas) including lunch, wine and rubbing shoulders with famous and successful people he wont bother doing anything about that right up until just before (you guessed it ) the next election.

It was in my opinion one of the things this country needed the most. So I was willing to make a change. I would have been happy with a portion of that $10.whatever billion going towards education. I was also naive to think with labor in state(NSW) and fed that we may see faster progress:rolleyes: ooops

I have not heard much about it mentioned lately

On a side note and off topic NSW state govt on both sides suck hard there is no point even voting they are that bad.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

It was in my opinion one of the things this country needed the most. So I was willing to make a change. I would have been happy with a portion of that $10.whatever billion going towards education. I was also naive to think with labor in state(NSW) and fed that we may see faster progress:rolleyes: ooops

I have not heard much about it mentioned lately

On a side note and off topic NSW state govt on both sides suck hard there is no point even voting they are that bad.

Here's some news on it but I also saw somewhere that he is being urged to "rethink" it, not sure where I saw that.
Re: Rudd, I'm pissed off aren't you?

Mr Rudd has come up with a new pet word. It is "jag." He told Kerry O'Brien on the 7.30 report last night that by leading the world in positive action for reducing global emissions he will "jag" the world community into following suit.

No doubt all the world leaders are watching closely for more world leadership gems.