Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Kevin Rudd

Re: Kevin and Kochie

Hmmm.... don't tempt me.

It's not his views that I object to. It is that he is an outright arrogant uneducated smartarse tool.

Re: Kevin and Kochie

Hmmm.... don't tempt me.

It's not his views that I object to. It is that he is an outright arrogant uneducated smartarse tool.


mmmmmmmmmm yes your above post sure is screaming sophistication, education and humility,

luv ya work
Re: Kevin and Kochie


It sure is the age of idiocracy.

Be proud to be stupid.


tut tut...........

funny how the less mentally gifted always have to resort to insults when spoken to in a way they dont understand the humour attached

ya get that
Re: Kevin and Kochie

tut tut...........

funny how the less mentally gifted always have to resort to insults when spoken to in a way they dont understand the humour attached

ya get that

I understand the humour attached.

I just don't think abuse of the English language should be lauded or encouraged, and is certainly not in least bit funny when literacy standards in the modern world are abysmal.

And yet you call those that use the language correctly, less mentally gifted?

Re: Kevin and Kochie


And yet you call those that use the language correctly, less mentally gifted?


no i call those that resort to insults in there replys lacking in the mentality department to reply in a mature and civil manner ,

my post was a joke , had nothing to do with the english language and i apologise if it was not in the manner deemed appropriate to you
Re: Kevin and Kochie

no i call those that resort to insults in there replys lacking in the mentality department to reply in a mature and civil manner ,

my post was a joke , had nothing to do with the english language and i apologise if it was not in the manner deemed appropriate to you


Can you please repeat whatever it was you wrote there in a readable manner.

Re: Kevin and Kochie

I don't know how people like yourself get by to be honest.

:( :( :(


i left school at 14

i worked for a builder from 14 to 17

at 18 i bought my own machinery and created one of the first limestone retaining sub divisional companys in perth

at 21 i bought my first house

at 23 i bought 2 more

at 25 i sold limestone business to a bigger fish ( stoneridge)

at 25 i bought a reconstituted limestone manufacturing plant

at 27 i bought another house

at 30 i sold manufacturing plant

traveled for 3 years

at 33 i sold all properties and invested in a number of asx listed companies

at 36 i bought real estate in geraldton wa

at 41 i am mortgae free of 2 not too shabby properties , i have a small mortgae on a residential subdivision i am currently seling block off , i am sitting on 7 years of asx provided cash and i hold 4 investment stocks

not bad for someone that cant type hey

ps i have spell check for any letters/correspondence i do outside of chatrooms darl .

i do hope this helps with your query
Re: Kevin and Kochie

i should also add that i currently hold another income producing asset in the transport industry and have another business in geraldton that i no longer need to be involved in hands on

but hey i dunno how i did it without typing kills
Re: Kevin and Kochie

Got nothing to do with typing skills, it's called being literate.

But well done. ;)
Re: Kevin and Kochie

The same thing as always.

Whatever gives them the biggest commission.
Yes, I agree. Any idealistic notion that financial planners/advisers exist for the benefit of their clients is naive in the extreme.

I know several people, either retired or about to retire, whose financial advisers (to whom they pay megabucks, apparently in ignorance of the many streams of commission falling into the hands of the advisers from the various funds) have told them "don't worry about anything, just hold on and it will all be fine".

Meanwhile they have watched their capital dwindle in hundreds of thousands. They are not in a position to go back to work to replace this lost capital.

The fact that if they'd been advised to switch to cash ,maybe at the beginning of this year, the advisers would have had their income streams switched off would never occur to them.
Re: Kevin and Kochie

not after a badge

just pointing out that schooling is not the be all and end all of ones start on there road of life
Re: Kevin and Kochie

not after a badge

just pointing out that schooling is not the be all and end all of ones start on there road of life
But when lawyers and judges start analysing your notes, it certainly helps.

I wouldn't employ someone with such appalling literacy, and anyone would be negligent to do so, for that exact reason.
Re: Kevin and Kochie

But when lawyers and judges start analysing your notes, it certainly helps.

I wouldn't employ someone with such appalling literacy, and anyone would be negligent to do so, for that exact reason.

yes but thats the thing , IF im hiring a lawyer im paying for his previous schooling and the thing is I am hiring him :D. get it ? my unschooled dollars are paying his bills........ same as if i wanted a bobcat operator , i wouldnt hire one that had a piece of paper saying he did a course , i would hire one that could drive the machine......

i have no asperations to be a lawyer or a judge and admit that with my SCHOOL educational skills i would be peesin in the wind even to think about trying . But i do have asperations to travel the world like grasshopper totally self funded while leaving a nice little step up for those close to me by the time im 50 and so far im pretty darn close to it....

i suppose its what one wants out of life , if you want to be a lawyer/judge/brain surgeon one must learn the skills involved .
if one wants to be a early retiring bogan that uses spellcheck when needed, so be it
Re: Kevin and Kochie

But when lawyers and judges start analysing your notes, it certainly helps.

I wouldn't employ someone with such appalling literacy, and anyone would be negligent to do so, for that exact reason.
Way Off topic but
I think occupation can have a lot to do with it. Eighteen or so years in the building industry have turned my handwriting into child like squiggles. And my literacy and grammar struggle at the best of times(I came in at the top 1% for English in NSW at school yr 10 as well). If you constantly use it in your profession, then obviously it’s a kept skill. If your work is mainly hands on then it’s easily lost. The use of computers makes the paperwork easier. That and hire underlings to do it.
Some of the richest men I know personally have terrible literacy so I don’t think it’s that much of a burden. Funny that a lot started off a lot like Nun.
Re: Kevin and Kochie

yeah back on topic .......... rudd makes a good hand puppet and kochie needs a "dr phil" like show