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John McCain

you must like betting on outsiders is all I can say
If the papers in her home state come out with the headlines "(Hillary is) TOAST" - to say nothing of the fact that her campaign is dead broke - you'd have to be on something pretty strong to think she can win from here (imo).

McCain? - do you trust him?

PS Here's another betting website:-

Democratic Party 1.53
Republican Party 2.50

PS Democratic Candidate :-
Obama 1/12 = $1.083
Hillary 7/1 = $8.00


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It would be interesting to know who the terrorists would love as President? Probably Obama first and Clinton second, there lies the answer maybe. Tough President or wimp?
I just thought I'd remind all posters that honest John is going to be the next president of the USA.

All these posts about Obama, shocking, you are being force fed a media myth.


Honest John? Seems he's susceptible to lobbyists.

Obama doesn't have this problem as he has none.
His financial backers are millions of individual supporters donating $25 or so.
Not a media myth.

Friday, May 9, 2008; Page A01

McCain Pushed Land Swap That Benefits Backer

It would be interesting to know who the terrorists would love as President? Probably Obama first and Clinton second, there lies the answer maybe. Tough President or wimp?
noi, that is a seriously tainted post - any evidence.?.

lemme guess,
you think there are fewer terrorists now than when GW Bush came on the scene ?

PS or since we invaded Iraq etc

As for the tough president or wimp comment - o boy - lol - we are talking cold war bs now.
It would be interesting to know who the terrorists would love as President? Probably Obama first and Clinton second, there lies the answer maybe. Tough President or wimp?

Ever notice that when a (tough) someone pushes or pulls another, their reaction is to pull or push to escape the onslaught?

Even want to 'obliterate' in retaliation!

Put out your hand and it is very hard for another not to offer their own and shake yours!

Remember the story of 'The Wind Versus The Sun'? The wind was 'tough' and called the sun 'a wimp'. He challenged the sun to 'get the coat off that man down there'. He huffed and puffed and tore at the man's jacket but the harder he blew, the more the man clung to his coat. Finally, the wind gave up and scoffed that it was an impossible task! The sun shone brightly on the man who felt warm and comfortable... and took off his coat.

Sure... terrorists are psychologically disparate to your normal man with grievances.

Possibly it is an impossible task but at least if their grievances are heard and acknowledged, there is a glimmer of hope.
Conversation worked in Kenya...
Nice parable, Doris. Would be good to think it could happen.
Remember the story of 'The Wind Versus The Sun'?

Conversation worked in Kenya...
Doris, these days there's a sequel ...
"and so man took off his coats, rolled up his sleeves, and turned the sun and the wind into clean energy sources ....."
Kenya? - yes we ken!
(apologies for the trivial nature of this post - won't happen again - till the next time).
Nice parable, Doris. Would be good to think it could happen.

Aaah... 'The Audacity of Hope!'

I needed a smile 2020! ... (don't do Mondays well...)

If Joe gives awards for the brightest light on here, you have my vote!

Obama's team is considering McCain's team's proposal for "a series of town hall debates" as well as "the usual schedule of three televised debates for a presidential election".

Now that will be an interesting sequel!
Doris & 2020,

You owe me a new keyboard.
It would be interesting to know who the terrorists would love as President? Probably Obama first and Clinton second, there lies the answer maybe. Tough President or wimp?

noi, that is a seriously tainted post - any evidence.?. lemme guess, think there are fewer terrorists now than when GW Bush came on the scene ? or since we invaded Iraq etc

Noi , I’ve now challenged you twice on this, but I notice you choose not to reply.

See, I would totally disagree. I would maintain the AQ terrorists have seriously thrived under Bush. He has played into their hands like a complete Manchurian Candidate (see two quotes below)

Firstly, Without even having to draw on your combined assumptions of the attitude of the Moslim terrorists or the mafia , I would reckon without doubt that those threats were from the redneck and/or racist terrorists.

Just watching Enough Rope – and hearing about Leunig getting death threats because he is anti the Iraq war - sheesh

Back to that Manchurian Candidate theory – here’s an old post from another thread ..

This website compares GWBush with "the Manchurian Candidate" by Mr. Buzzanco, Professor of History, University of Houston, is the author of several books and articles on Vietnam War
As one astute American conservative commentator has already observed, President Bush has morphed into the Manchurian Candidate, behaving as if placed among Americans by their enemies to do them damage.
Hi 2020 (ref post 50), thou throwest down thee gauntlet. I have picked it up! Throw down the other one and i'll have a pair - good luck - noi
PS Will reply very shortly, however, you did kindly answer the question in post 44.
Hi 2020, thou throwest down thee gauntlet. I have picked it up! Throw down the other one and i'll have a pair - good luck - noi
PS Will reply very shortly

See I ask are you gonna post an “oops” after predicting Hilary would win in North Carolina. - when she was whipped ( Obama 56% - Clinton 42%)

I posted “so I guess an oops is unlikely then”
That post was deleted !!

Meanwhile , you post this little classic, which causes not the slightest raise of anyone's eyebrow :-

It would be interesting to know who the terrorists would love as President? Probably Obama first...? .. wimp etc

I find the rules around here quite weird

Hi 2020, sadly, I'm not able to reply to a post that was deleted and as I have not checked thoroughly, I don't know if any of mine have. It may have something to do with how seriously we take our posts to be on this particular thread. As Hillary said to a British journalist, who put forward an adversely critical point "You can't vote!".

Anyway, on the matter of terrorists it is a case of what point of view you agree with: George W Bush has been responsible for killing a lot of terrorists and therefore there are less now, or, he has agravated a lot of people and created a lot more terrorists.

As far as the contestants in the election are concerned, Barack Obama has set his footprint in the sand as far as withdrawing from Iraq is concerned. Even more so than Hillary Clinton. Therefore, imho, the terrorists in Iraq (by the way, i did not mention religion, if you check my post) would like a USA President who would withdraw from Iraq the quickest.

I respect your point of view, even if I do not agree with it - noi
Therefore, imho, the terrorists in Iraq (by the way, i did not mention religion, if you check my post) would like a USA President who would withdraw from Iraq the quickest.
As far as the terrorists in Iraq (and there weren't any there until we invaded - but moving on) , depends on how myopic one chooses to be. We can go on fighting them for centuries, or we can try to sort out the problems. Not that it's gonna be easy.

As for the racial terrorists in USA, they'd probably like McCain over Obama for sure, and a few bomb threats would be well within their capabilities.
A point that seems to be lost on a helluva a lot of non-US citizens.

"I can't vote"
I can't vote for or against Mugabe either. Doesn't stop me having an opinion though. I assume it's ok to have an opinion?

ps Maybe the terrorists would like most someone like McCain who would invade Iran.

- he didn't graduate 894th out of his class of 899 (Naval Academy in 1958) for nothing you know.
"I can't vote"
I can't vote for or against Mugabe either. Doesn't stop me having an opinion though. I assume it's ok to have an opinion?
Review your posts on this forum. Clearly, that is indeed the case.

What is a matter of interest however, is your need to reply to my non-specific comment as if it were specifically directed at you. I wonder what Junge would make of that?
... What is a matter of interest however, is your need to reply to my non-specific comment as if it were specifically directed at you. I wonder what Junge would make of that?
just posting on behalf of the many posters who have contributed to the discussion on the many threads about US politics around here - despite the fact we can't vote (including you I guess)

Incidentally US politics is arguably (surely?) more important than Zimbabwe - given the way we follow them from warzone to warzone these days.
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