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John McCain

Doris howdy
as mentioned elsewhere .... Wesley Clark (Democratic, recent VP hopeful) was criticised a week or two back for saying that being shot down in a fighter is not a necessary prerequisite for becoming President. Heck , he's been there 4 times , presumably he'd make 4 times the President that McCain would

Heck - compare Wesley Clark with McCain - one valedictorian of his class at West Point, was awarded a Rhodes Scholarship to the University of Oxford etc

the other graduating 894 th in a class of 899 .


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2020 what a load of codswallop you go on with. I thought that when you started this thread it was to lecture the uneducated masses on what a nasty person John McCain is. And you have done your best. Post after post full of quotations and downloads trying to prove how smart you are and how blind everybody else. And now you are into conspiracy theories. Oswald for god's sake! You will be on the moonlandings next! And you are adding to your longwinded diatribes by quoting yourself. I think that you should get a life. This stuff is obviously all you do and it is now an obsession. You can't tolerate different viewpoints, and you can't put forward a rational point of view. Have you ever thought of making concise postings with just your thoughts and ideas not somebody elses? You could probably increase your postings to 20 a day.
maybe you could be specific on what you disagree with
Calliope - healthy to keep an open mind.

I read documentaries on investigations into Marilyn Monroe's murder yonks ago - that she was going to blow the whistle on JFK's Vietnam plans. Can't recall details but there was evidence that actor Peter Lawford, JFK's brother in law, was the brains behind her death and cover-up... his car at her house hours before she was found dead... Her spirits/demeanor/plans not conducive to suicide etc...

When JFK became president, she'd been involved as a secret courier between the White House and her boyfriend who was a Chicago mob boss planning a plot to kill Castro. She met JFK through Frank Sinatra. Lots of cover-ups.

50 year release of info I wonder?
Ok...Ok...I admit it. Us Americans are hell bent on dominating the world and will destroy anyone who gets in our way. WE ARE EVIL!!! LOL
Sarah Palin...Running mate. Nice choice! This is enough to seure my vote for John McCain.
Sarah Palin...Running mate. Nice choice! This is enough to seure my vote for John McCain.

makes sense no question ..
(as in short term political sense anyway)

but a week ago she was way down the list :-
Mitt Romney 3.5/1
Joe Lieberman 8/1
Tim Pawlety 11/1
Mark Sanford 20/1
Kay Bailey Hutchinson 25/1
Mike Huckabee 26/1
Sarah Palin 28/1
Chuck Hagel 38/1
Charlie Crist 40/1
Condoleezza Rice 40/1

Ok...Ok...I admit it. Us Americans are hell bent on dominating the world and will destroy anyone who gets in our way. WE ARE EVIL!!! LOL
told you a million times not to exaggerate websman.
PS You'll agree I'm sure that recent leadership sets a pretty low bar for comparison - irrespective of the qualities of Americans as a nation. We can only do better there surely, irrespective of who gets in.
maybe you could be specific on what you disagree with

That's a reasonable question and deserves a reasonable answer. however I like to keep my posts brief, and as I have other interests, including making a living, I may have to answer in serial form. First of all I would like to make a disclaimer. I am not a John McCain advocate, but I do think he will win by default
It seems to me that you regard yourself as the alpha person in this little pool and you have surrounded yourself with a little cheer squad, united by the common thread of belief in Obama's infallibility and a dislike of McCain. Your nutty conspiracy theory ideas have also taken root in this little group, and now it seems you are an apologist for Putin purely because he hates McCain.
As the alpha person you are wary of intruders and your critics often get a nasty spray. What happened to balance?
That's about six things we disagree on. However everywhere I visit on this Forum, there I find 2020 muddying the waters. I will keep you posted.
wiki :-

ex beauty queen etc
She's been mayor of Wasilla, (pop 6,500), a town half the size of DePere for two years
and 18 months as governor of Alaska.

A comment on that Minneapolis-St Paul website :-



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And probably the Dem's greatest fear... a woman.
On the surface she looks like a good choice - age/appearance complementary to McCain. Our American friends will know this, though: does she have enough experience to be able to take over should anything happen to the ageing McCain? That, after all, is supposed to be the main reason for having a VP.

I think Obama would have been better off picking Hillary as VP.
It seems to me that you regard yourself as the alpha person in this little pool

.. nutty conspiracy theory .

1. hell I thought you were going to be specific, instead you come up with this bs

2. the only conspiracy theory about JFK is the one that has LH Oswald acting alone.

3. Calliope, you are arguing with me on vagaries, when I am trying to challenge ZZdad when he says that "you who don’t live in USA don’t know (about McCain's relationship with the National Alliance of Families) - and we who live there do”.

I posted evidence to the contrary. I'm waiting for him to answer, not for you to come up with red herrings

Heck I wouldn’t mind it if websman responded to my challenge that USA acted aggressively in Iraq ( he was claiming “armed to the teeth” for “defence” – but, you’re probably right , I doubt either of those blokes will respond

PS Is Putin right about Georgia attacking to some script written in the Pentagon or the Whitehouse? - As I said, I don't know - However, it's not totally unbelievable yes?, considering that there were many American soldiers in Georgia at the time? Or are you in denial there?
Sorry to objectify an obviously very capable person...

.... but she's hawt!
hey wayne
I was wonderin , why is Johnny trying to get his wedding ring off ?

At least she looks like she knows how to spell "potatoe"


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I was more intrigued by his body language when she started bagging out big oil.

Calliope you are looking at all sides but understand 2020 started this thread and thus he has his values and opinions.
I read on McCain and really try to be impartial but the whole picture I see is always confirmed.

If I got off my chair on the right side, you would see me move to the left. It's natural.
Both are correct from our vantage point.

2020 seems always to be objective to support his stances. His research is indeed extraordinary.
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