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You have certainly put a lot of words in my mouth there. This is what I said and was referring to the Sam Harris article:
I said it then and have repeated it enough times that you should not need to draw such conclusions. I said I was shocked by what Israel did and that it was an overreaction. That they were in an impossible situation is beyond doubt. You simply cannot allow Hamas to fire rockets at your cities, but must do something to stop them. Was what they did correct? No, it was shocking and over the top.
None of my posts have condoned Israel's actions, but have sought to expose the role of Hamas in what is going on.
Just out of curiosity, did you vote for Abbott in the last election?
Assume that you did, and assume that I don't like Abbott and Abbott have stated that he's going to do nasty thing to me, he won't take my calls and won't take my money... and you voted for him.
Now, assume that I then lock you in your house, control your water, your food supplies, your fuel and electricity... and whenever I feel like it, come over and break doors and knock heads... just to show you how bad Abbott is to you.
Then now and then you try to fight back with relatively useless weapons (and I don't mean any disrespect or make light of the Israeli deaths), I then burnt half your house, kill your dog then blame you for forcing me to do nasty things...
I hope you'll be as understanding of my impossible situation if that ever happen.
And oh, imagine that my house was part of your homeland, and your home is now a shed outback; and imagine that while you certainly don't like to have lost 80% of your home to me, you grudgingly want a settlement in the shed if only I let you free to move and live, but i said no deal.
I could just see how if i were to do that, I could win the humanitarian award of the year... at least your understanding of my impossible situation.
That's an entirely disingenuous construction and has no genuine relativity to the Palestinian/Israel problem.Bellenuit,
Just out of curiosity, did you vote for Abbott in the last election?
Assume that you did, and assume that I don't like Abbott and Abbott have stated that he's going to do nasty thing to me, he won't take my calls and won't take my money... and you voted for him.
Now, assume that I then lock you in your house, control your water, your food supplies, your fuel and electricity... and whenever I feel like it, come over and break doors and knock heads... just to show you how bad Abbott is to you.
Then now and then you try to fight back with relatively useless weapons (and I don't mean any disrespect or make light of the Israeli deaths), I then burnt half your house, kill your dog then blame you for forcing me to do nasty things...
I hope you'll be as understanding of my impossible situation if that ever happen.
And oh, imagine that my house was part of your homeland, and your home is now a shed outback; and imagine that while you certainly don't like to have lost 80% of your home to me, you grudgingly want a settlement in the shed if only I let you free to move and live, but i said no deal.
I could just see how if i were to do that, I could win the humanitarian award of the year... at least your understanding of my impossible situation.
Yet this admission does not seem to have stopped you taking a distinct 'side', as distinct from those of us who have recognised the enormous problems for both sides.I don't know enough about Hamas to make any stance,
A 72 hour ceasefire was agreed to by both sides today. It was only three hours underway when it was broken.You're ignoring all the facts that just about every objective observer have said regarding who broke all the ceasefires; most importantly, you're ignoring reality and real political objectives of any leadership.
So on the basis of watching two documentaries (do you think it's remotely possible that any documentary on this inflammatory topic could be presented with a particular bias?), you now are completely clear about who is at fault in this awful situation.Maybe because I didn't bother to look things up before, but I've only seen two documentaries a long time ago that talk about this conflict, and both of the one i saw simply show the daily hardships and suffering of the Palestinians under occupation.
That's not how it appears to me as a reader of your remarks. You have misinterpreted and misrepresented what others have said in many posts.What you wrote is still there for anyone to take a look, I didn't put word in your mouth.
Again, so although you have done minimal investigation into the whole complex subject, you have formed a clear and unequivocal view. Oh my.I don't know the origin or the make up of Hamas, but from Finkelstein and Stephen Walt and others, they have said that Hamas, whatever their original intention or rhetorics, was forming a unity party recently with the PA and want to negotiate with Israel... Israel do not.
While I don't know Hamas or claim to read their minds, I think I do know enough about politics and history to say that people, if you see them as people like ourselves, don't win wars by wishing they could, would surrender and accept some kind of a settlement, some kind of a bargain that would show their people that at least they didn't completely sold them out.
Really? Religious and political extremist zealots included?People are generally realistic about the world.
A curious observation if I may:
Generally, the left supports Hamas, the right supports Israel.
I think only the uninformed support either of them, they are both crazy.
But I think your general observation is true. It's a "Conservative vs radical" mindset again. The Israeli government is a far right religious organisation (ring any bells ?) and the Left are against anyone the Right supports.
The more idealistic on the Left don't like the Establishment crushing the "little people", and so they will support the underdog.
Conservatives don't like upstarts who challenge the "natural order" so they support the status quo.
Does that make sense to people ?
That's an entirely disingenuous construction and has no genuine relativity to the Palestinian/Israel problem.
Yet this admission does not seem to have stopped you taking a distinct 'side', as distinct from those of us who have recognised the enormous problems for both sides.
A 72 hour ceasefire was agreed to by both sides today. It was only three hours underway when it was broken.
At the time I heard that, it was unclear which side had taken the first potshot.
However, since you have above asserted who 'broke all the ceasefires' perhaps you could detail this here, with supporting evidence via reliable links.
So on the basis of watching two documentaries (do you think it's remotely possible that any documentary on this inflammatory topic could be presented with a particular bias?), you now are completely clear about who is at fault in this awful situation.
That's not how it appears to me as a reader of your remarks. You have misinterpreted and misrepresented what others have said in many posts.
Again, so although you have done minimal investigation into the whole complex subject, you have formed a clear and unequivocal view. Oh my.
Really? Religious and political extremist zealots included?
I've had the same sense as expressed by Wayne, not just on this forum, but across general society, the ABC in particular as an archetypal Left organisation.
Rumpole, yes, as a broad observation but any such complete alignment with one side or the other still leaves me puzzled considering how extraordinarily complex the whole situation is.
Agree especially with Retired Young's very rational remarks.
Some excerpts from the Hamas Covenant 1988.
Article 7:
Moreover, if the links have been distant from each other and if obstacles, placed by those who are the lackeys of Zionism in the way of the fighters obstructed the continuation of the struggle, the Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realisation of Allah's promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).
Article 8:
Allah is its target, the Prophet is its model, the Koran its constitution: Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.
Article 11:
The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it, should not be squandered: it, or any part of it, should not be given up. Neither a single Arab country nor all Arab countries, neither any king or president, nor all the kings and presidents, neither any organization nor all of them, be they Palestinian or Arab, possess the right to do that. Palestine is an Islamic Waqf land consecrated for Moslem generations until Judgement Day. This being so, who could claim to have the right to represent Moslem generations till Judgement Day?
Article 13 (On Peaceful Solutions, Initiatives and International Conferences):
Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement..........
.... There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
Article 16:
It is necessary to follow Islamic orientation in educating the Islamic generations in our region by teaching the religious duties, comprehensive study of the Koran, the study of the Prophet's Sunna (his sayings and doings), and learning about Islamic history and heritage from their authentic sources. This should be done by specialised and learned people, using a curriculum that would healthily form the thoughts and faith of the Moslem student. Side by side with this, a comprehensive study of the enemy, his human and financial capabilities, learning about his points of weakness and strength, and getting to know the forces supporting and helping him, should also be included. Also, it is important to be acquainted with the current events, to follow what is new and to study the analysis and commentaries made of these events. Planning for the present and future, studying every trend appearing, is a must so that the fighting Moslem would live knowing his aim, objective and his way in the midst of what is going on around him.
I am sure there are also Jewish holy texts that have bequeathed the same land to the Jews, but that is hardly a reason to ignore the goals of Hamas. Both sides are at fault.
Now some may argue that Hamas has renounced wanting all disputed lands, including Israel itself, to be under Islamic Sharia control and will accept a 2 State solution. However, they have refused to amend their charter to accomodate that saying that was impossible to do (one wonders why). But in any case, as followers of Taqqiya, they are fully aware that lying to achieve political objectives that promote Islam is acceptable. Some interesting reading on this:
Taqqiya - An Tactic of Lying, Concealment
Islamists interpret their scripture to say that they are allowed to lie about the nature of Islam in order to further their political goals.
You might be interested to look at how non-Jewish Israelis are being treated in Israel; how black Jewish migrants are treated; how African refugees are treated and be labeled "infiltrators" by whiter, purer Jewish Israelis.
I don't know if Arab states are also as racist, but Israel certainly do not look and sound like a kind and progressive state to me.
I don't know if Arab states are also as racist
You simply don't get it, do you? Criticism of Hamas is not endorsement of Israel, its policies or the attitudes of its citizens.
Then you really know very little. I'm done discussing this issue with you. You must be living in a complete vacuum.
I think only the uninformed support either of them, they are both crazy.
But I think your general observation is true. It's a "Conservative vs radical" mindset again. The Israeli government is a far right religious organisation (ring any bells ?) and the Left are against anyone the Right supports.
The more idealistic on the Left don't like the Establishment crushing the "little people", and so they will support the underdog.
Conservatives don't like upstarts who challenge the "natural order" so they support the status quo.
Does that make sense to people ?
The premise is true and I agree, just it's somewhat dishonest since you clearly endorse Israeli policies.
I mean, if i say that a person being beaten up is sad and make my heart cry, but the beater is put in an "impossible situation" to have to do the beating. What am I really saying? That his hand was forced, that he didn't want to beat people up, just it's impossible not to do something.
I think only the uninformed support either of them, they are both crazy.
But I think your general observation is true. It's a "Conservative vs radical" mindset again. The Israeli government is a far right religious organisation (ring any bells ?) and the Left are against anyone the Right supports.
The more idealistic on the Left don't like the Establishment crushing the "little people", and so they will support the underdog.
Conservatives don't like upstarts who challenge the "natural order" so they support the status quo.
Does that make sense to people ?
What you are really saying is that you will do every thing possible to tarnish me because you don't like the opinion I express and you appear to be working to some agenda. This became obvious when you continuously misconstrue what I have said which from the outset has been to call out Hamas as deserving of condemnation and not just Israel. You now, in spite of all I have written, claim that I was endorsing Israeli policies.
But I am aware of your subtle ploy. In response to me saying:
I think that article encapsulates what many of us feel about this conflict. Shocked with the overreaction of Israel, but somewhat understanding of the impossible situation they are in.
But you claimed that this is what I said, or as far as you remember this is what I said:
"I could be wrong in that you really didn't mean what you imply, but I think that when you say something like... it's heart breaking that a person is kill but the killer was in an "impossible situation", that it was either kill or be kill, that it was a fight for survival or Shoah... I don't think my conclusion was unfounded"
It was just now when trying to figure out your agenda that I bothered to check out what Shoah meant. It is the modern Hebrew word for the Holocaust. Why would you have tried to suggest that I was using Hebrew words?
But I have taken a look back though your posts and what do I find? You obviously know a lot about Middle Eastern politics which makes it obvious that you are well read and have done a fairly extensive study in that area. But then you come out with: "I don't know enough about Hamas to make any stance". Yeah, I'm sure you don't. You tell us you have only seen a few TV shows on Palestine, but then cite all this stuff that you have seen on TV about racism and hatred in Israel towards Palestinians. you provide lots of examples of various people from Israel criticising their own people, their own government etc., which is probably true, but belies your apparent ignorance of anything bad associated with the Palestinians or Arabs in general. What about this clanger:
"I don't know if Arab states are also as racist, but Israel certainly do not look and sound like a kind and progressive state to me."
You seem to know everything that is bad about Israel and the Israelis, but express complete ignorance when it comes to what may be bad on the non-Israeli side, particularly when they encompass some of the most intolerant nations on earth and atrocities committed in those countries against others, whether they be religious or ethnically based are in the news daily. And never mind the large scale murderous campaigns that are daily headline news, but we have horrendous stories of poor migrant workers from countries like the Philippines, Indonesia and Bangladesh being tortured and abused by employers of all sorts in Arabic countries. Poor Indonesian maids being whipped, raped, scalded and receiving other abuse from Saudi families. Bangladeshi and Indian workers not being paid for months on Dubai building sites and often kept in slavelike conditions with their passports held preventing return home, not that they can afford the fares.
But you, who has such a deep understanding of events in the ME and knowing the minutest detail of what is wrong in Israel, don't know anything about that other stuff.
There must be something deeper.
So Israel can lie and do what they do for their national interests, just don't use my name or lie to me about doing it to project my values and how we're both alike. Why? Because it's morally offensive what they're doing, doing it in my name, I get no benefit from it but might one day have to pay the price for their greed.
Israel has invaded another country and has weapons of mass destruction.
I think we should go in and kick Benjamin Netanyahu ass, the same way we gave it to Saddam Hussein (who did not even have weapons of mass destruction).
So you believe that Hamas are the good guys?
We are hearing a lot about Israel and Palestine where 1270 have been killed in 23 days but we have not heard much about Syria where 1500 were killed yesterday in one day.
Muslims fighting Muslims.
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