Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Israel - Palestine

Reports of Putin wanting to talk also.

Let's hope peace breaks out in the world

The Only way of finding Peace in the Middle East is to take IRAN out of the EQUATION
America has sent its "Attack Dog" ISRAEL into WAR in the Middle East many times
It is Obvious Now to the World that the time has come for Israel to Rid Iran of Nuclear

Israel has done it before and only need a QUIET word from President Trump to make the World a safer place
1st mate.jpg
For Lovers of Middle East History
"Golda" is a Docudrama on Amazon Prime --

Low Budget film with Great actors

It is Amazing to see how Nothing has Changed in 50 years except the Actors
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Myer Melbourne have cancelled their annual Christmas window opening extravaganza for the kiddies because the Palestine protesters were going to wreck it.

Maybe VicPol could have put in the same resources they did against Covid lockdown protesters as they could for this.

At lease the new Premier seems to think these protesters are a bit wacky.

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Myer Melbourne have cancelled their annual Christmas window opening extravaganza
Ridiculous given it's got absolutely nothing to do with the situation in Gaza.

For those unfamiliar I'll just add that it's a pretty substantial display and families with young kids in particular do go out of their way to see it each year.

If anyone hasn't already grasped why there's a swing to the Right politically, this sort of thing is an example. As I said in another thread, the political Left isn't respecting democracy, either you do as they say or they'll force it. Yes means yes, no means yes. The rest are getting very fed up with it. :2twocents
What a grotesque abomination that the rabid commercialisation of the nativity should have to succumb to this....
To be known from this day forward as 'The $uffering of Myer's profit$'

Jesus wept. But remember the Boxing day sales are only 40 days and nights in the wilderness away.
The ANU VC, Genevieve Bell, must go.

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The Australian National University says its students did not perform Nazi-inspired gestures at a mass online student meeting in May last year while conceding the footage “on a superficial level” looked as if they did.

The Australian revealed last year that the university had begun investigations into the incident, where footage showed a student who appeared to perform a Nazi salute and another brought their finger up below their nose in a way that made it look like Adolf Hitler’s moustache, during a mass online student meeting.

That meeting was dominated by discussion about the pro-Palestine encampment protest that had been pitched on campus. In that meeting, Jewish students brought an ultimately unsuccessful motion asking the student association to – among other items – condemn Hamas, condemn the use of hateful slogans such as “intifada”, and acknowledge there was a “toxic culture, including anti-Semitism, within activist circles at the ANU”.

ANU vice-chancellor Genevieve Bell fronted the parliamentary inquiry into anti-Semitism at universities and revealed her university’s investigation had “found that (Nazi-inspired gestures) did not, in fact, happen”.
This is a massive beat up.

Palestinians in Gaza get blown out of their beds while jewish students at ANU protest victimhood because somebody touched their nose with their hand.

Are you protesting on Sundays as well?
The head of Hamas in the West Bank Zaher Jabarin has issued a statement:

”Just as we defeated Israel in Gaza, we will defeat them in the West Bank."

Wanting the West Bank to look like Gaza?
They Voted the Terrorists in and As we say Down Under "You Get What you Deserve "

IMHO They Got what they Deserved and this is Not Over yet----- Far from it!
This Cease-Fire will be measured in Minutes! Not weeks!

When you see the almost TOTAL Destruction of GAZA nobody with half a brain would say the IDF did not try to limit the loss of human life
Only ~45,000 lost ------Go Figure------ Think about it!
I am amazed the number was not >450,000!
The cleverest thing the Israelis have done in this latest war , is to leave the " governments " of Lebanon and Gaza , in place .
After their experience with the effin Germans during the 1930 's and 40's , when the rest of the world just shrugged and looked away , the Jews will never let it happen to them again . October 7 , you can be sure , will never be forgotten or repeated either.
I never expected to see antisemitism raise its ugly head in this wonderful country . I had always thought Aussies were better than that .
The cleverest thing the Israelis have done in this latest war , is to leave the " governments " of Lebanon and Gaza , in place .
After their experience with the effin Germans during the 1930 's and 40's , when the rest of the world just shrugged and looked away , the Jews will never let it happen to them again . October 7 , you can be sure , will never be forgotten or repeated either.
I never expected to see antisemitism raise its ugly head in this wonderful country . I had always thought Aussies were better than that .
the germans set the jewish people to Isreal in the 30s under the Haavara agreement honoring the Balfour declaration signed by rothchilds and Chirchill in a way of peace and the so called final solution a jewish free europe. the origional plan of the nazis was to send them to madagascar under the " madagascar plan but being a french colony the french put up resistance so hitler honoroed the churchill and rothchild agreement and sent the jews to the middle east

migration is a jewish thing and they are the biggest peddlers of it. the genocide that is happening in isreal and countries around it is part of the greater isreal plan by Ben Gvir laid out in the 80s

so when you are genociding and destroying arab home land of course you will get protesting.
all these so called acts of anti semitesm how come the perpetrators are mysteriously never found?

From what I understand in the final establishment of Israel there were 3 Countries discussed

Madagascar--------The Zionists insisted that Only the Original Home-Lands should be considered
NT of Australia----Although there was only a population ~2000 NB: Aborigines were not counted in those days
the Zionists still insisted that Only the Original Home-Lands should be considered
Israel ------------------Israel was finally established in 1948 and the Zionists were happy

My Parents caught the First Ship out of Paris in 1947 to either USA, Canada or Australia
The rest is History
I hope to continue My History of Multiculturalism in Melbourne in the " Multiculturalism" thread as time permits
I am finding it incredulous as I go back in time ~ 75 years Melbourne and how different life is here now
From what I understand in the final establishment of Israel there were 3 Countries discussed

Madagascar--------The Zionists insisted that Only the Original Home-Lands should be considered
NT of Australia----Although there was only a population ~2000 NB: Aborigines were not counted in those days
the Zionists still insisted that Only the Original Home-Lands should be considered
Israel ------------------Israel was finally established in 1948 and the Zionists were happy

My Parents caught the First Ship out of Paris in 1947 to either USA, Canada or Australia
The rest is History
I hope to continue My History of Multiculturalism in Melbourne in the " Multiculturalism" thread as time permits
I am finding it incredulous as I go back in time ~ 75 years Melbourne and how different life is here now

that was the kimberly plan. its almost never been mentioned