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Israel - Palestine

Both sides are backwards.

Apartheid racist Israel vs jihadist Hamas/Palestine that would most certainly commit genocide if they could.
Professor John Mearsheimer puts how the US position in regard to Ukraine and Gaza is a disaster and will get worse

A report coming in from a contact Sue DeFedd at Flemington that a group are activating for Palestine at some hundreds of metres from the Melbourne Cup Ring.

So different from the old days.


Professor John Mearsheimer puts how the US position in regard to Ukraine and Gaza is a disaster and will get worse

Anything which starts with "an American professor says" is in the same class as "a hobo on the street says"
A report coming in from a contact Sue DeFedd at Flemington that a group are activating for Palestine at some hundreds of metres from the Melbourne Cup Ring.

So different from the old days.


Glad to see Yes voters have moved on from their loss to another misguided cause. Go do some work and contribute to society people....
A contrary view but recognizing the same problems both videos are quite good

LIke I said in another thread, the only way this disruption and turmoil is going to stop, is when the U.S and China come to an agreement on a world reserve currency.
Where intercountry trade is carried out with a common currency, that has a known and independently accepted value, that genuinely reflects its worth.
Whether the U.S will agree to that is another thing, but China feels it is being ripped off and may well be behind a lot of the turmoil that exists in the world currently.
Who knows a bit off topic, but I do believe they are associated.
On the Israel - Palestine issue.
I found it interesting when reading from an article, found thanks to an @orr link, that Iran is asking India to intervene and get Israel to back off on Gazza.
That seems interesting to me, as Iran I'm guessing didn't tell Hamas to back off, when they attacked Israel.
From the outside looking in, I wonder why that is. Has the issue changed? Has the reaction been different than expected? Has Israels vigor been worrisome?

Oct 8

Nov 7
Another interesting perspective on the Israel- Hamas war. Points our early on that Israel initially supported and financed Hamas to split the Palestinian movement and undermine the one Palestinian State objective.

I've listened to this guy in a lot of interviews and he seemed quite reasonable, but....

We need to prosecute or deport all these Hamas supporters, it's a designated terrorist organisation.

The leading Palestinian spokesman in Australia has praised as a hero a terrorist who plotted suicide bombings in Israel and complained not all of Hamas should be designated a terrorist organisation.

He has also “liked” on social media a number of statements justifying the October Hamas terrorist attacks which saw 1400 Israelis killed.

Nasser Mashni is the President of the Australian Palestinian Advocacy Network, who met earlier this month with Foreign Minister Penny Wong where he was given her “deepest condolences” after the explosion at the Gaza City Hospital which killed an unknown number of Palestinian civilians.

The Palestinian community leader, who has appeared frequently in the media since Hamas attack on Israel last month has also met in recent days with the Victorian Labor MP Ged Kearney who posted a picture of them together thanking him “for sharing your stories with me”.
There were good Nazis.

..or were there?
CommIntern not disbanded , apparently.
Gays and tranny's are hated by most Palestinians and Muslims as much as they hate Israel.

The irony is that Israel is one of the more lgbtqlmit+++ friendly countries.

you only have to see how the Hamas forces ripped into the music festival people at the outset of this dangerous escalation.

and as for urban western women marching under a Taliban flag. I mean, get real. Wake up.
The ABC displays a glass jaw in complaining about our loveable old chook Bronwyn Bishop's description of their coverage of Hamas as being akin to that of the German Nazis.

Information is weaponised in any war and such a flagrant display of alleged bias and fascism by our national broadcaster is regrettable. Although, following on the Voice and their coverage of matters Australian sans Indigenous/Migrant/Transpersons/Hesheitour one can hardly be surprised. Anything contrary to decent universal Australian beliefs is open to desecration by the ABC.

This descent back to the bully boy tactics of Lord Haw Haw and the surrender monkeys of WW2 is disgraceful. It is particularly hurtful given the service that Australians of the Jewish faith such as Norman Swan and Jon Faine have give to the broadcaster.

This will encourage the mullahs and imams in small unrepresentative pockets of Western Sydney to further insult Australia via protest, even it is suggested on Armistice Day.

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