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Israel - Palestine

Big problem is the west is full of idiots. They have no clue anymore of what it takes to win a war. God forbid a major one.

A Sydney Islamic preacher has called on Muslims to wage “jihad” and declared Australia “hypocrites” for labelling as terrorism the Hamas massacre of innocent Israels but “forgetting its dark past”, in a radical and incendiary sermon.

In late October, ‘Brother Ismail’ gave a khutbah – a traditional Islamic sermon at Al Madina Dawah Centre, southwest Sydney – that took aim at Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, the federal government and intelligence service, and Islamic leaders who had criticised Jihad fighters abroad, as well as calling Jihad the “solution”.
Sydney and Melbourne have rolled over to these jokers.

I no longer get upset about Keating's biggest mistake, by his own admission, allowing the immigration of Lebanese Muslims en masse in to Australia.

I'm sure as individuals many are good people, but this jihad nonsense is un-Australian.

Not my problem though.

Both sides are crap. I say all the time to let them wipe each other out. Nothing has changed, nothing will change. We could be in 2016, 2006, 1993, 1972, or probably. 500 AD and we would be in the same boat.

Muslims will never stop attacking. Israel will never stop settlements and land grabs - And there will be no peace until both stop. Neither group of people are worth our mental energy, our money, the aid of our government or anything. We should think of them as we think of sub-Saharan African countries which is not at all and irrelevant.

One thing I have noticed over my life is that I've never met a Jew who had anything to say about a Muslim and I've never met a Muslim who didn't complain about Jews and Israel.

Religion is a fine thing.

He will be on the same watch list as the far right nut jobs.
Well this news will make Russia and China prick up their ears.

Israel has used its Arrow missile-defence system to shoot down a ballistic missile outside of Earth’s atmosphere, in what is believed to be the first combat ever to take place in space.
The ballistic missile was launched from Yemen by the Iran-backed Houthis, and flew almost 1600 kilometres over the Arabian Peninsula on the way to its target, the Israeli port city of Eilat.
Bad news if the Houthis have that sort of weapon.
Indeed so . If the Houthis are Iran backed it sounds like big problems for Israel , but the fact that they can shoot them down is encouraging.
I guess the Houthis will be wondering, if they can shoot down an Israeli one coming their way, in retaliation.

My guess they will tone it down on the ballistic missiles, they wouldn't want to be getting into a mine's bigger than yours, with Israel I wouldn't think.
For a country of 10million they make the ADF look pretty weak.
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