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Israel - Palestine

The power to end this and live in peace lies with the Palestinians themselves, no more rockets, no more terrorist attacks, no more ******* ridiculous River to the sea propaganda.

Maybe , as long as they have the opportunity to express their legitimate grievances legitimately, and a reasonable expectation that these will be acted on.

But that's unlikely when you have someone like Netanyahu in charge of Israel.

Bibi is a problem for sure.

However, one one must look at the maps of the ambitions of the neighboring Arab states to get a full grasp of the situation there.

I would posit that with very few exceptions, Israel is not included.

People forget that just within living memory, the Jewish people suffered one of the greatest traumas imaginable. And here we are, our streets seething with Islamists, extreme leftists, and the extreme right, baying once again for the genocide of their race.

I fully understand the grievances of each side, but it must be understood that the Jewish state is on the precipice of extinction at any moment given the right set of circumstances.

I have no feckin idea of what the answer is or even if there is an answer, but Israel just cannot play softball with outfits like Hamas et al and expect to survive as a nation and an ethnic group.
UN officials told the Security Council that more than 60 of its staff had been killed in Gaza after Israel’s prime minister ruled out a ceasefire .
this is one of the anomalies (?) of the situation. UNRWA UN Relief & Welfare Agency set up in late 1940s and still going. Originally for assistance to both Palestinian and Jewish displaced, it has morphed into Gaza's biggest employer. It predates UNHCR, and has continued on with a 'mandate' that perpetuates 'permanent refugeedom'. I'm sure there's an active bureaucracy that provides a modicom of services and gathers data on civilians but ignores the political thuggery happening all around. As they do.
the State of Israel experience is multifaceted.

A Jewish community present for nearly 2600 years, in Baghdad, no longer exists, forced out in the last 70 years and culminating this century.
A vibrant Jewish community in Morocco no longer exists, with migration to Israel in the last 50 years.
A vibrant Jewish community in Yemen no longer exists, with migration to Israel in the last half century. There were Jewish kingdoms in the area in the 6th and 7th Century.
The draw of a Jewish state is strong, but nationalist and ethnic / religious sentiment has cleansed many MENA areas of polyglot communities.
Not the only problem but certainly doesn't help with the Jewish take over of Palestinian land.

Note the maps below are contested by Israelis as being false.

I fully understand the grievances of each side, but it must be understood that the Jewish state is on the precipice of extinction at any moment given the right set of circumstances.

It has the largest military in the area and is backed by the US.

I don't think they are in immediate danger, unless the 'right set of circumstances' is Israel overreaching and invoking the ire of the Muslim countries around them and provoking an all in war in which case they will be outnumbered if not out gunned.
Interesting that bio weapons are being brought up again. Apparently China has let it be known that countries are developing weapons that can target based on race. Seems it can be used to kill, debilitate, or change behaviour (Makes you wonder about covid and the behaviour changes of society after).

These weapons will be next to impossible to guard against. Behavioural changes is an interesting one.

I wonder if the threat of a country obtaining these will be used to start a war. Seems the threat of these are being used on social media to justify destroying enemies outright. Fear stoking is prevalent. Makes you wonder if ai is coming up with certain strategies.
The genetic diversity of humans declines as you go further away from Africa.
Africans high, Europeans-medium, Chinese-low. So the Chinese would be more susceptible to such a threat.

Yes, Israel needs to be careful. I think most think they have a right to destroy Hamas and that there will be some civilian casualties but they must act responsibly. They do appear to be acting better over the last week.

I am sure the worlds best minds are trying to work out a way of ending this in a positive note.

The Palestinians themselves need to be involved with a positive mindset and the world and especially Israel need to work out a rebuilding process. Is this possible? I think the end game is highly important to Israel's survival.

Netanyahu needs to be removed from the picture and someone else with a clue take over. He will be seen in history as a disastrous failure that has put Israel in a perilous position.
You don't have to be a Palestinian to believe the current Israeli actions are just wrong.

A number of protestors have also secured themselves by their necks in the office’s reception using bicycle locks and are refusing to leave, their statement says.

The group is demanding the government withdraw diplomatic, economic and military support for Israel’s decades-long occupation of Palestine.

They are also calling on Marles to condemn Israel’s “devastating bombardment of Gaza and the West Bank”.

Jewish demonstrator Nevo Zisin said:

I condemn the use of Jewish grief and trauma as justification for committing a genocide against another people. The ongoing occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian people goes against my Jewish values.
Noemie Huttner-Koros, a Jewish artist and writer, added:
As a descendant of Holocaust survivors, I refuse to let Israel’s far-right government weaponise our grief, pain and fear for the purpose of war crimes, invasion and genocide. We want to show Jewish people in the diaspora that we can speak up. Jews and Palestinians can and do live together. I see it as my ancestral duty to fight for justice, peace and liberation for all.
Ewww stop quoting the Guardian.
Ewww stop quoting the Guardian.
FFS how about reading the content.? Are you totally incapable of separating reportage from opinion ?

This was a report of a protest by Anti Zionist Jews in the Geelong office of Defence Minister Richard Marles. You can find almost identical reports on a score of other news sites.

So why not comment on the views/background and thinking of the protesters rather than making gratuitous, irrelevant comments of the source ?

Jewish demonstrator Nevo Zisin said:
I condemn the use of Jewish grief and trauma as justification for committing a genocide against another people. The ongoing occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian people goes against my Jewish values.
Noemie Huttner-Koros, a Jewish artist and writer, added:

As a descendant of Holocaust survivors, I refuse to let Israel’s far-right government weaponise our grief, pain and fear for the purpose of war crimes, invasion and genocide. We want to show Jewish people in the diaspora that we can speak up. Jews and Palestinians can and do live together. I see it as my ancestral duty to fight for justice, peace and liberation for all.
Political pluralism is a wonderful thing.

but, hey, the Palestinians had elections in 2006. Hamas won 45 per cent, and Fatah came in at 41 per cent.

So, after a while, in 2007 Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip, while Fatah officials were either taken as prisoners, executed, or expelled. The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights reported that at least 161 people were killed and more than 700 were wounded during the fighting.
I would think the Jewish community is pretty worried about reprisals, hence the pleading for our government to take the heat off them
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