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Israel - Palestine

Yes thank you.

I'm pretty sure we're capable of reading the news.

Do you have anything to add?
I perhaps do so yes.. in the quatrains of Nostradamus (French Astrologer) he made a prophetic reference to ongoing wars of our time lasting 27 years & 7 months - I'm trying to figure out if Iraq war was perhaps the beginning of this 27 year & 7 month war cycle period

P.S. There's also biblical references in the book of Daniel and Revelation to wars of our time between the so called king of the south (the West & it's allies) and king of the north (Russia & it's allies)
Schmendrick durak
Schmendrick durak
Call me foolish & whatever else you may feel like as "water off a ducks back" so to speak.

Just a heads up below as I see situation unfolding from here imo

Watch out for Iran to eventually become directly involved in this Middle East conflict - then "all hell on earth" begins as war intensifies. Arabs will in time unite with Russia against the West (it will become a religious war).

United Nations will then turn on religion & try to ban it all together.. that is where it will all lead to Armageddon as referenced in the bible.

Admist all of this there'll be a moment of "world proclamation of peace & security"- it will however be only very brief.

As soon as they announce/proclaim "peace & security" that is the "beginning of the end" as the bible refers too. There'll be terrifying war atrocities, terrible misery on humanity & destruction. Our financial & commercial system as we know it will crumble completely.
Know Your Militias
  • The al Qassem Brigades —the militant wing of Hamas
  • The National Resistance Brigades —the militant wing of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
  • The al Quds Brigades —the militant wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
  • The Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades —the militant wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Attacks from all four groups on 21 October and throughout the war underscores the reality that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is facing a loose coalition of several Palestinian militias rather than just Hamas
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Think you forgot thec Peoples Front - Splitters.
As usual, monty Python were well ahead of their time.

EDITED. Looks like @Knobby22 beat me by that much

I'm sorry, I didn't mean that as an insult. I should have put a smiley face after that

I just didn't understand your response but I'm glad you've clarified.

I don't disagree about the situation escalating which might lead to much bigger things.

However, the attacks on the WTC were considered a much larger event back in the day.

I remember the same prophecy's were being said back then. A holy war with infidels.

It was like that, but it fizzled. Or maybe this is a continuation of that event.

We've seen atrocities in every war & every war has financial consequences. Including crumbling of economies.

Look at WW1 & WW2. Maybe that is what the bible refers to because those prophecies have happened

In recent times, have a look at the early days of the Ukraine/Russia war. Bucha/ Irpin/ Mariupol/ Kherson.....

I've seen the videos of the events after they happened. Torture chambers, burnt corpses of woman stacked on top of each other that were raped, mass graves showing signs of torture, including children.

In Israel.. families butchered/slaughtered in front of each other, mass killings. I haven't seen any of this in videos so I can't comment further, thank God.
Heaps to see on international sites.
What is more of a concern for Australia IMO is, if war does break out in the middle east and Australia is drawn into it, how many will consider themselves Australian first.
Hopefully the U.S and China sit down and come to some mutual agreement, on how to move forward, because at the moment they seem to be the only two players who can stop this spiralling into chaos.
Unfortunately the U.S hierarchy doesn't appear capable of credible dialogue on the home front, let alone the world stage, after just being on a cruise with a lot of americans they certainly are polarised.
The lines of delineation aren't a lot different to ours, the Elites and well off seem to be one way and the working class seem to be the other, obviously the wealth gap is having a similar backlash.
nothing's secret any more.

remember, the taxi drivers of Cairo cheered when 9-11 happened.

World would be a much better place to live if mankind didn't resort to detestable acts of evil against fellow man (for supposedly intelligent human beings we tend to resort to terrible warfare & evil acts claiming it all to be in the name of peace) but in the bible 1 John 5:19 states that the whole world is under the influence & control of the invisible wicked spirit Satan the Devil & the cause of all suffering & affliction on Earth.

Revelation 12:12

"Woe for the earth and for the sea, because Satan the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time"
However, the attacks on the WTC were considered a much larger event back in the day.
They were but the world has never gone back to the way it was pre-11 September 2001.

It marked a turning point for rather a lot of things in hindsight. The overall mood of society and especially politics darkened and has never gone back to how it was previously, indeed it has continued down that path to where we are today.
It looks like the 10th crusade is about to start, provoking Israel is certainly going to distract the U.S from Taiwan, it will be interesting to see if China steps up the action in the South China Sea.
Interesting times ahead.
Interesting times ahead.
Yep, in the old days it was easy to pick a side, generally good guys vs bad guys, with traitors easily routed out.

This environment is multifaceted, all are bad guys, all demanding alliegence with people hashtagging based on nothing more than a whim.

Interesting indeed, horrifically so.
Yes the thing is, many come here for a better life, but no one knows where their allegiances lie, untill hostilities flare.
Then it becomes home grown issues.
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