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Islam: Is it inherently Evil?

if you google something like 'Muslims speak out' you certainly won't find much - at least in AUS. And probably for a few reasons, but the main one would be that extremist views sell papers. You only have to read this article from 2 years ago ...

Thanks for that, great article and i'd like to see more of it. I used to find Al Jazeera news very fair and unbiased when i used to watch it at a mates place in Shanghai. I'll have to try and see if i can tune in again online. A balanced view is so needed with the media the way it is...

Answer: It's not their right to question their God's way. They just gotta do what HE says, not what the rest of us want them to say.
Cargill meat plant fires 150 Muslims
Pray rather than work...

Here's another example of how Islam is not compatible with a modern civilized
society. Muslim workers walked off the job at a Colorado meat processing
plant because they demanded more accommodations for their multiple daily
prayer sessions. In a move that is sure to send liberals through the roof,
the company fired the Muslim employees who refused to work.
The Denver Post reports that around 200 Muslim workers, most of them Somali refugees,
walked off their jobs at Cargill Meat Solutions in Fort Morgan, CO ten days ago.
Their beef (pun intended): the company wouldn't let them take several
10-minute prayer breaks per day.

The problem is, the meat processing plant is an assembly line and when a couple
of hundred employees abandon their posts to pray to Allah, the whole
operation shuts down. Now try to image that happening 4 or 5 times every
day. The company had been allowing the Muslims prayer schedule and even
provided them with a prayer room, but changed policy recently because it was
killing productivity.

Keep in mind that the Muslim workers were allowed to pray during their mandated breaks
and lunches.

Oh, and the job starts out at $14 an hour with more experienced workers
making much more.
Apparently none of this was good enough and so the Muslims staged a walk out.
Though these Muslim workers are Teamsters, the union didn't want to have
anything to do with this ridiculous strike so the Council on American-Islamic
Relations (CAIR) stepped in to negotiate.

They feel missing their prayer is worse than losing their job. It's like losing a
blessing from God, said CAIR executive director Jaylani Hussein.
Cargill told the Muslim employees to either return to work or find another job.
About 50 of them took this seriously and came back, while 150 or so did not.
On Tuesday, the company fired the 150 who felt praying was more important
than providing for their families.

And guess what....The fired Muslims now suddenly want to come back to work under the
conditions they previously thought were unbearable. The company called their
bluff and now they are out of luck. Cargill has a policy that any employee
that is fired may not reapply for a job for six months.

I applaud the company for this mass firing. These Muslims had good paying jobs that
complied with all US labour laws, but they wanted special treatment that
would cost Cargill money in lost productivity. If their religion doesn't
comply with normal American employment, they shouldn't even be in this

This is a common theme with Muslims in the US. They demand special food, special
dress code exemptions, special prayer spaces funded by others, and special prayer breaks.
No one forced them to move here. They should assimilate to our way of doing things instead of us bending over
backwards to accommodate them.

I have a feeling this story is just beginning, as Muslims are the politician's new protected class of people.

I hope Donald Trump is the next President of the USA and stands up to the Islamic movement better than Obama has.

Lets hope Pauline Hanson can do the same thing in Australia to pull the Islamic movement into line with rest of true Australians....They can forget about trying to change us to their ways...They are in our country as guests and they should be grateful for has been done for them......Live like us or leave.
I am introducing a moratorium on posts that quote forwarded emails or were sourced from blogs or other second hand sources and do not refer to a news article that can be verified and fact checked.

The events to which noco refers in his post above are detailed by the Daily Mail here:

I would, where possible, prefer a dispassionate analysis of events rather than simply cutting and pasting from other sources, especially partisan ones. I'm all for debate and discussion but I feel that mainstream news sources must be used to verify actual events. In this particular case, the events to which noco refers actually happened but much of what gets posted around the internet these days are simply urban myths or are inaccurate accounts of actual events that are designed to push political or other ideological agendas.
I've actually had to 'unfollow' all but my family on FB now...I was getting too many racist reposts...I got sick of defending the refugees, gun violence victims and environmentalists....I'm much calmer now. I've just got to block myself from ASF political threads and I'll be forever at peace.

I went one step further and cancelled my Facebook account. Not only due to those stupid "Forward this or the Sky will fall on your head" nut jobs, but also because there were scores of lonely friends out there that implored me to play games with them "just this once, so my play counter gets to the next level."
Time wasters!
Anyone who wants to get in touch with me knows my address and phone/ Skype numbers. Happy to chat anytime I'm online. But I control which calls get accepted.
I like FB for family, i can see what all my siblings are up to and vaguely keep in touch with them. It has been tempting though Pixel to drop it all together. IF i thought i could get the family to migrate to a different social media platform, more family oriented i'd be motivated to do so.

Yes Rumpy....
I do the same with all the Do Gooders and anti racist threads etc and you can reach inner peace;
Believe me it goes both ways
Avoid the global warming thread (where I am on the green side), the illegal immigrant one (where I am extremely harsh and realistic from past real experience which is not the case of the majority of thread followers) , and for the ASX threads, avoid any fact giving advice going against the tide as you will always find a few people whose conviction will bypass any fact (see my entries in Capilano, the rubbish I got followed within a month by releases like that And no, i was not involved...
with Luutzu now enjoying the heaven of multi culturalist Europe on its way to the monoculture coming (I believe he is enjoying a vacation in Europe and there is nothing more sinister in his absence), it is so quiet and serene, just a shame we have the election results to add some noise but not much else.
I believe it is a good move to remove the cut and paste but I would allow a link and maybe a one sentence summary as a trigger for discussion; this is my interpretation of what is being proposed Joe?
An issue remains when access is restricted but I assume in that case, the cut and paste might be legally wrong as well..
I thoroughly support Joe in removing unattributed rants that degrade this fine forum.

A lot of them are fantasy, distortions, paranoia and just plain filth.

Of course that doesn't stop re-postings from Larry Pickering which are all of the above,but at least we know where it comes from.

Ummm.....FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!!!!!!!!......Don't you love it?...That is until somebody does not like the truth.
Ummm.....FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!!!!!!!!!......Don't you love it?...That is until somebody does not like the truth.

Quoting (NOT cut'n'paste!) a famous Politician: "What IS Truth?"

Sometimes, pretty obvious hyperbole is being attacked as untruth by claiming it was meant as factual truth. And then there is the extreme interpretation of a spurious remark or obscure event, being sold as naked truth.

Neither deserves to be suppressed, but in a civilised society, it ought to be possible to discuss and debate ANY difference of opinion.

I like Memes
I thoroughly support Joe in removing unattributed rants that degrade this fine forum

From my perspective this is an issue of quality of information. If people wish to discuss hypotheticals then that is fine, but if the discussion is in relation to actual events then it is critical that the facts of what actually transpired are established. In order to do that, sources must be cited. The internet is awash with false and misleading information because political agenda pushing, on both the left and the right, is more important to some than what actually occurred.

I would hope that at ASF the focus would be on facts first and ideology second. I think that is the only reasonable way to have a constructive discussion concerning real world events. In terms of the level of debate, I would rather try and raise the bar than lower it.
My full support: we can always add a link for people interested in either the facts or teh concept behind

Dam Muslims wanting to take breaks to pray? These meat guys won't even let other real American (and Latino) workers off to take a wee.

I thought Obama has done a few bang up jobs against terrorists noco - ever increasing droning of "suspect" (and surroundings), ever increasing expansion in the ME. But true, he hasn't taken on all Muslims though.

Trump will take on about 1/7th of the world's people; then continue against the Russian and the Chinese; then Mother Nature. Wow man, talk about bring down the house.

Welcome back luu. Have a good trip ? Hows life OS, does it make you want to emigrate ?

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