Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Is political correctness going too far?

There goes another of our cultural traditions. Pretty soon we'll be the poor multicultural trash of Asia.

Fremantle axes Australia Day celebrations for 'culturally-inclusive alternative'

LOL, Australia Day (and all of the other National 'patriotic' days around the world) are of themselves political correctness any way.

Sounds to me that it's just resistance to change rather than a complaint with any real philosophical rigour.
LOL, Australia Day (and all of the other National 'patriotic' days around the world) are of themselves political correctness any way.

Sounds to me that it's just resistance to change rather than a complaint with any real philosophical rigour.

Well maybe we should celebrate Federation instead. Even then some would still say it's not "inclusive" enough, but that's rubbish. I wasn't around in 1901, but I can still recognise the importance of this day in the formation of the nation and I don't see why anyone of whatever culture would object to celebrating the formation of a democracy that welcomes people from around the world (as long as they come with our permission).
Ves, you might want to brush up on your understanding of political correctness.

National days have nothing to do with it
Well maybe we should celebrate Federation instead. Even then some would still say it's not "inclusive" enough, but that's rubbish. I wasn't around in 1901, but I can still recognise the importance of this day in the formation of the nation and I don't see why anyone of whatever culture would object to celebrating the formation of a democracy that welcomes people from around the world (as long as they come with our permission).

Too hungover on Jan 1.
Ves, you might want to brush up on your understanding of political correctness.

National days have nothing to do with it
Perhaps it's the wrong word. But the only barrier of "celebrating" (and since the 80s that now means basically whatever you want) with everyone else on this day is that you agree we should have a day off work and pretend we're thinking about why it's so good to be an Australian whilst all most people is doing are getting pissed around the BBQ. Doesn't exactly sound like an exclusive club to me.

The meaning of the day has become so diluted/corporatized/sanitised that it's hardly worth linking it with any real tradition any more (and that happened long before multiculturalism was mentioned).
Perhaps it's the wrong word. But the only barrier of "celebrating" (and since the 80s that now means basically whatever you want) with everyone else on this day is that you agree we should have a day off work and pretend we're thinking about why it's so good to be an Australian whilst all most people is doing are getting pissed around the BBQ. Doesn't exactly sound like an exclusive club to me.

The meaning of the day has become so diluted/corporatized/sanitised that it's hardly worth linking it with any real tradition any more (and that happened long before multiculturalism was mentioned).

Same for Xmas and Easter. But let the Muslims celebrate Ramadan because it's obviously so important to them that they do.
Same for Xmas and Easter. But let the Muslims celebrate Ramadan because it's obviously so important to them that they do.
Actually there's plenty of discussion re the changing nature of Ramadan in modern times too. Plenty of die hard traditionalists in that sphere lament the direction it is going in.

It would appear the forces of globalism, even if they have been much slower, are affecting cultures outside of the West more and more as time passes.

On one hand it does mean that genuine change is possible, but the form that this change takes is unpredictable.

I'd argue that it's capitalism rather than something denoted as "political correctness" that has driven much of the underlying structural changes.
Same for Xmas and Easter. But let the Muslims celebrate Ramadan because it's obviously so important to them that they do.

I fly the flag on my masthead for Oz Day. I picture Jesus nailed to the cross at the insistence of his Jew cobbers and I remember the life of Brian and his birthday 25th Dec .
How sick is this Labor MP Kate Ellis wishing everyone a happy holiday instead of a Merry Xmas....

Political correctness gone mad.

There was also comment about her TV.

Totally agree with this man !!!

great response from this man.... thanks for the forward.. I am sending it on too...


Subject: Fwd: Christmas.

I have just received a ‘Happy Holiday’ card from my local Labor MP. (Australia)

I decided to write a short letter to her.

If you agree with it please pass it on to others.

Labor MP Kate Ellis

Dear Ms Ellis,

I have just received your ‘Happy Holiday’ card.

If you are too spineless to even mention the word ‘Christmas’, then don’t bother to send me a card.

I can only assume that you believe that the 25th December must celebrate the birth of a holiday.

Does it not occur to you that your pathetic attempt to avoid offence has possibly offended even more people, including myself.

Christmas, (yes that word again) is an integral part of who we are as a Western nation.

It was not Aboriginal, Islamic, or an Asian culture that gave us our democratic Westminster system of government, a civilised rule of law, or freedom of speech.

It was the Anglo-Celtic Christian culture.

When or if you one day summon the courage to peer through the politically-correct fog you may finally realise the damage that the thought police are doing all over the Western world.

Politically-correct robots like yourself demand that we must worship the religion of multicultural diversity above all else.

That diversity apparently includes all cultures and religions except our own.

Our culture is continually sneered at and treated with the same contempt that you have displayed, to be diluted and hidden like an embarrassing disease.

You have lost my vote for all time and I will urge others at every opportunity to do likewise.

Man up to defend Western culture before it is too late.
apparently dec27 is a public holiday but no one can tell me what the holiday is....
It's Christmas, of course!
All over Australia, the rule says, if a movable holiday falls on a weekend, then it's moved to the day AFTER. Easter is not movable, so that rule doesn't apply. But Christmas moved from Sunday to Tuesday this year because Monday was already taken by Boxing Day.
Apply the same logic to New Year, and you know why Monday, the 2nd of January, is turning into New Year's Holiday.
And yes, it's the same here in WA.
It's Christmas, of course!
All over Australia, the rule says, if a movable holiday falls on a weekend, then it's moved to the day AFTER. Easter is not movable, so that rule doesn't apply. But Christmas moved from Sunday to Tuesday this year because Monday was already taken by Boxing Day.
Apply the same logic to New Year, and you know why Monday, the 2nd of January, is turning into New Year's Holiday.
And yes, it's the same here in WA.

wtf is all I can say.
All run on our Christian calendar, including New Year.

Go back 2016 years and it becomes BC - Before Christ.
All run on our Christian calendar, including New Year.

Go back 2016 years and it becomes BC - Before Christ

Yes and no Tink. It becomes BCE and Jesus would have been around 2 years old and an Aries.
How sick is this Labor MP Kate Ellis wishing everyone a happy holiday instead of a Merry Xmas....

Political correctness gone mad.

There was also comment about her TV.

Totally agree with this man !!!

great response from this man.... thanks for the forward.. I am sending it on too...


Subject: Fwd: Christmas.

I have just received a ‘Happy Holiday’ card from my local Labor MP. (Australia)

I decided to write a short letter to her.

If you agree with it please pass it on to others.

Labor MP Kate Ellis

Dear Ms Ellis,

I have just received your ‘Happy Holiday’ card.

If you are too spineless to even mention the word ‘Christmas’, then don’t bother to send me a card.

I can only assume that you believe that the 25th December must celebrate the birth of a holiday.

Does it not occur to you that your pathetic attempt to avoid offence has possibly offended even more people, including myself.

Christmas, (yes that word again) is an integral part of who we are as a Western nation.

It was not Aboriginal, Islamic, or an Asian culture that gave us our democratic Westminster system of government, a civilised rule of law, or freedom of speech.

It was the Anglo-Celtic Christian culture.

When or if you one day summon the courage to peer through the politically-correct fog you may finally realise the damage that the thought police are doing all over the Western world.

Politically-correct robots like yourself demand that we must worship the religion of multicultural diversity above all else.

That diversity apparently includes all cultures and religions except our own.

Our culture is continually sneered at and treated with the same contempt that you have displayed, to be diluted and hidden like an embarrassing disease.

You have lost my vote for all time and I will urge others at every opportunity to do likewise.

Man up to defend Western culture before it is too late.

Nicely put. Kate Ellis is a wanker like many of her fellow politicians (on all sides).

Sick of the PC culture.
How sick is this Labor MP Kate Ellis wishing everyone a happy holiday instead of a Merry Xmas....

Why don't you fact check this BS before you post it?

Given I am currently spending far too much of my time responding to abusive emails about the Christmas card I sent to local residents, I thought I might just share some facts here.

This whole situation is utterly ridiculous.

Yes, my card wished people a happy holidays - it also said Merry Christmas 4 times and featured a picture of baby Jesus. I would have thought this was pretty clear and obvious that I am not avoiding the religious significance of the occasion.

Anybody who is saying otherwise is speaking utter nonsense.

Perhaps even more so though - anyone who thinks they are somehow protecting the meaning of Christmas by spending the days leading up to Christmas sending hateful messages that are based solely on misinformation they heard from a friend of a friend may want to reconsider.

If people don't have anything real to be outraged about perhaps they should relax and enjoy Christmas as I intend to do.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Why don't you fact check this BS before you post it?
Knowing how the Labor Party operate, they most likely went to damage control and came up with a counter to make it look good......Fact check is controlled by the ABC which is a socialist organization and controlled by the Green/Labor coalition..