Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Is political correctness going too far?

but you are more focused on cure not prevention.

I think I am one of the only people suggesting the answer to these problems is changing the gender divisions we instil from the crib.

Go back a page and the comments seem like they are coming from a mob with torches and pitch forks hell bent on maintaining the gender bias of certain activities that create this stuff.

When Katter can make a stupid comment like "guns for boys, dolls for girls" and people cheer it, we are along way from a solution.
The point is that the percentage of males teachers is declining. They provide a role model and discipline for boys.

Female teachers have a lot more trouble controlling classes of boys and discipline is going downhill. The link between this and falling educational standards, high youth unemployment, increasing drunkeness and disorder needs to be investigated. It's a societal problem and one that can't be swept under the carpet with a shrug.

Discipline needs to be instilled by parents. I don't think educational standards have fallen because there are not enough male teachers, it's because a lot of boys struggle with basic literacy, and you can't make a child have good literacy unless he or she is reading in their own time, more girls read for fun, hence they will not struggle so much in higher grades and high school.

If a child misses the reading boat in grade 2-3 they may never catch up, in later years they won't understand things and their study won't be efficient in every other subject. If they don't understand things they will act up because of boredom, trying to then instil discipline is futile.
Discipline needs to be instilled by parents. I don't think educational standards have fallen because there are not enough male teachers, it's because a lot of boys struggle with basic literacy, and you can't make a child have good literacy unless he or she is reading in their own time, more girls read for fun, hence they will not struggle so much in higher grades and high school.

If a child misses the reading boat in grade 2-3 they may never catch up, in later years they won't understand things and their study won't be efficient in every other subject. If they don't understand things they will act up because of boredom, trying to then instil discipline is futile.

Reading has been replaced by computer games for boys, for good or bad. They can teach some skills if written properly but for the most part are time wasters.

Parents can't watch their children all the time, and if they try and regulate their children's activities they get accused of spying and interference.

Good role models are needed both at home and in the places where children spend most of their time, at school.
Reading has been replaced by computer games for boys, for good or bad. They can teach some skills if written properly but for the most part are time wasters.


as a kid I played a lot of video games (and still do), I still found time for a lot of reading.

Enforced bedtime's are good for children, make sure they are in bed by a certain time, read to them when they are young to get them interested in stories, and they will read to themselves later, and let them know that they don't have to sleep at bed time, as long as they are in bed they can read their book as late as they want.

Parents can't watch their children all the time, and if they try and regulate their children's activities they get accused of spying and interference.

let them do what ever they want after their home work is done, but at bed time, it's into bed with a good book, they can choose to sleep, or read, no TV's or computers in the bedroom.
Reading has been replaced by computer games for boys, for good or bad. They can teach some skills if written properly but for the most part are time wasters.

We have to move with the times and gaming was big back in the seventies, but it's a nation within nations now.

When I was a lad my favourite book was Tales of Mystery and Imagination by Edgar Allen Poe. He used words bigger than "marmalade" and it expanded my vocabulary back to the early 19th century speak, which was not a good way to communicate in the later half of the 20th century when American industrial age monosyllabics, acronyms and metalanguage took over.

Somehow we continue to function, old people continue too complain about the work ethic of the young and we seem to be having a much better time of it than 50 years ago.
Value Collector said:
they can choose to sleep, or read, no TV's or computers in the bedroom.

That's a novel idea (pardon the expression). How much reading is done on graphics tablets these days ? Which can also be used for playing games. I'd like to see parents enforcing the reading bit.
That's a novel idea (pardon the expression). How much reading is done on graphics tablets these days ? Which can also be used for playing games. I'd like to see parents enforcing the reading bit.
Am I the only one that prefers reading from books?
I feel like reading from tablets cheapens the experience and have trouble staying focused on the material. But then again, I was the cheap bastard that would read the amazon comments on books to get a condensed overview.
Am I the only one that prefers reading from books?
I feel like reading from tablets cheapens the experience and have trouble staying focused on the material. But then again, I was the cheap bastard that would read the amazon comments on books to get a condensed overview.

You can get the talking books and enjoy reading the words at the same time on your tablet.:rolleyes:
I thought technology would save us more time
Nielsen says the printed book was the clear winner in terms of speed. Users were reading 6.2 percent slower on an iPad compared to paper, and 10.7 percent slower on the Kindle 2. Nielsen did not provide any statistics on the reading time for the PC monitor.

You can get the talking books and enjoy reading the words at the same time on your tablet.:rolleyes:

Can I also connect to my smart TV and watch the movie.
Nielsen says the printed book was the clear winner in terms of speed. Users were reading 6.2 percent slower on an iPad compared to paper, and 10.7 percent slower on the Kindle 2.

I think one would need to know how they measured the reading rate. For instance, if it were based on a lab test of several individuals reading the same text on different media then fair enough. If it were based on subjective reporting then one would need to know whether the tablet reading speed was "impaired" by interruptions of some sort. For instance, when I read a newspaper article on a tablet and come across a word I am not fully sure the meaning of, I will use the inbuilt define function to get its definition. This will slow down my reading speed, if measure purely against the article. Similarly, I might follow a hyperlink for more detailed information on a topic if the digital article supports it. These distractions, though positive for my comprehension, are not readily available on printed media so one is a less less likely to do them (get out a dictionary, for instance, to look up a word).

It could very well be that though typical usage suggests that one takes longer when reading the same content on digital media compared to print, the former may have the advantage of better comprehension.
Go to any country, respect their laws/culture/traditions, except the West. We have become too PC and a push over...

So, hypothetically, if l visited an Islamic country with my wife and if she were asked to wear a 'hijab', we would agree and do so out of respect for that country. Islam comes to the West...nope, we bend over backwards to their beliefs. What is the world coming to?

Rome's nude statues covered to spare Rouhani's blushes​

As the visit to Europe of the Iranian President got underway on Monday, Italy showed its respect for Islamic traditions by covering up the Capitoline Museum's racier exhibits.

Hassan Rouhani visited the Capitoline Museums with premier Matteo Renzi, having signed contracts worth up to €17 billion ($18.4 billion) on Monday.

And Renzi was clearly keen to avoid offending his new business partner. The nude statues and sculptures in the museum were completely covered by large white boxes, as can be seen in the video below.

The decision to cover up nudity was seen as a mark of respect for the traditions of the Muslim country, which has only just had its trade sanctions lifted.

This is a fairly telling piece regarding how bad it's getting in Britain.

Politically correct universities 'are killing free speech'

When I was at uni it was basically anything goes. Sure people would demonstrate against things they didn't like, but they didn't cry into their knickers after getting offended, they offended back.


We are breeding a race of namby pambys.
This is a fairly telling piece regarding how bad it's getting in Britain.

Politically correct universities 'are killing free speech'

When I was at uni it was basically anything goes. Sure people would demonstrate against things they didn't like, but they didn't cry into their knickers after getting offended, they offended back.


We are breeding a race of namby pambys.

I don't think the Muslim's are too politically correct or give a flying rats bum about people that are:2twocents
Yes, agree, Rumpole.
They seem to be coming from both directions trying to destroy what we have.
Or is it all the Greens.

Yet these people are happy to take on the scholarship, but want the statue removed.
I see 93% disagree with moving the statue.

I wasn't sure whether to post this in feminism or here, we have so many categories of late.

In defence of gender........

It’s dangerous and wrong to tell all children they’re ‘gender fluid’

What started as a baffling skirmish on the wilder shores of victim culture has now turned into something more menacing
... and the Poms have come under fire yet again :1zhelp:

During an anti-terror exercise, Cops shouted "Allahu akbar".
What do terrorists shout? Do they apologise afterwards?
ffs - if you have a drill, make it as realistic as possible. The PC Brigade should be far more concerned that it's necessary to have such training exercises. :banghead:
There goes another of our cultural traditions. Pretty soon we'll be the poor multicultural trash of Asia.

Fremantle axes Australia Day celebrations for 'culturally-inclusive alternative'

The City of Fremantle has axed its Australia Day festivities in favour of a "culturally-inclusive alternative" celebration two days later.

The council voted in January to can its Australia Day fireworks display and replace it with a new event, the details of which have now been released.

In a statement, it said the new event, called One Day, was "an opportunity for all Australians to come together and celebrate the multicultural diversity of our country".

"Everyone should celebrate when they feel it is appropriate, however the City of Fremantle wanted to celebrate being Australian in a way that included all Australians and we believe moving away from this date was more culturally inclusive and more in line with Fremantle's values," it said.

Australia Day "may not have the same implication for all Australians", and the city wanted a "more inclusive" celebration.

Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettit denied the council was trying to be politically correct.

"Australia Day will still exist and people can still come down and there will still be things to do in Fremantle on Australia Day," he said.

"This is just offering another alternative event that celebrates the diversity of Australians and one that I know Aboriginal people in Fremantle are more comfortable with than January 26.