Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Is political correctness going too far?

The court.:rolleyes: Bolt was ambushed. The decision was actually the opinion of one man. Judge Mordecai Bromberg.

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What a pathetic attempt to cast aspersion on our justice system!
Bolt's views are offensive to most Australian, and a duly appointed Judge ruled accordingly.
If a small group of ultra-right rednecks has an issue with that, maybe it's time they reconsider their attitude. But don't blame it on one Judge or the time he was appointed. Get over it, SMH and people on the right fringe.
If a small group of ultra-right rednecks has an issue with that, maybe it's time they reconsider their attitude. But don't blame it on one Judge or the time he was appointed. Get over it, SMH and people on the right fringe.

You have me a little confused. Is that just your personal view, or is it an instruction from a Moderator?
The Greens are at it again....

No Gender December -- Giving girls dolls causes domestic violence.

Again, meddling with children's heads, and their happiness, in the name of social engineering.
No Gender December -- Giving girls dolls causes domestic violence.
I wonder how the Greens' original voter base feel about all this stuff, those people who were actually concerned about the environment more than asylum seekers and kids' toys?:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I wonder how the Greens' original voter base feel about all this stuff, those people who were actually concerned about the environment more than asylum seekers and kids' toys?:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Just shows how far the Looney Left and Gay lobby has infiltrated the Greens unfortunately.
Again, meddling with children's heads, and their happiness, in the name of social engineering.

There is link between what toys children play with and what skills they develop, I have no problem with giving girls (or boys) dolls, But it would be good to see more girls get given lego, mecano sets and other engineering type toys, or more sporting goods etc as well.

But if you have to load your girls up with dolls, choose a Anna or Elsa doll instead of a Barbie (cheap plug)

Girls want to build too

Funny video showing girls want more than princesses.

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I must admit that all this PC stuff from Sen. Larissa Waters is manna from heaven for me.

I go on websites ( apart from ASF) , and click the thumbs up, endorse her views and take it a weensy bit further to promote outrage.

e.g Suggesting Barbie be banned, should be black, have no breasts etc.

The louder one announces the wackiness of the Greens imo the better one works for democracy.

Thanks Larissa, or is it Larrisa, or hey you.

We have now become 'The age of the offended'.

That's a bit rich coming from a person who's a member of the catholic church which is the greatest book and film banning institution in history, and who for hundreds of years would put people to death for blasphemy, which is the crime of offending their imaginary friend.

You lot claim secular society has taken away your free speech, Secular society gives you the free speech, nothing in church doctrine ensures free speech, Anyone speaking out against the church for the vast majority of its history would have been killed or had their tongue cut out, this is still true in some parts of the world.

Part of having free speech is respecting the free speech of others, even those who disagree with you, that's something some people still have to learn.
I must admit that all this PC stuff from Sen. Larissa Waters is manna from heaven for me.

I go on websites ( apart from ASF) , and click the thumbs up, endorse her views and take it a weensy bit further to promote outrage.

e.g Suggesting Barbie be banned, should be black, have no breasts etc.

The louder one announces the wackiness of the Greens imo the better one works for democracy.

Thanks Larissa, or is it Larrisa, or hey you.


Larissa doesn't mind spending our money on her comfort...
All this talk about boys toys and girls toys, what about all those blokes out there that aren't boys who have carried on a centuries old tradition of being totally useless with a hammer, saw, mechanicals .... how do we cater for those losers apart from foisting a pike in their hands and asking them to skewer a horse carrying a man dressed in a tin suit and holding a lance? :D
All this talk about boys toys and girls toys, what about all those blokes out there that aren't boys who have carried on a centuries old tradition of being totally useless with a hammer, saw, mechanicals .... how do we cater for those losers apart from foisting a pike in their hands and asking them to skewer a horse carrying a man dressed in a tin suit and holding a lance? :D

Well I don't know about you, but I've taken up knitting

Bob Katter man after my own heart guns for the boys dolls for the girls, I assumed he meant guns with live ammo.:):)
This why Abbotts a tosser

Indeed, perhaps our current crop of conservative politicians and pundits (most of whom are male) spent a lot of time playing with the kind of aggressive male toys that the researchers were worried about. After all, it seems that their favourite mode of behavior is attack. That’s why they were so effective in opposition and, perhaps, part of the reason why they appear to be floundering so badly in government. Waters gave them the chance to go on the attack again and – yee hah – they were back in their comfort zone.
I must admit that Political Correctness is a plague on our Society.

I migrated here 40 years ago, the best decision I ever made.

We are crippled by pseudo-intellectuals who have never experienced want, or fear, or arrest or torture or imprisonment.

Bugger them all.


Agree, GG.

Julia, I have no idea what they are thinking, but I see the Greens as destructive, not to mention, hypocrites.

The sad thing is, our public education system seems to run from this PC and leftist speak, even though the children are coming out with no literacy or numeracy, this rubbish is being pushed.
Look at Rumpole's post in feminism.

VC, blaming gender toys for domestic violence, is ridiculous.
Of course she can speak, but us being howled down with outrage every time we say something against this political correct garbage, is not freedom of speech.
It is suppression of speech, and stops any sort of debate.

It is called the 'victim mentality' which is what I meant by, The age of the offended.

Let children be children.

PC is destroying this country, anything that was available has been questioned, from Thomas the Tank Engine, which my son loved by the way, to Baa Baa Black Sheep.
Trying to destroy everything we grew up with, is wrong.
We seem to have caught the British disease on PC, where a radio broadcaster had to resign for playing a song "The Sun has got his hat on", which mentioned the word "******".

He probably didn't even know the word was in the song, and an apology would have been sufficient, but no doubt the permanently outraged in Britain forced his resignation.

Hahaha. Even this site is self censoring. The asterisks above replaced a word I actually typed in.

Maybe the PC police have got to Joe too.

Bob Katter man after my own heart guns for the boys dolls for the girls, I assumed he meant guns with live ammo.:):)

I say guns for the girls, this girl is amazing, she shoots better than a lot of men I have seen in the Army, why deny people based on sex.

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VC, blaming gender toys for domestic violence, is ridiculous.

I didn't say anything about domestic violence.

I said the kinds of toys children play with plays a part in the skills they develop. A lot of "boys" toys help build interest and skills in engineering eg lego, meccano sets, hobby electrical sets etc. If you never let your girls play with such things, they will fall behind. I really think there is a link to that and the lack of women engineers.

I have no problem with giving your girls dolls, prams, toy ironing boards and kitchen sets, But why limit them to only those things.
Value Collector said:
I have no problem with giving your girls dolls, prams, toy ironing boards and kitchen sets, But why limit them to only those things.

I reckon the best way is to take kids around a department store, see what attracts their interest, then base the toy/present decision on that.

Apart from anything else it would save a lot of disappointment if the child doesn't get what they are interested in.