Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Is political correctness going too far?

Blows my mind. How has it come to this?
In some places I was employed I worked harder than the average pleb in order to keep my job. Unfortunately that failed because back scratching (refer: derriere licking) was the preferred method. In every workplace there is an entrenched group (can include union puppets) that cover each other and do a number on people they perceive as a threat, like a harder or better worker.
My favourite PC absurdity is the way you're allowed to criticize all religions as a whole, but not to ever single out a specific religion for criticism, unless it is Christianity. (I say this as someone who isn't a Christian.) The contradictions are often fascinating. Multiculturalism trumps feminism apparently, since cultures that actually repress women brutally, or (for instance) hang homosexuals in the street for religious reasons, are not able to be criticized for this. Instead imaginary grievances, much milder even if they were true, are to be foamed at the mouth over, in our society which grants more freedom to those groups than any other in history.
I would say slowly.

Now it is almost bigger crime to name and shame the criminal than to commit a crime.
That seems to be true.
Today an 18 year old appeared in court in the Rockhampton area.
Three days ago he assaulted and raped an 82 year old woman in her own backyard.
He bashed her with 'a blunt instrument'.
She is now in intensive care in a critical condition.

It's difficult to imagine a more cowardly act.

The news report said he cannot be named.

Why the hell not?
That seems to be true.
Today an 18 year old appeared in court in the Rockhampton area.
Three days ago he assaulted and raped an 82 year old woman in her own backyard.
He bashed her with 'a blunt instrument'.
She is now in intensive care in a critical condition.

It's difficult to imagine a more cowardly act.

The news report said he cannot be named.

Why the hell not?

I agree Julia.

The privacy act for criminals is rubbish

We have one in the paper today with the cannot be named, a child abuser.

Once they cross the law, they lose the privilege

Name and Shame them.
No shortage of these unfortunately.

Driver fined for blowing nose in van

* Sky News
* January 29, 2010 5:48AM

A MAN told today of his disbelief at being fined for blowing his nose while his van was stopped in London.

Michael Mancini wiped his nose with a handkerchief while stuck in traffic in October 2009.

But when the traffic cleared, he was pulled over by police who told him he had not been in control of his vehicle.

Mr Mancini, from Ayrshire in Scotland, was handed a $US97 fine and three points on his driving license.

"I was stopped in traffic and had the handbrake on and thought to myself, 'I?ve just got time to blow my nose,'" he said.

"Then police pulled me over and I was booked. I genuinely thought they were joking."

Mr Mancini refused to pay the penalty.

His solicitor wrote to prosecutors earlier in January explaining that Mr Mancini was in charge of the vehicle because his handbrake was on, therefore the offense did not occur.
Good post Gumby.

For an example of how PC works against us:

"A massive manhunt has been sparked by the robbery of an elderly couple by a group of assailants who followed them from their Bronx business to their home in suburban New York" says the article.

Have a look at what they don't mention:

So you have a massive manhunt without a description of the perpetrator. In case someone got offended by mentioning their colour. So it's better to let more people get hurt or robbed than offend certain others. Great system.
Employee steals $1M due to 'homophobia' of employer.,23739,26698513-952,00.html
Courier Mail BY Mark Oberhardt

A BANK employee who stole more than $1 million from two employers may not have used the money for the "high life" but it enabled him to avoid "living a low life", a judge commented today.

Judge Terry Martin, SC, was jailing former Suncorp Metway Bank and St George Bank employee Jason Paul Gabriel for eight years.

In the District Court in Brisbane Gabriel, 40, pleaded guilty to one count of stealing as an employee and two counts of fraud as an employee.

Prosecutor David Nardone detailed how two charges related to offences against the Suncorp Metway Bank from January 1, 2005 to April 4, 2007.

He said Gabriel was an equipment leasing manager who stole nine cheques with a value of just under $200,000. He began a spiralling system of using some of the money to repay the earlier stolen cheques.

Mr Nardone said Gabriel used his knowledge of the system to create fraudulent leases which meant Gabriel was paid just under $600,000.

After some repayments made by Gabriel the total loss to Suncorp Metway was $601,534.

A BANK employee who stole more than $1 million from two employers may not have used the money for the "high life" but it enabled him to avoid "living a low life", a judge commented today.


Things change, I thought stealing was LOW LIFE

But Judge must know better.
Jedi job hunter wins apology

A UK employment agency has apologised to a Jedi believer after kicking him out of a branch because he was wearing a hood.

Chris Jarvis, 31, said he was escorted from the Jobcentre branch in Southend, Essex, by security guards, The Sun newspaper reports.

Mr Jarvis is a member of the International Church of Jeddiim — based on the famous Star Wars films — whose doctrine states followers can wear hoods.

He filled out a complaint form and received a reply from the branch's boss four days later.

"We are committed to provide a customer service which embraces diversity and respects customers' religion," manager Wendy Flewers said.

Mr Jarvis said he was "standing up for his beliefs".

I really hope Australia isn't heading down the UK's track of ridiculous political correctness...
Jedi job hunter wins apology

A UK employment agency has apologised to a Jedi believer after kicking him out of a branch because he was wearing a hood.

Chris Jarvis, 31, said he was escorted from the Jobcentre branch in Southend, Essex, by security guards, The Sun newspaper reports.

Mr Jarvis is a member of the International Church of Jeddiim ”” based on the famous Star Wars films ”” whose doctrine states followers can wear hoods.

He filled out a complaint form and received a reply from the branch's boss four days later.

"We are committed to provide a customer service which embraces diversity and respects customers' religion," manager Wendy Flewers said.

Mr Jarvis said he was "standing up for his beliefs".

I really hope Australia isn't heading down the UK's track of ridiculous political correctness...


Seems reasonable to treat all religions equally. Obviously, they could ban all religious displays, hijabs, nun habits, crosses etc but just need to be consistent.
I'd say he was just using the force.
On second thought this will have Yoda turning in his afterlife.

Suffocation by force was obviously not an option as that would have been too dark side but filling out a complaint form :nono:

That's like Luke Skywalker using the sights in his X-wing fighter to blow up the first Death Star. Imagine what would have happened if he failed and the bad guys won. There would have been 5 less movies for a start.

He should have considered his options before rushing to pen and paper.

Firstly, he could have used his powers on the minds of the weak. This would have saved time, ink and possibly a tree. Alternatively he could have levitated heavy objects while standing on his head and if that was not sufficiently impressive he could have just got his lightsaber out and waved it around furiously.

This is not something he'll want to confess to his Jedi brethren otherwise he might be out on his ear, literally.
Uproar as students dress as 'traditional' Aboriginal people

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Uni students just being uni students. If your offended by this - get a life!
Uproar as students dress as 'traditional' Aboriginal people

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Uni students just being uni students. If your offended by this - get a life!

The nanny state has now reached the point where people can't have fun anymore without weighing the pros and cons of whether they might be offending some people.

The Cromwell College principal, Ross Switzer, said he had called a meeting of the entire college body last night and spoken to the young women involved in the photo.
He described their behaviour as "a young person's uneducated approximation of Aboriginal life".
"They were not aware of the blackface mocking or demeaning indigenous people," he said. "They were trying to give a tribute to indigenous Australians, not mock or demean them.
"I know that ignorance is no excuse for that behaviour [but] it was ignorance rather than an attempt to laugh at indigenous Australians."

The principal should have told the whingers to butt out.

The BBC's religious and ethics department says the changes are necessary to avoid offending non-Christians.

It states: 'As the BBC is committed to impartiality it is appropriate that we use terms that do not offend or alienate non-Christians.
In line with modern practice, BCE/CE (Before Common Era/Common Era) are used as a religiously neutral alternative to BC/AD.'
But the move has angered Christians, mystified other faith leaders and been branded unnecessary by the Plain English Campaign. Critics say the new terms are meaningless because, just like AD and BC, they still denote years in relation to the life of Christ.

The website for BBC Religion and Ethics, headed by commissioning editor Aaqil Ahmed, who is a Muslim, is littered with references to Common Era and Before Common Era Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, the former Bishop of Rochester, said: 'I think this amounts to the dumbing down of the Christian basis of our culture, language and history. These changes are unnecessary and they don't achieve what the BBC wants them to achieve.

'Whether you use Common Era or Anno Domini, the date is actually still the same and the reference point is still the birth of Christ.'
Marie Clair of the Plain English Campaign said: 'As with most politically correct innovations, I am sure this was done with the best of intentions. But it is difficult to see what the point of the changes are if people do not understand the new terms. It sounds like change just for the sake of change.'
haha they wouldn't have wanted to see some of the costumes we used to dress up in when I was at college if people are offended by that...