Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Is political correctness going too far?

Feminists going ape over a police officer stating the obvious, they have to keep an open mind and study all the evidence.

If the guy killed his family and walked away then the fems would have a point, the fact is the guy killed himself as well and that does not indicate a stable state of mind, so there are apparently other factors involved that need to be investigated.

Feminists going ape over a police officer stating the obvious, they have to keep an open mind and study all the evidence.

If the guy killed his family and walked away then the fems would have a point, the fact is the guy killed himself as well and that does not indicate a stable state of mind, so there are apparently other factors involved that need to be investigated.
Yeah, but you just aren't allowed to say it.

Feminists going ape over a police officer stating the obvious, they have to keep an open mind and study all the evidence.

If the guy killed his family and walked away then the fems would have a point, the fact is the guy killed himself as well and that does not indicate a stable state of mind, so there are apparently other factors involved that need to be investigated.
What ? Come on. Are you trying to say that the violence and anger he demonstrated is somehow "understandable" because he then necked himself ?

Unfortunately there have been way too many examples of (mostly) men who have dominated their families with violence and then made it clear that if the wife runs away he will kill everyone. Ot that is teh threat anway.

This is is much standard operating practice it doesn't bear thinking.

It has happened in my immediate family.
What ? Come on. Are you trying to say that the violence and anger he demonstrated is somehow "understandable" because he then necked himself ?

Not "understandable" as in "justified" basilio. If he killed his family and walked away laughing that would be a different matter, but killing yourself in a horrible way indicates that there was more to the case than outright evil. He ran a gym so maybe some sort of drugs were involved.

Try not to be as hysterical as some of the media commentators about this, the police have a job to do and they have to look at the whole story not just what gets reported by an emotional media.
Even Andrew Bolt called it for what it is... disgusting and evil.

I think the cop probably just worded his statement wrong but the Chief Commisioner made a good call removing him from the case.

There is no justification, 3 little girls, one still a baby died in the worst possible way to a man who believed he owned them and their lives.

There will be men pointing at this incident and saying to their poor wives, see what happens!
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Unless we understand exactly what happened in the lead up, it's going to keep on happening. It's got worse, not better. "All men are evil" is simplistic sht. There are mental health issues here that need to be addressed. Separating men from their children with no recourse will see this carry on.
Even Andrew Bolt called it for what it is... disgusting and evil.

There will be men pointing at this incident and saying to their poor wives, see what happens!
And there will be angry separated bitches pointing at this incident and saying to their poor children, see what will happen with your father
Unless we understand exactly what happened in the lead up, it's going to keep on happening. It's got worse, not better. "All men are evil" is simplistic sht. There are mental health issues here that need to be addressed. Separating men from their children with no recourse will see this carry on.
If you follow the news you will see he achieved a very good deal. Didn't matter.
And there will be angry separated bitches pointing at this incident and saying to their poor children, see what will happen with your father
Yes, we know there are plenty of nasty women also but they play a different game...and it's up to the man to not to provide ammunition.
If you follow the news you will see he achieved a very good deal. Didn't matter.
I haven't heard the full story on the above. But there is no justification for his actions. Stabbing yourself and setting everyone on fire is not the actions of a sane person. Prior to this there was no violence from what I read. So he went full retard possibly after losing control of her. I'm not interested in defending him. I'm interested in what exactly happened though.

There are plenty of terrible partners both men and women. I'm not to sure how they are going to tackle mental illness in a relationship. But it needs to be done. The truth be told I have seen more domestic violence committed by women, false accusations, using the courts as leverage then I have of men beating women.
But the men using violence, control, rape, need to be held to account. There are many women brutalized out there that do need proper assistance and protection.
It's not an easy problem.
I haven't heard the full story on the above. But there is no justification for his actions. Stabbing yourself and setting everyone on fire is not the actions of a sane person. Prior to this there was no violence from what I read. So he went full retard possibly after losing control of her. I'm not interested in defending him. I'm interested in what exactly happened though.

There are plenty of terrible partners both men and women. I'm not to sure how they are going to tackle mental illness in a relationship. But it needs to be done. The truth be told I have seen more domestic violence committed by women, false accusations, using the courts as leverage then I have of men beating women.
But the men using violence, control, rape, need to be held to account. There are many women brutalized out there that do need proper assistance and protection.
It's not an easy problem.

Haven’t heard the full story but interested what exactly happened
I suggest you start by reading the full story
How about the DVO after kidnapping his daughter on Boxing Day and not being happy with 50/50 custody
Did you miss that bit
I've heard one side. Tell me the other half.
Does he have a history of mental illness, was he like this in other relationships, his family and friends history.

Do we want to get to the source of problems to stop them in the future before they happen, or just complained men are evil and not address the root causes.
Yes, we know there are plenty of nasty women also but they play a different game...and it's up to the man to not to provide ammunition.
Yes as per my entry, it is a loose loose game,killing with Fire is horrendous and he was a dick or probably a mentally sick one
But this is not to be used as another man bashing excuse, that is all few people know what happened, maybe no one will and the cop painted the obvious, but it is not allowed nowadays
Anyway, not my world and thanks God
As a man, this is my general take.

The general theme being pushed in society is women's rights.
I see organisations backing (exploiting) this theme,
eg; Priceline pharmacy.
Just look at their advertising.
Personally, I feel alienated and wonder where is the neutrality, when seeing there ads, but this feeling isn't confined to this example.
I believe in equal opportunity, and accept and understand that the fairer sex have had a hard time throughout history.

Change is inevitable, it's being pushed hard by those women who wish to lead and dominate, driven by, in many cases, their personal experiences, others join the band wagon.
Should future policy be driven by man haters?
Not a great equal opportunity imo.
We are in a transition from thousands of years of the way it was, to the way it should be.
It's going to take time.

Meanwhile, men are feeling the pinch. We have grown up in a society that is constantly changing or evolving, where the traditional roles are changing.
This is creating uncertainty for men,
the effect is emotionally and mentally draining and obviously in some cases, the individual man reaches breaking point... it's in our nature or historical conditioning to "remain strong, take it in our stride".
We don't want to admit that we have these feelings.
A sign of weakness right? wrong... but there's another perception that needs to change, but it won't happen overnight.

Meanwhile, mental health of all affected suffers.
I don't see any? support groups advertised to assist men in this inevitable transition of societies expectations. Got a problem?, see a doctor, get medicated... hide the symptoms.
The whole situation needs to be examined by impartial parties without bias, with outcomes generated into education, for change to be implemented.
Men are willing to be SNAG's, but not at any cost.
Man hater's need to realise, if they continue down that path, there's always going to be men that despise women because of this minority, and ultimately, delay the much needed change process. Patience is a virtue.

How about the DVO after kidnapping his daughter on Boxing Day and not being happy with 50/50 custody
Did you miss that bit
How is it kidnapping when it's his daughter?
That's the kind of sht that causes conflict. He broke a court order.

It's already established he was fked in the head. How did he reach that point and is it identifiable before it happened. Otherwise it's the equivalent of a lone wolf attack. Unpredictable.

The finger of blame rests solely on him. Not looking at actionable ways of preventative measures falls on everyone.
A lot of truth there frugal.

As I've said before there are men around that are complete b@stards and will control women because it makes them feel good. Unfortunately a lot of these cases end badly for the women concerned. More should be done to put these men away if it's determined that they a psychopathically inclined to violence.

However there are cases where a genuine loving husband gets jilted by his missus , gets thrown out of the house that he worked hard for to provide, and finds himself cut off from the kids. Can you blame men for being angry in these cases ? Maybe some of them are "driven over the edge" by the unfairness of it all. These things need consideration too.

The point is that the vast majority of men are not monsters. Those that are should be dealt with, the rest need to be given a fair go.